What is your opinion on Australian culture and identity?

What is your opinion on Australian culture and identity?

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fuck off poofta

fuck off poofta


Pick one

Based as fuck, love the cheek


seems based to me

>says the guy from Jordan.....


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mullets are cool

owning a home like that at 25 is pretty good

Redpill me on Australian beer

The only mainstream one here is probably Fosters. But my local liquor store has a very extensive international inventory. Wouldn’t mind trying something new

Every Australian dude I've met has been a bro.
Every Australian chick I've met has been unstable and trashy. They can be hot, but they're mostly sleezy.

carlton dry is absolutely horrible

I was going to ask if that's a thing in Australia. I heard home ownership isn't super duper easy.
pic related is non alcoholic but tasty :p

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I heard from some Aus that their housing market is completely fucked up by the Chinese so I doubt they have such a nice home at 25.

Anyone who says Coopers is a gay cunt.

Aussie bogan culture is degenerate as fuck. Atheist in essence even though they larp as white christians. Foul mouths, no culture, no proper diet, women are useless don’t know how to cook anything beyond baked beans and chips.

Tradies are lost cunts that spend their money fruitlessly on stupid shit like fixing cars or collecting pointless shit. Watching brainwashed lefty news shows every night in front of the tellie listening to other lost lefty cunts subtlety making them sway from any conservative ideals they had. Having an occasional barbecue and buying into the foolish notion that their part of some special group Aussie stereotype that all talk like retards and have each others back when actually they’ll be doing eacother over given the chance.

Source: lived in aus for 20yrs, syd, Wollongong, goldy & melbs. Seen it all

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Tell me what woop-woop means. I saw an aussie use it in a thread about turning australia into a lake, but he never explained the expression. Seen it use elsewhere too

I'm a bong. Just working out here.

Why do angloids of the colonial variety live in wooden houses?

Nothing wrong with a Brokie commodre

It sucks


Jordan had one of the earliest and most advanced high cultures

be white

it just means the middle of nowhere

Never had a chance. Less than 200 years from settlement to mass immigration and mass media. SBS's sole purpose is multiculturalism and is 42 years old

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as an American, I think poofta is one of the greatest slurs ever devised

Pretty accurate desu

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chinese food is ok i guess?

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My nan loves this shit

Whiter than you you quasi-moori goblino mongreloid. Go back to your computer cafe in Hamilton and play dota while eating dunkin doughnuts

>Jordan had one of the earliest and most advanced high cultures

...You have never read a single piece of information about the formation of Jordan, have you Mehmet?

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ah, that makes sense. Pretty weird though. How did you suddenly decide to call the middle of nowhere for woop-woop? It's a pretty silly word to be honest

Carlton dry is the liquid of the gods.

>also 25yo's owning houses lol

>getting none of our cultural references right

lol typical nigger

Yea sure. i bet you cant even say mate correctly

they're based off that sandnigger abrahamic myth, aren't they?

I used to drink craft beers but then I got old. Now I drink boags premium and great northern super crisp for when I’ve been drinking too much

its abo language ya poof

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the "australians have no culture" argument is a psyop to shill mass immigration.
>oh theres no culture there anyway, its fine to mass migrate and "enrich" the cultureless land.

Wasn’t talking about stereotypes I was talking about you personally, I can see it now... 1/4 Maori, 3/4 random mix of other white nationalities, big ugly native nose and swollen features on a white frame and strange hair patterns, all the insecurities of a Maori nigga and none of the perks of white intelligence

Just self defeating mentality wrapped in some semblance of New Zealand proudness

It's America in the 90's.

The King of Jordan was also the King of Palestine. The majority of people living in Jordan are Palestinians. The reality is that the only reason the West Bank isn't Jewish and the Arabs live there is because Jordan ceded the territory to the PLO to justify Arab League wars against the Juden. Of course the Jews responded by landgrabbing and being kikes.

I guess the moral of the story is- around Semites, expect fights.

china owns 1.5% of our economy fag. bet you wish it was that in the states. air bnb destoryed our housing over here

Looks comfy

>craft beers
i guess "microbrewery" is too complicated for mutts to say with all them syllables, same reason why otolaryngologists are now "ear nose, durrrr, froat" doctors. niggers don't have well developed language genetics.

Spent enough time at Liverpool shopping centre to prounounce 6 different dialects of ‘mate’ mate

Mate oz chicks are hot but you trade that shit in at 25 for a newer model or it gets fat and takes all your stuff

I moved here ten years ago and you are absolutely right, these people have no idea have gay and lame they are going to make it

at least you have an economy. we just have niggers, and no whites to auction them.

