/NSG/ + /SIG/

ᛋᛋ Welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ

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This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.

This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·NatSoc Ideology
·Active Movements
·NatSoc History
·Physical and Mental Improvements
·General Plans

What are you waiting for? Take the pledge!
> For the good of my people:
> I must IMPROVE my will, body, and mind
> I must BUILD our culture and communities
> I must STRUGGLE for the future of my race
> We will endure forever!

>But what really is National Socialism?
National Socialism is NOT about killing blacks, blowing up buildings, or hating other races as Siege-fags would have you believe but rather is about bettering your own folk.

National Socialism also does NOT d&c based on religion. Be wary of those who try and ostracize potential allies with needless gatekeeping.

Would you like to know more? Check out the Pastebin & learn the truth!

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These are your allies. They fight for your freedom:
- gab.com/ProjectWhite
- bitchute.com/channel/projectwhite/
- t.me/project_white
- gab.com/Der_Sieg
- NEW WEBSITE IS UP: projectwhite.org
- NEW MANIFESTO IS WRITTEN: projectwhite.org/our-struggle

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>National Socialism also does NOT d&c based on religion.

Does National Socialism not discriminate against muslims living in our nations?
Does National Socialism not discriminate against sikhs living in our nations?
Does National Socialism not discriminate against jews living in our nations?
Does National Socialism not discriminate against worshipers of rabbi jesus living in our nations?

Fuck your faggot attempt at pushing disinfo about National Socialism
Discriminating against religions is at the core of what National Socialism is, especially the semite religions judaism and it's subbranches judaism and christcuckery

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Any National Socialist initiative that tolerates christcucks in their midst will fail, which is why the latest Mossad shill OP is trying to reframe National Socialism that tolerates semitsm. It's completely ridiculous

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Hierarchy within the Nation:

German National Socialists > Other ethnicities that live in peace with Germans but don't racemix with them >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jews > Bloodtraitors (European christcucks & European communists)

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christianity is not semitic, and some agnostic autists larping as Christians do not prove anything

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Look at the date.

>Implying 24 year old Hitler was fully redpilled on the Christcuck Question
>Implying 49 year old Hitler was not painfully redpilled on the CQ

No one are denying that Hitler pandered to christcuck for votes to get elected into power. But after becoming elected that shit went out the window, he created positive Christianity with Rosenberg as a stepping stone towards De-christianization (which would've been impossible to do before/during the war). He even stopped referencing christ and started calling god "Providence" in his public speeches, and in private he regularly shit on cuckstianity,which was recorded by multiple sources directly from Hitler's mouth. He also appointed Odinists and believers of the Old Gods like Bormann, Himmler, and Rosenberg to positions of power. Hate to break it to ya, but Hitler wasn't a christcuck and neither were the SS (although your average soldier and officer in the Wehrmacht quite often were).

Have you not read any of his books? Listened to any of his speeches? Seen the people who he appointed as leaders of the Reich? Again, he pandered a little to the christcucks for votes before 1933, but as soon as he got power that was out the window. Posting quotes from Hitler and Goebbels from the 20s does not change this fact. Most of the christcucks even voted for more Weimar, and more christcucks took up arms against the Thrid Reich than even german communists did. Communists believe in an utopia, but even they are not as retarded as the christcucks who are completely messed up in the head.

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you don't seem to understand
National Socialism was promoted throughout the world. In Syria, the SSNP was formed, which resembled National Socialism. Similar movements started in South America, Africa, etc. I think op meant that the NS ideology is for all religions.

Source: Hitler's table talk, written by a Soviet agent

>there were some 300 differnt parties.
you'd think the Catholics would vote for the catholic parties

Hitler only condemned church politics, not the religion

Yes, "true christianity"
If you actually read the book you would see that Hitler shits on both protestants and cathocucks for fighting among themselves instead of fighting for Germany's blood. You can see how he tried to solve this here , by slowly abolishing them both and replacing them with "Positive Christianity", as he refers to it here as "true christianity"

"Positive Christianity" had nothing to do with christcuckery. The crosses were replaced with Hakenkreuzes, Jesus was replaced with Hitler. (((Priests))) were put in work camps.

