Is he dying of AIDs?
Is he dying of AIDs?
What the fuck even causes that dramatic of a change?
He's dying. This is how Dusty Rhodes look in his last 2 years or so of life.
Its not a shop bro
He is 73yo now.
Now imagine what he would look like without the blood of the orphaned children smeared all over his body.
It’s almost like he has had serious heart problems for 15+ years
Just a few arms deals with the iraqis and it's like that hooker never gave you AIDS.
He’s 73
And has a bum full of gerbils
Although his brain has shrunken quite a bit, he still enjoys lessons from his golf instructor.
I remember Dusty. We laid him below the sod.
no cummed too much
Raping and devouring white children for adenochrome.
His elbow looks like a longterm gout nodule
That's horrible. How does he lift his glass and hold his wanker to pee in the morning?
Adrenochrome withdrawal
they stopped giving him Adrenochrome
Hillary is poisoning him.
Poising by withdrawing Adenochrome from Bill, but she gets a facelift and additional booster of Adenochrome.
If I knew how to put two images together in the same post, I would.
Actually, I remember watching a clip of MDE on youtube and it referenced this.
more zombie bill gifs when?
can't find enough virgin blood to feed him
I see a pattern here
Lack of the 'Chrome.
wtf is that even the same person ?
His supply of infant blood ran dry when his best good buddy Jeffstein went underground.
He's been a near vegan for years due to his heart issues. Vegans always look frail and vitamin deficient even at a young age.
He started AIDS.
he has drug withdrawal sympton vampire shit