All australians I know are chads. Australian wine is good. Beers are meh. Little Creatures is fine.

Aren't Portuguese full blown mutts though?

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Aren't like 1/3rd of your country students chink who want to immigrate here?

It is weird. I’d have called it chazwazza


Imagine buying a house that has the front door and the garage facing the same direction.

Fucked it up now, haven't they?

oz chicks are violent whores with light skin

Australian culture is gone due to chinks and Asians spreading their filth all over our country. Go to a lot of suburbs near the cities and they are quite literally 95% Chinese it's insane.

Our aussie laidback culture used to be good until the chinks and boomers fucked up the housing market and now instead of being a laidback chill af country with a load of sick cunts that don't give af about anything, it's now turned into a meth head, greedy, selfish, passive aggressive, fuckhead of a place where everyone's out for themselves.

Fuck Australia for what it has become. I used to love you mate.

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I don't know enough about you to have an opinion. Wentworth is a neat program. Christmas during summer. Lost a war to emus, barbeque culture etc etc etc.

wtf are you doing in neo-brazil?

>The reality is that the only reason the West Bank isn't Jewish and the Arabs live there is because Jordan ceded the territory to the PLO to justify Arab League wars against the Juden. Of course the Jews responded by landgrabbing and being kikes.

So you admit that the ceding of land was a move to essentially manufacture the Casus Belli against Israel in the six day war, and yet in the same sentence you call this "Landgrabbing"?

Imagine coping this hard for sandniggers.

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>owning a home like that at 25 is pretty good
That's his parents' place. He still lives there.

you getting paid many shekels to be in a shithole?

I wish my work involved traveling to exotic shitty countries

a lot of outback country towns have stupid sounding abo names, so it fits. I believe it may have actually existed as a place once, but doesnt anymore.

Don't know much about it. Is it about worshipping the self destructive underclass like here?

Only one way to find out
>search Facebook for people from various cities in Portugal, start in coimbra or Porto
>profile hop until you get a good estimation on the demographics of our country
>be shocked that almost every girl guy man and woman would be considered white Caucasian with only some minor south Mediterranean features. Portugal isn’t even comparable to south Italy, where it is obvious they have many Arabic features, say what you want about moorish influence, I come across girls that have more simmjilarities to Irish women then middle eastern women

Aussies are all a bunch of faggots that want to censor everything or pussies who let their government do it.

All countries more or less cucked at the same time. Once the White Australia policy was dropped we lost our country.

Based as fuck, the saviors of punk rock

That is literally every house in Australia, What are you on about

Can you give example to show how much the housing market is fucked? Is anyone building new homes? Is there laws being voted to restrict chinks from buying your country? Are white people cucked here?

>have guns
>hide in your house like a bitch
I'm not proud we gave up guns I'd have probably got myself killed if I was an adult when it happened but hey you have them. Do something useful.

>Redpill me on Australian beer
mostly shit. a few good ones here and there

Why is it such a shithole then.

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Australia is so great that loads of them move to the UK and spend their days with other people from Australia talking about how great Australia is. Irish people do this too but Australians are particularly bad for it.

I will say this, though. They are better in every way than New Zealanders.

>mostly shit

tastes like they put vinegar in it

Fuck I love the Bundaberg root beer. Haven't had it in ages.

>owning a home like that at 25 is pretty good
fairly normal for trades-peaople in WA

You regret really fast to leave developped countries. The people are awful in developping countries. There is no culture and everything sucks. They would destroy their temples for a skycrapper.
>t. french living in China.
All the French I know there want to fuck off somewhere else.

>its abo language ya poof
Haha, I didn't know. Is the rest of the language as silly? Do you have to learn abo in school?

It's gay

>Australia is so great that loads of them move to the UK
more migration happening in the other direction

Don't listen to this kind of faggot. Probably a seething chink who want to divide white people. As a French I regret the time when our migrants were from Portugual and Italy.

Yeah and self defense courses to combat emu's

this, i grew up in a town called whykickacanalong

Pauline Hanson was right all along and she still only holds like one seat in parliament. Shit's fucked.

You could just say that most "Australian" relationships are based on a neurotoxin called alcohol.

please chang. This is weak

Seriously how do i move there, i fit in anywhere i go.

If you can’t figure out what is wrong with that I can’t help you.

Because the millions of niggers that live there can't into faceberg

Love a bundy