Vaccines "make you stronger" and you can't question government so you become Bill Gates bitch.

The NatSoc spam is jews propoting the jew agenda - well done for falling for it

Attached: gates.jpg (1583x1026, 60.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I think the point when people started denying that vaccines work, and saying they're a conspiracy to cause autism, etc, will be studied in a century as a pretty good indicator for the subsequent downfall of Western society.

Nat Socs hate Bill Gates though? Why are lolbergs completely unable to comprehend any subtlety of politics beyond "size of government"? Supporting a hypothetical ethno-nationalist state has absolutely nothing to do with making Bill Gates king.

Attached: lolberg heroin.jpg (480x515, 15.88K)

The state demands you get a vaccine to participate in society - you HAVE TO get it. You HAVE NO CHOICE.

This is NatSoc fascism. Well done

Literally no one cares accept for spazzy Boomers who want to participate in society

Yeah - theyre going to force the vaccine on you anyway. They are brainwashig the plebs to command you to get it. You HAVE TO get it to earn money to buy food.

This is fascism. Good job

take a deep breath and then go fuck yourself with your dilator


Imagine trying to rebrand yourself so people won't directly associate you with Nazis, even though you're the exact same.

George Washington, the most classic liberal around, was big on the early vaccine treatments, as well as quarantines and social distancing.

Sometimes, danger is worth treating accordingly.


1 - He sponsored Event 201
2 - He gave money for Anthony Fauci, Neil Ferguson, Gavi and WHO
3 - He financed the quantum dots research
4 - He financed ID2020
5 - Anthony Fauci gave money to the Wuhan´s laboratory (from where this money came from?)
6 - He is talking about vaccines nonstop 24 hours each day
7 - He resigned his job as Microsoft´s CEO in the middle of the pandemic
8 - He wants to test a new kind of vaccine in the people mRNA vaccines
9 - He is already talking about a new pathogen that can hit the world in the next months
10 - He is talking about reducing the world´s population using vaccines

He's probably responding to shit he saw memeflaggots type somewhere

>conspiracy to cause autism
Strawman. Autism causation is no more a "conspiracy" than the standard antibiotic treatment against pellagra until the 1930s, when they started listening to the "quacks", who noticed that the epidemiology didn't add up.

>Microsoft´s CEO
Resigned from the board of Microsoft (hasn't been CEO since 2000). Get it right or they'll nitpick you on that detail.

Vaccines do work, which is precisely the reason that they don't make people stronger. They allow the weak to survive which ultimately perpetuates dysgenics.
This obviously does not rule out the possibility that they cause autism.

So make an argument.

George Washington the raving freemason? What the fuck kind of vaccines did they have in 1776, dickhead?

Right - and when that guy allies with your government and you are a natsoc, you HAVE TO OBEY. Well done NatSocs. Great job.

We all know NatSoc is nazi, right? I think everyone here knows this

>Vaccines do work,

>>Vaccines do work,
In the majority of cases, they do. Excluding the flu shot.

ok and Corona is literally the flu. So the corona vaccine wil be the flu vaccine rebranded and it will do nothing

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No this is some kike controlled shit. Under natsoc we wouldnt even have the virus to deal with

Yes - NatSoc is kike controlled shit and you cannot disobey

I mean, you can't have a vaccine for a virus that mutates quickly or enough between infections

No. Vaccines will be obsolete in the future and then none of you faggots will be triggered about their shortcomings:
You can, according to the CDC

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Go kiss the queens feet you pedo faggot

We all know stormfaggots are Jews retard. We're nobody's bitch and we're not getting a vaccine.

good one more non white mutt into the ground.

I encourage every american not to get any vaccines so they all die and fuck off for good

Sick my dick faggot why are lolbergs this fucking stupid?

>We all know stormfaggots are Jews retard
No - very few people comprehend this

This is what a NatSoc would be doing

So no argument then. Interesting

My argument is you are fucking stupid. You are highlighting your own stupidity with your posts. We would never have had to deal with the chink flu if we really lived under national socialism. We would not allow chinks to have come here and spread their sickness in the first place. Also we would have taken far greater measures to prevent it spreading beyond muhhhhh vaccines. Your whole argument is some schizophrenic bullshit.

What does this have to do with the idiotic position that American can’t open up until about 7 billion non-Americans are vaccinated?

And why is the old way of only suggesting the vulnerable groups get vaccinated suddenly no good? CV had shown to be less than the flu for the majority who get it. Only those with risk factors should really be concerned with vaccination, and that’s who should receive them first

Congrats, this is single handily the worst thread on pol right now

>hitler is jewish
>natsoc is jewish
You havnt made one of these slidethreads in a while kike.

Again - No argument.
Also, China is the most NatSoc country on earth right now

So again, No argument. Interdasting

NatSoc is jewey

Attached: DcWcg9u - Copy.jpg (1022x865, 142.31K)

>never having any argument to back this garbage claim
>thinks ccp is national socialisim

I made 2 arguments you fucking stupid anglo my arguments are as follows, number 1: you are a retard schizo and number 2: corona would not be a problem under national socialism as we would not allow chinks to spread the virus. You also think nat socs are completely monolithic there are plenty of us that mistrust vaccines now I also make fun of those idiots as well. No one is going to force your faggot ass to get a shot tho. Now you should be shot but that is a different story.