Aye guys, just got a House for HALF the cost using this method. No more details - not sure this is legal or ilegal BUT

The market is brittle as fuck at the moment in Sydney (I bought in Sydney but I think / have been told the same for Melbourne).

As CoVID is crashing the market and we're already looking at 30%-50% drop. Doing this you can drop it wayyyyy lower and pull a rothschild and buy it for pennys!


You need to gradually lower the offers over time in a Suburb then when you get a expression of interest the actually contact them with a little more and they pounce thinking they're getting the advantage (jews/boomers...)

Time to Crash the market lads.

Attached: boomer_remover - Copy.jpg (800x499, 41.48K)

Why would the real estate agent believe this script is real people?

What is the time frame and 'behavior' for the script?

You low ball and they say "not interested" so waht, over time if they get dozens of these they may get scared over time.

They also have to show the seller all offers, the seller will think the markets crash when they see the offers declining

every couple days you send a offer from a different email, you gotta slowly build up so they don't suspect it

Please explain more. I'm making inquiries now on price guide because none are published at the moment . All contact agent etc. Then when they come back with a quote I say I'd be interested maybe 20% lower. Then leave it
What are you saying your method is

I manually made a list over the weekend, the made dozens of gmail accounts.

I'm sure if we combined our autism we could automate this.

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how much of your own cash would one need to put down in best case scenario for something thats not a shack

>t. poor zoomer

Like I said, I got my house for half price - I dropped the amount I saved into A2M and i'm kinda relying on that.

Already had enough for a deposit - managed to save a lot doing this.

Should of also mentioned I started this back in February - CoVID just REALLY accelerated it

Explain un detail what you are doing. What scrip, email to whom

took a real estate class and all that jazz. Not currently licensed for what it is worth.

Dude you realize you are making low ball offers, but they are legally binding. this is why money is put in escrow, ETC.

by all means...do this to people DIY-ing their homesale.

When I bought my condo there was a (group) doing something like this. They actually threatened to sue me which was hilarious .

Used a old laptop, Made a Database in SQL with two tables, one for fake emails another for agent emails across a suburb and surounding suburbs - made a VBA in Excel and that script sent the emails.

For the house listings I connected to the website and extracted a table trough the binary feature then ran a filter through there.

The address would then be picked out by the script and replace a field.

I guess if your not much of a programmer you could do it manually - but most of you guys would also need to do this to have the same effect(?)

not offers, expressions of interest.

Big difference

No rules about asking if they would CONSIDER $x

Also sorry for be a bit blurgh on the details - just ecstatic that I sealed the deal for half price today.

Thank you. Enjoy the purchase

I don't think this will work that well as very few negotiate straight away for a purchase price in an email due to written contractual terms not being in standard form and especially without having seen the property in person

You are definitely right though, the market right now is tanking hard and a lot of inspections are empty. People need to cash out soon or they will go under and they do not want to be the last ones to leave the market. There are plenty who have just lost jobs, tenants in their investment properties, their investment portfolios are shrinking each day as the market contracts and they want to get out. The market has really been propped up by limitless finance for the last 15 or so years and now interest rates have hit zero and can't go any lower, jobs are being lost and rents are dropping, property prices are sure to drop.

The reason you aren't hearing about the property market collapse is simple. If you are in a crowded nightclub which is catching fire, you quietly leave beforehand without telling to avoid getting trampled in the stampede to the exits. Once everyone starts selling at once, and all the Air BnB's are doing this right now as well as the ones who wanted to pay their mortgages off with student rentals in Waterloo/Ultimo etc who now aren't coming to study anymore, the prices will drop very fast.

The governments won't tell you about this either as transfer duties (stamp duty on property sales) make up a huge proportion of their treasuries so they're bankrupt when it all stops too

Have fun guys, it's going to be awful.

how much did you throw down on the deposit

Attached: alrightythen.jpg (2456x1352, 1.17M)

So I can get cheaper rent soon?
Sounds cool.

don't want to say; not sure if it's legal and I'm never going to get a chance like this again

missed bitcoin - not going to miss this

Yes but the coming collapse will be potentially be so bad all our banks collapse and you won't have a job to pay the rent with anyhow

Go check out how exposed the Big Four are with regard to residential real estate (mortgages etc), it's over 50% of their balance sheet. So many, particualrly those made within the last 5-10 years are interest only with loan:value ratios that make my eyes water and leave no room to lose any equity before a bank will margin call on the loan and foreclose

It is has really been coming for a long time I am just surprised that it took a global pandemic to do it.

Sure thing chang, gtfo

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yes that is true - however

they'll be bailed out, in the state of victoira for instance you are now locked at your address and cant move out or be kicked out.

they'll just put everything on a sort of lay-buy

you fuckwit


this way the chinks are losing money on their property investments and us aussies are going to actually be able to buy a house /apartment!

Yeah this is definitely a possibility, those new tenant notice to evict laws are unreal. People in the legal field were scoffing at such questions being asked until they saw the legislation and then insisted there had to be some error in the drafting. Nope, they can force you to stay at a property for another six months just as you are about to move out to your newly purchased home, leaving you up for both rent + the mortgage. It's not well though through, just like the Job Keeper cash flow travesty but that is another story

fuckin' Jews...

Attached: Its_All_So_Tiresome.jpg (229x220, 7.63K)

Houses are cheap, just move into the middle of nowhere like the boomers did and work to raise the property values. Can get a house under $100k in Detroit which is less than a year's salary unless you're a mongrel.

Yeah no worries, I'll just tell my boss I'm moving to bum-fuck-ohio and live as a loner and and the misses and kids leave school and work too.

fucking genius over here lads

I won't be happy until buying a house for cash is doable in the lower end of the market. Working Class tier housing should be really cheap. Like 3 times the salary from a McJob cheap. Debt slavery is no different to any other form of slavery.

>waaaaaah I can't live in downtown Sydney as a 20 year old NEET
Work your way up, zoomer.

>work to raise the property values

Only bourgeois degenerates do this. Why do you want your fellow man to pay more than you to have somewhere to live?

Well here's your chance

CoVID events happen once every 100 years it seems