Stealth genius relying on Law of Power 21 (Play a sucker to catch a sucker)

>Stealth genius relying on Law of Power 21 (Play a sucker to catch a sucker)
>Brainlet whose worldview is so concise and simple that it acts a force multiplier for his intelligence

I can't figure this dude out Yas Forums. How does this apparent brainlet do so well in debates? How can a nigger of all people have interesting advice to offer?

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Cause he's based as fuck and he speaks the truth.


Agree, but how though? How did he arrive at the truth with the brain of a nigger?

And what does that say about the rest of us?

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>muh based black man
you fucks are worse than democrats.

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He's pretty good. I respect him and his message.

>Agree, but how though? How did he arrive at the truth with the brain of a nigger?
Intelligence and wisdom are separate variables

Explain how we should regard him then.

He's the Albert Einstein of retarded niggers

Blacks arent in America by choice. It is good to have some black allies.

How should you regard him?
IDK, user, how much rope do you have?
In mincraft of course.

Fair enough, but how to acquire wisdom? How did he acquire that wisdom when so many blacks don't?

Do you need to "work on yourself," be "self reflective," or what?

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he is clearly an alien. nobody else sees this? have you ever seen a nigger look like this? its a alien wearing a nigger suit.

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LARPY answer. Even ethnostates had rare exceptions of people who were not fully accepted, but at least tolerated.

He was unironically right about Molymeme.


i hate you all so much

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literally can’t listen to the guy because he’s so uneducated. he LITERALLY can’t read.

kek’d alone to myself in bed at 4am

Regarding how Molymeme should forgive his mother?

I don't quiet see it - I don't understand how you forgive someone under the premise that "they couldn't help themselves," yet you're supposed to change your behavior and forgive them?

U gotta forgive yo fatha

You need to forgive your mother.

He has the heart in the right place so wisdom comes to him naturally. Just as the Bible says.

based nigger

Consider this user. You're Uncle A in 1944. Some American nigger defects to your side and gives you valuable intel. Are you going to hang him on principle?

There are always exceptions even in the most strict ethnostates.

NPCs do exist and his mother was one.
That and if he wants to cuddle up with Christianity he needs to know that Jesus' forgiveness was freely given and he needs to follow in his footsteps.

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It's because he speaks his truth. You can lack the debate skills or vocabulary and still get your point across. Righteousness will bridge the gap.

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Have you forgiven your mother?

It's simple, follow the teachings of jesus christ and remove all the bible broadly recognises of sin from your life, then you'll reach a state of nirvana like some buddest monk and be able to gain this kind of wisdom whatever your intelligence levels. It also helps that he's a genuinely awesome and based guy

He grew up on a plantation. I think it gave him a different perspective on white vs black. If you don't see acting white as inherently bad, then you can be a nigger who actually benefits from white culture. Maybe this is a bridge too far, but I often think we could learn something from niggers too. Like when to smack a bitch or being more in touch with the inner monkey.

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You can listen to his sermons in church. they are in a channel called BOND - Rebuilding the Man. They are full of wisdom.