I have this theory that people always choose the simple way in life. If you can get away with something that doesn't require effort, you'll do it.
If porn was banned, would men finally start to put in effort in finding women again?
I have this theory that people always choose the simple way in life. If you can get away with something that doesn't require effort, you'll do it.
If porn was banned, would men finally start to put in effort in finding women again?
Men brings evolution, women are the key to assure the "upgrades" will be inherit to next generation.
If women start to really wanting GOOD men (smart, skills, self control, good genetic, etc) then men must to improve and force their brain to maximum, so your next generation will develop even better and so on.
But no, jews are forcing multiculturalism, givin birth black chimps who havent evolve in centuries.
Not all globalists are jews. Globalists is the common factor, not jews.
yes and you really think men would just upgrade to infinity just so they can get some pussy?
either we would have the NEETs emerge at even bigger scale than now, or we would have an actual beta uprising, this time not commie oriented, but pussy oriented
>j-just embrace eugenics guys
>i-it works i swear
no matter the quality, it never wins with quantity in a long run
Problem with nature is that men really does EVERYTHING to get pussy. Much more so than the other way around regarding women.
I don't know, but personally I've found a lot of benefit in simply working around the problem.
I try not to look at shit like that image you posted. I actually enjoy not looking at that stuff. Kind of like how people can learn to enjoy eating a salad.
You're good. And I really mean it. Because you have discipline. What would you tell someone without discipline?
>blames porn
>not blaming feminism and sexual revolution
Gas yourself Sybb you stupid nigger
Banning ANYTHING is long-term bad for public health, because it removes selective pressure from personal responsibility. That is because it allows relatively more irresponsible individuals to thrive, reducing mean responsibility and thereby increasing relative irresponsibility.
e.g. if all drugs were legal, the costs of drug use wouldn't be socialized, but individualized. The cost of drug use would be personal, those prone to irresponsible drug use would be shunned from responsible communities and would not thrive.
Another great example is homosexuality. The more it becomes accepted, the more homosexuals isolate themselves from normal people and the more they destroy themselves with irresponsible lifestyle choices leading to addiction and disease. Being an irresponsible gay is immensely costly, and if those costs weren't socialized, irresponsible gays would have gone extinct somewhere in the 70s-80s.
Those are also to blame, but there's no doubt that porn has made men weaker.
whats wrong with the right
shit b8 nigger kys
A long time ago I read a remark by some person whose name I don't remember.
He said "people accuse me of having self control" or something. That's how I feel right now.
Like I abandon projects constantly. I have stacks of books I need to read.
Someone who has helped me a lot is Nassim Taleb. One thing he said that I've thought a lot about is "what we call work ethics is noise"; something to that effect. I'm not overly inclined to try to tell you what he means there. Just read his stuff.
A few months ago I learned the word Acedia. Basically the sin of not caring.
Just this is very much a journey I'm still on.
I'll say it's a truly monumental task. I've come a very long way. It's been more than worth the effort I've put in. I NEVER imagined the changes I've made are possible.
Taleb is based. He speaks like a retard but his writing is very good.
So basically, discipline.
>it would, but will it happen.
Are you talking about his German? He calls his German fake. He speaks like 7 languages or something ridiculous.
Responsibility is maybe more important than discipline. Caring about life, caring about yourself, caring about your future, caring about other people.
To use an idea from Nassim's books. Skin in the game.
It might be more important to have skin in the game than to be "disciplined"
No about his public speaking in general. I think he's very bad at expressing himself publicly. He mumbles a lot, his speaking is unclear and he talks like his mouth can't keep up with his brain. But when you give him some time and a piece of paper he can express very clearly what he means.
I agree except for faggotry acceptance as it is paving the way for pedo acceptance
But in order to care you need effort. And for effort you need discipline. That is, doing boring and heavy stuff or doing stuff you don't want to do
I do have one piece of advice actually. I just thought of it after reading your comment.
Get away from degenerates. Try to spend time around functional people.
Here's the kicker. Probably 99% of people are degenerates. I'm not exaggerating. I sincerely do mean to advise you to be ready to stay the fuck away from almost everyone.
I've spent YEARS in isolation.
And yeah you're right. Caring can be hard. I spent most of my life wanting to die.
And how has that affected your mental health?
It's a mixed bag.
I don't want to be like the rest of them. So that keeps me where I'm at.
Maybe it mostly just makes me hungry to build my own thing. Like I don't fit in anywhere; so why not build my own thing?
I was far worse off before the isolation.
That term Acedia I mentioned earlier is something Christian monks knew about. Just tossing that out there.
No, they would just find something else to fill the hole that modern women can't provide.
I'm sure banning porn would be just as effective at reducing degeneracy as banning guns is at reducing inner city crime.
let me attempt to share a perspective
it is not discipline that keeps you from drinking your urine and eating your feces out of the toilet bowl. so what keeps you? the right view "this is disgusting", "this is harmful" plus "I have better options to eat & drink available" - because there could come a time when you are dying of thirst and would have to drink your smelly urine, and the snow fox has to eat the droppings of the polar bear, because he has no other food available. if you are starving, you have to look for the edible parts of moldy bread, but as soon as you have at least stale bread, the moldy bread gets trashed. and if you have fresh baked bread, the stale bread gets trashed. no need to force yourself, no need for discipline, to not eat the moldy bread or the stale bread from the trash can.
a fat person who stocks his fridge with his favorite sweets and than hopes for willpower and discipline to keep him from binging is an idiot - the right effort is to stock your fridge with better food, which comes from applying right view while shopping - this is the harmful food, this is the helpful food - so right effort always goes hand in hand with right view. you make an effort for the abandoning of wrong view and for entering into right view: this is your right effort. you are mindful to abandon wrong view and to enter and emain in right view: this is your right mindfulness. so these three qualities—right view, right effort, and right mindfulness—run and circle around right view. develop right view, my friend