Oldfag Comfy Thread /oct/

This is a general thread for all oldfags to post things the newfags won't get.

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>post a meme from like a year ago

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Ah yes, Operation blue the jew. I got banned from twitter for that shit lol.

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it's a shame this never took off

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chill out, the definition of "oldfag" is fluid anyway. People made "memes" before it was really a thing on the internet anyway

pic related

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>posts thumbnail pic
>anons who think they're oldfags don't notice and talk about the image instead.
Good one.

I was already banned from twitter long before that.

Cheers Frodo!

ok newfag

nice thumbnail retard

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Wasn’t that two months ago?

/BtJ/ was only 7 months ago

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interesting isn't it, in how the internalisation of a particular vernacular is tied up to notions of identity. Here have a (You) and feel good about yourself

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yeah fluid like your sexual identity

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>forced and failed bluejew meme from last year

You colorblind cunts...thats purple

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Actual retard

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Never see this meme format since 2016

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Not once was this man ever flim flammed

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>please point on the chart where the man touched you

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Peepee poopoo

It made me feel biolated

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>they said time will make it feel better
my favourite on is the one with the anime character on top

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I hope so, if not I´mma lynch a nigger

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Hey Yas Forumsros!! Member BOxxy? Ohhh I member!

BRUH remember Ron Paul??? IT'S HAPPENING!! XDDDDD

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I'd do her in the movie theater

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Golden days went with EFG never to return

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Something that has annoyed me recently on Yas Forums during this pandemic is regarding this image. People post it and then the newfags respond “thanks doc”. This is wrong. “Thanks doc” should only be said when the gif is posted.

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faggot memeflagg

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no wonder we can't into having nice things

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Thanks doc

thanks doc

ok newfag

Unironically more soul than the entire Nu donald era Yas Forums and every “meme” created during it.

AWOO fellow patriots !

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no problem

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