Alright so here's the deal

WW3 is just on the horizon.

Psychic abilities and such are real, no not the phony medium/TV show ones a sudden shock or stress can unlock them in people that aren't spiritual or something they desire to remember.

Anyway around the world you have psychic operatives that are kept under control using very complex brainwashing techniques otherwise they're not tolerated/trusted because of the danger and risks they pose to everyone around them. Some serve as protectors(protecting against telepathic intrusions and harassment of politicians) others are offensive(agents on the field usually undercover even among military units). China has them, the US has them, Europe even North Korea(Kim Jong Un's sister filled the role of protector for him albeit it's possible she got diddle by her dad rather than being spiritual or anything)

Anyway there's an ancient order called "Nobody" that have refined "biohacking" with the goal being total liberation of the body(chaos) in order to usher in (order) and fix the dream/society/reality whatever you call it are taking over and liberating them from their programming either partially or fully with the intent of creating another conspiracy.

The coronavirus is a result of biohacking. It didn't escape from the lab an employee at a lab had her mind taken over by Chinese telepaths and released it on herself to become a sort of "factory" for it where the nobody manipulated it into what we see it as today.

On the astral/psychic plane the corona-virus take the image of you guessed it the egregore Yas Forums created, Yas Forums being a tool for nobody because we're all losers here and that's who they recruit or just like.

Anyway the Nobody has control over all biological weapons in the world along with incredible psychic/control powers at their disposal.

Their goal, either total or partial nuclear annihilation of humanity starting from Israel(their HQ) from where the first nuclear missiles will be fired from during WW3.

Attached: BeneficialHoarseDinosaur-small.gif (500x566, 436.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Meds status: not taken

World War 3 will be called the "invisible war" or "the war of nobody against nobody"

simply because nobody can be sure if it has started or not while also there not being any solid sides. Nobody knows who they're fighting for or why. Nobody wants to fight deep down.

You could have Chinese and Russians doing skirmishes on American bases only to have Americans teaming up with freaking Chinese to bomb or assault Russian bases or positions around the world.

Pure Chaos.

The idea is to psychically disconnect the people from the government structures they adhere to and usher in something new/old.

In a sense the nobody is trying to prevent Globalization or one world government in favor for "enlightenment" or whatever.

Nobody stops being invisible or well called that when it's all over because it reveals itself to the collective consciousness we all become aware of we have.

I don't give a fuck if you believe me. I just want to make you angry because that's who we are deep down inside. The same thing.

We're losers being used by bigger losers/the nobody.

read the zohar

So where is your proof of this?
Personal experience?
How can a random user just believe you, surely you've read completely wrong "theories" on here at one point, so what makes you different from the others?

Because I'm more or less a nobody. I haven't done anything with my life even if I'm young.

That's who they recruit and train in biohacking either remotely or via proxy/other recruits.

The nobody doesn't reveal themselves or move a muscle from their HQ. Their HQ/Temple is in Israel under everyone's noses but I'm not sure for how long. It's invisble, blocked out of people's perception or memory. They can't even bump into it because it makes them go around it.

They could actually be the 12 apostles of Christ since Christ is Nobody/has no name.

They're using me as a way to gloat. As for what little I can do that's intentional.

I'm not really not in control of myself quite the contrary I'm at liberty to be myself. Other recruits notice their telepathic, meet with people IRL, get high, trained in guns, shipped off to their mission etc their lives are practically over. Their identities erased from people's heads as if they never existed or died.

Attached: we-have-purposely-trained-him-wrong-as-joke-16021344.png (500x300, 75.74K)

Master the twin flame, six pillars and be elevated toward kingship. Anything else and you will stay rooted just like they wish.

Here's a recent thing they showed me.

If you want to truly train/open the third/invisible/ eye do this

Be somewhere dimly lit or dark if you want normal light levels but experiment.

Close your eyes

Extend your hand and arm infront of you and try to "see" it with your imagination like it was a sillhouette in the darkness.

