He was a good president

He was a good president

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Honestly for a nigger he was ok. He handled Ebola better than this Clown Fiesta we have in the office right now.

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He was a faggot that loved big mike.

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For a cuck he was ight but for president he was a faggot, too much gagging from big mike

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Probably the best president in the last 20 years

He murdered Gaddafi and destroyed Libya
kys cuc.ks

Trump voter here. I didn't think so at the time, but hell yes Obama was a good president. Actually I'd consider him a great president compared to the steaming pile of shit administration we've got today.

Listen folks, 2015 and 2016 were fun and interesting times and I don't know about you but I had a lot of fun doing the memes and getting lols but that time is over. We've got to grow up. Now is not the time for childish decisions or juvenile behavior. We've got some big problems on our hands and the only way to solve them is to grow up and start acting mature.

That's why... man this is really hard to say... that's why I'm definitely voting Biden now. He's a really good dude that's sharp as a tack and knows his stuff. He's been in Washington forever and that's what we need.

Wow, I feel a hundred pounds lighter now. That actually felt pretty good to say.

No he wasn't.

Only compared to yours but compared to her Pol Pot was a good leader.

Good meme dude.

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You guys go ahead and discuss this idiotic propaganda theme as much as you want, I've just came here to laugh.

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Comapared to Trump definitly but overall he was alright.

He was a white president
At least, I'm assuming this is another bizarro Yas Forums thread

He was better than Hillary, Biden, Warren, Sanders, and most DNC candidates. An OK centrist.

But he and his colleagues are not radical enough, hence why Trump is the only choice.

>1 post by this ID
>entire thread will be memeflags and non-USA

Ya I didn't know what racism was. Now I hate everyone. Dumb fucking nigger.

don't forget the Führer mein Bruder

good at sucking penis maybe

crack smoking nigger obama

t. shill

Comparing Ebola to Covid.

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worse than bush

>doesn’t remember swine flu
>doesn’t remember the nigger Literally gave his nigger buddies free phones n sheeeeet
>also too fucking stupid to know whats good and bad

Lmao cry to your parents for letting an abortion loose on the world fucktard

drink bleach lmao

He was comparing response not the disease, utter simp detection

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Should we inject bleach into your eyes nigger loving faggot.

seriously? the nigger ape eating disease didn't spread through the air dipshit.

Who is "we"?

Good? No. The best

He was not okay. He took charge in a moment of crisis and did more of the same. If he'd been an okay president we would not have had Trump.