>One of the first things
>that the Third Reich did
>was to abolish
>as a state religion
>and institute religious freedom instead

>We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of the Germanic race. The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and around us and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our nation can only succeed from within on the framework: "The good of the community before the good of the individual".[13] ("GEMEINNUTZ GEHT VOR EIGENNUTZ" [all caps in original])[14]
How can you even begin to think the National Socialists were christcucks after knowing this? ABOLISHING CHRISTKEKERY AS A STATE RELIGION IN EUROPE 80 YEARS AGO and advocating a imitation that had nothing in common with christcuckery except the name.

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No, they overwhelmingly voted for the christcuck Party that Merkel now controls. It has changed it's name a few times since then but it is still the same.

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merkel and the gang are anything but christian

>the Cuckstian Democratic Union of Germany is not real cuckstianity

Yes it is. That is exactly what it is. EU is capitalistic organization run by cuckstian morons. Jews lead these christcucks, of course, but it is the christcucks who do the dirty work. Look at who were in charge of the mass invasion by third-worlders:

>Merkel's Party

>successor of the Cuckstian Social Party

>Cuckstian Democrats and conservatives

First Presidents of EU:
>Christcuck Democrat
>Christcuck Democrat
>Christcuck Democrat
>Belgian Cucktholic politician
>Conservative Cucktholic
>Roman Cucktholic

More founding fathers of EU:
>Roman Cucktholism
>Roman Cucktholism
>Roman Cucktholism

>64.1% Protestant (Lutheran, Reformed, United)
>32.4% Roman Cucktholic
96% Christcuck

Cuckstians are jews in spirit and a purveyor of the jewish disease. To claim that National Socialism does not discriminate against these footsoldiers is so retarded it can't be an organic belief. It is a shill operation.

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It is strange, isn't it. That some peoples contribution to these threads are limited to:

>never posting anything about National Socialism
>not thoughts, not ideas
>not even images
>only coming in here and claiming that National Socialists loved the christcucks and were in fact christcucks themselves

Very strange indeed. Maybe if they actually contributed a little. Told what their definition of National Socialism is, why they think it is good. How it can be implemented et cetra, then maybe there would be some credibility to their "muh Hitler was a christcuck". But they don't. So they have no credibility, none at all. But at least they get paid for coming here, so there's that.

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Yas Forums is a really bad place to organize any NatSoc action, it´s way too underground to spread NatSoc propaganda, it´s way too descentralized to doing any actual shit and it´s anonimity does nothing but keep anyone who tries to lead the movement in secrety (which is a double-edged sword, in one hand, you don´t get jews to target you, in another hand, growing as a popular figure that attract masses is impossible).

I want to make ideological advances in NatSoc ideologies, on top of uniting all the neo-right wing movements into a single coherent entity for which propaganda is needed.

For instance, MTGOW is very easy to redpill, most of them are ignorant faggots who think that after self-isolating themselves and focusing on their addiction to fitness, reading book and not actually contributing something useful to society, they may get more control over their life compared as to if they didn´t, the propaganda to absorb the movement would be as easy as rampaging MTGOW forums with information about HOW THE STATE SUBSIDIZES WOMEN.

well thats how the argument started so...
Every time someone comes up and says something like "you cant be Christian and a national socialist"

Yes, there has been a sharp decline in the European Christian spirit and values, but that can be easily remedied. Moreover, I do not consider Hitler as a person who would lie, especially to the people. I leave the stereotype of him being deceitful to the Jewish historians' lies.

I think the Richard Spencer-tier morons would be a better choice. MGTOW guys tend to adopt more of this modern culture, choosing to buy more video games (not good), instead of spending it on some whore (also not good)

They don't realize the third position, and hence would be difficult to redpill

>I do not consider Hitler as a person who would lie
That's naive. He was a pragmatic. What mattered to him was to reunite the Germanic people and secure a future for them, by all means available. All other considerations were secondary to this. Otherwise, how do you explain Operation Hummingbird when he had parts of the SA massacred to placate the much more powerful Wehrmacht?


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