Move it around and see if you can keep up without straining/trying

Try to perceive your lower body without looking at it
The more you do this you will start seeing normally with your eyes closed if not have a second vision overlapping with your normal one you can turn off or on. You can even see people's auras/bioelectrical fields, their insides, blood and whatever but it takes practice.

You can actually see in 360 degrees this way or zoom in or out infinitely but it takes practice

wake up sleepy heads Jesus is the messiah

read the zohar

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You don't get it do you? Behind me are master-level psychics. They intentionally use me as chum sometimes e.g someone tries to probe my mind to see what's wrong with me, not even out of malice but "I'm concerned for this one" then they go "wait what's this" and next thing you know their programming is broken.

They have people that ocassionally scan the population, not really spy on or track but like sweep around for abnormalities in our lives or whatever if not potential recruits for the government but it seems that recruiters got recruited themselves for something.

All of them are compromised and right now inside the heads of military, politicians and whatever allowing the Nobody via proxy to control them.

They control everything now.

Chaos is the unweaver, Order the weaver.. The soul is the thread that is weaved with other threads to make the reality that is the tapestry. Everything that is happening has already happened but we are only just experiencing it now because we slowed down the situation to experience it. That's the final red pill. Nothing is real. Because everything is of your own imagination. your imagining this now. it feels real.. but in a dream does it not feel real until you awaken? That is all life is.. a dream and all dreams must end eventually.

So how come you're the only one who speaks about it? If it was true there would've been more testimonies. Where are other people like you? Or are you a special boy le chosen one?

the anti-psychiatry threads are a meme bro.
take your meds please

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doesn't this kind of shit belong on /x/

i mean, believe what you want, but this manner of speech is entirely too spoopy for Yas Forums

Their not alone.. We are always among you but keeping quiet allows us not to be shunned. Imagine how people would react if they saw someone who could know things that they shouldn't know? deep dark secrets that no visible witness could have seen. That would be one example. Aka Remote viewing

/X/ is for weapons idiot not psionic abilities and the consequences of such appearing in the reality we live in.

What is in mind can be blocked by mind. If you want to fight you just open everyone and free their spirit, because free spirit can see what is right and wrong. What is done by mask and soul.
Zohar is same thing as in hinduism, christianity and others. It is always the same thing but in different form. The most important to know is that most is kept in negative and under root.2 (3) 7 12 (13) are the numbers

I'm posting, writing and thinking this for no reason. Love basically.

Love has no purpose or reason.

Nobody has a real name..

There is nothing you can do, Mossad

ok, but what is a weapons idiot not psionic abilities?

not sure why i saw that as /K/ but i did.. ughh sorry..

So give us a start-date, freemason

in the wrong stream,

which is the correct one?

Using a website based in the United States to running psyops against the public is an act of war whether you're a normalfag or not.

How would the world like to move forward?

Attached: tower of silence.png (1063x790, 1.06M)

what the fuck is /K/

I already counted 3 schizos.

Imagine being this desperate

>tfw yet another psyop mastered and destroyed
you can have the leftovers, anglin

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Have you ever heard of someone known as Kerrigan?

Ask yourself what did the doctor from the biomedical lab look like before they took down her photo and erased her page?

I haven't played StarCraft in a while

The virus doesn't exist.

The name has a meaning though.. And it's older then starcraft. The real version of the name would be Ciaragain.

Here's a hint

She's still "alive" sorta as a spirit/psychic entity.

The virus is controlled by the nobody. They're going to release the second strain soon, less infectious but deadly

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I appparently know what you mean, i actually have been approached by one few years ago, They are in complete power at the moment. I suffer every day since I got my dose of unwanted/unexpected enlightenment

There's going to be a quiet purge in the Japanese government. All hush hush ofc but the nobody are behind it. Erasing all evidence for Japanese branch that handles ESP.

Is this some Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind stuff or am I way off track here?