I think I’m being gang stalked

So I was playing Skyrim tonight and I shit you not I find a npc that has my EXACT first name. I looked all over for this npc on different fourms and I have found NOTHING. What should I do? Should I call the cops?

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Other urls found in this thread:


There’s an NPC called stupid faggot? Weird

Is your first name wroathgüarix?

An NPC just flew over my house!

Name and location of the NPC? Playing it right now

Take meds

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Guys for real I’m seriously freaking the fuck out. I don’t want to share my actual name but why the fuck does some random npc literally have my name?

He’s unique only to my game. I’m actually really scared man and Idk what to do, should I call the cops? I found him outside whiterun

Attached: 6AB5CB6D-23F4-4F8D-A24A-10AF0DD45058.jpg (713x643, 195.87K)

How common is your name?

Check your mod list.

We're coming for you, Marcel. The NPC is the first warning and you should not have posted about this on a public forum. I can give you a secure line where we can discuss the terms.

>Mar Cell
Your phone is compromised too
Destroy it ASAP

That's how they're getting to you.
The faster you do it the better.

Its the gods telling you to stop being a fucking npc

Take meds now.

The ice penguin knows all Marcel

Huh? How the fuck did you know about that?

Was the realistic water worth it?

This is a troll but damn I laughed.

Marcel is a breton name and that is a breton... do you know about elder scrolls? I have run into plenty of unique npcs with names. I think it usually because the developers plan for a quest and don't follow through. Reeeelax

Fuck off kike scum. Diblasio got your jimmies rustled didn't he?

what a gay name
could've expect it from OP
also not politicis

Kike #2 fuck you too, join op in the rustelling.

I’m calling the cops

stop the schizoposting
you're playing a fucking videogame
no one is gangstalking you over skyrim nigga
damnit, the braindead redditfags on here makes this excruciating

They’re NPCs too now, just like you
Working for the penguin


Try /X. If this is legit then it's supernatural stalking, ghosts and shit can control rng to an extent and they can really fuck with your gaming session if you let it, que the take ur meds schizo bots

thats nothing lookit this shit:


skyrim needs a janny

Is your name Mohammed?


>tfw have played so much Skyrim I recognize the location this screenshot was taken
>tfw have played so much modded Skyrim I recognize this NPC
Lmao OP, decent bait.

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take a picture of the NPC or else this is a larp.
>inb4 I don't want to doxx my first name