When will jews start try to normalize pedophilia?

You know it's coming after all the LGBTQ whatever bullshit. But when will they strike?


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go sleep biden

Only busted out mature 50 year old grandma pussy for me thanks

Are you grumpy because you missed the latest AIPAC meeting?


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>implying they haven't already

Imagine being into omorashi and seeing this shit trending.

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Never, they already sexualize children but pedophilia is a "pleasure" only the elite can indulge on.
Just like incest, if both incest and pedophilia were legal how would they get you in a hamster wheel and make you run for pussy when you could get it easily without becoming another cog in the machine?

you realize anti-child marriage is a recent feminist SJW position

in a functioning society that actually reproduces, women are property. they are owned by the father and then by the husband. literally who gives a shit what people do with their property.

literally every country the whole world over didn't care about marrying children until like eighty years ago, and it was mainly a feminist thing that sprung up in the west and spread elsewhere. a lot of countries still don't care. pedophilia has always been normal, it's why videos of little girls doing gymnastics on YT get six million views. the only time it's been treated as not normal is by modern feminists like yourself

So do you think OP girl's butt look sexy?

I'm not a feminist and if you actually read what I wrote you would understand that I don't give a fuck if pedophilia/incest would be legalized since it would loosen the grip which pussy has over men who are forced into running in a hamster wheel. But pedophilia is always going to be a thing that only the elite get access to.

2015 onwards

Why 2015?

>In March 2019, outraged parents discovered that a convicted sex offender read to children at a public library in Houston. Albert Alfonso Garza, known as "Tatiana Mala Nina," was convicted of sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy in 2006. Library officials said they were unaware of the drag queen's criminal record.
we're coming for your children and there is nothing you can do about it goy. we have the blessing of the state and police protection. your sons will suck the dick


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I hate this disgusting shit. Just perverted people who wants attention.

It's not that it was pedophilia back then but the concept of what is a woman was different. Adolescence wasn't really concept you were either a child or an adult.

>everyone writes off Kodomo no Jikan as cunny but it's actually a serious story
Fuck this shit.

>When will jews start try to normalize pedophilia?
the 70's
look up brooke sheilds playboy

What do you think about Kokonoe's behind?

If all men had women and families pedophilia wouldn't be a thing marketable to society at large. A lot of this weird shit wouldn't be.

And based on just appearance, it was observed you were an adult was around age 15-16.

Also, you can blame technology for some of this, photography particularly with pedophilia and pornography.

Am I not suppose to be aroused by a younger version of my wife aa a child? Is that taboo too?

Forgot pic

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just look up "Chickenhawk Documentary" on youtube

Why the fuck would you get turned on by a pic of your wife as a child?
Yes, that’s pedophilia.

They already are and have been for decades.

It hasn't worked that well, has it?

Ask Aoki, he did spank it when she cross-dressed after all.

Which volume?

pretty much this. the only reason I can think of that they'd do a 180 on their anti-pedophilia vilification campaign and suddenly start normalizing it, is if they think they can cash in on the would be multi trillion dollar cp industry that would emerge.

which is probably not that unrealistic, with a number of the major porn websites introducing things like vpn access and crypto payments. currently it's so they can sell gay porn to third world countries but, like, the foundation is being built so like...

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Episode 8 in the anime, can't remember what volume.