There's like 1.6 fuckin billion chinks and only fuckin 6 million able bodied white lads to fight em. Back the under dog, our great grandparents would back us. Why are we flooding the place with these fuckin cunts? Fuck
It was interesting how immediately after Christchurch, there was an extensive community investigation into whether or not Tarrant was an agent of a foreign agency.
This was not only based on such willingness to execute the act, but also primarily based on inconsistencies in his original manifesto publication. His beliefs did not match up with the regular 8ch poster, they were a weird amalgamation. The whole event was rather strange too, actors being pulled in NZ to show sympathy, "accomplices" who were stopped so easily, the immense gun control push put immediately on the track for legislation, Tarrant's strange background and travel choices, and the manifesto being made straight up illegal.
This Yas Forums is filled to the brim with shills and agency observers, and here we are, Tarrant being shilled endlessly in aus/pol/.
Yeah I'm making it my NEET goal to regularly post these so, I'll keep it as the regular theme. But the "thread themes" we used to have can return if you want.
I just need more Bruce pictures to fill out the folders.
baste. My all time record (when I was a teenager) was 5.
Elijah Rogers
wrong board dick head, why would they put another boards posts as Yas Forums posts?
Brandon Ross
Youve obviously never tried meth Is this bait?
Jack Ramirez
I think I’ve gone 6 or 7, fucked up on drugs, this is just from alcohol it fills my nutsack up
Matthew Butler
It was on the last aus/pol/ thread.
Benjamin Martinez
Is this satire?
Wyatt Thompson
no its not bait dick head, pol is a red board not a blue one you ignorant fuck, 1/10 making me respond
wrong board colour cunt, 1/10 making me respond
are you satire? fuck off with your shit trolling, 1/10 making me respond
wrong board colour you retards
Gavin Campbell
REMINDER: There is no Chinese ownership of Australia without an """Australian Government""" selling Australia. There is no Chinese assertion of their culture without an Australia which has been conditioned into throwing away its culture. Every single time you focus on the CHINA you miss the fucking CAUSE.
Are there any serious reforestation /rewilding attempts in australia ?
Logan Ramirez
wrong font and wrong board colour cunt, pathetic shop
0.1/10 for even existing
again, shit shop. no rating for you
why are you cunts doing this shit? acting like a retard isnt trolling, its just acting like a retard
Angel Brooks
Everyone here knows that that’s why we talk about getting chink gf
Kevin Jackson
Idk why people make a fuss about it. Its still less murderous than the flu.
Alexander Ramirez
>Not using tomorrow theme Why live?
Jack Peterson
>rewilding yeah we are gonna introduce a batch of modern europeans to our eco system
Zachary Morgan
Shh, nobody tell him...
Colton Thomas
Is it severly lacking in europeans ?
Bentley Williams
your parents never told you they were proud of you cunt. here you are shitposting on pol pretending to be a retard with your shitty shops
fact is pol is a red board. its not blue. you can deny it all you want but the truth is in your face, cunt
Andrew Adams
>less murderous than the flu The flu, criminal at large. The sinus killer!
Robert Hall
Nathan Lopez
again, pretending to be retarded isnt trolling, its just pretending to be retarded. you can lie all you want, but the truth is right here in your face cunt.
fuck all you retards
Parker Ortiz
It's that time again for your Daily Reminder that boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.
Let's hope the Boomerflu kills them all!
It's also time for another Reminder that Unchecked Migration is Generational Genocide.
Levi Collins
If carrie bickmore let you stick it in her ass would you stay with her?
Jaxon Long
yeh we need more niggers
Brody Smith
your king dick looks like winnie the pooh and he's ashamed of it. the fuck would i want to be ruled by you cunts for?