Superior Countries Only

Daily reminder that if your flag isn't Red, White and Blue you're a subhuman piece of shit deserve to die.

>If your flag is red+white+blue, you're part of the cool club
>If your flag is one of pic related, you get to sit at the roundtable
>If none of the above, you do not have permission to post in this thread

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Feels good

Oh, the four countries who said "fuck eugenics, let retards vote and have power = jews, women and niggers".

Ok here's what you're gonna do:

>Read the rules of the thread
>go to the local sex shop
>buy something called viagra
>it should help you get a boner
>then you can go fuck yourself

Your country is irrelevant. Do you have nukes? I don't think so. Hahaha. Imagine not having your own nuclear program
>NB4 muh chink nukes

>dabs on your world domination plans
heh. nothing personal, kid.

Gay thread

>No blue
Literal cuck

Enjoy the equivalent of the hart celler act, Jamjeet.

I'll fucking grab all your lands.

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Gay flag and country


You almost made it Italy.
You could've been a bro-tier country.
But turns out you're just gay.

Nice LARPing Achmed.

Good flag. Make it its own state again and conquer the Adriatic.

>Stole his flag design from poor random africans
what kind of monster are you

Notice how all of those countries are shitholes. Good thing we got rid of that old flag.

Lacks blue.

>red, white, but no blue
you had so much potential Polski. Turns out your just gay.

>All of them top-tier militaries
>All but one in top 10 economic powers
>All of them nuclear powers
>All but one have world-class healthcare and education

So great to be sitting in a country with a red white and blue flag, it really makes all the difference.

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Tfw they choose russian flag over ours :(

>red and white but no blue
Sorry Justin, seems like you're gay.

Does the Dutch flag even have red in it tho? It kinda looks orange

Liberated the Jews. Notoric feminists.
Lost his empire because muh I dont want to speak a muh germanic language
Well, see for yourself
Drunken retards. Killed their upperclass because muh dem IQ above 100.

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You don't have nukes....

seething germanoids.

Based Arnold

Fuck off Beta Hanz, no blue
>imagine not being a superior country


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Hello gentlemen. May I join you?

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Based franz
At least im not a mutt who will be forced to serve jews
You forgot
>all of them are controlled by jews.

Be my guest!

>not serving Jews

hahaha based

Another Justin? come on man, know your place

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Here to report in with the superiors

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>You almost made it
Why almost?

Of course, be sure to flex your anglo superiority at the weak ones. This thread is our homeland


We do.


you have 2/3 colours. Had you replaced that gay green with royal blue it would be great.

Yes. Anglos rule the world.
Frogs and ruskies are bros though.

I guess i'll allow it, but you almost didn't make it, Finn.


>lost the biggest empire of all times for a jewish fantasy

And I am the one who seethes.

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Of course.

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same as me ermano we're lacking blue let's go to the shit flag thread


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