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Orange Man Bad

lock me up and throw away the key

just communists doing commie shit

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>societies norms and values
Did the author meant to say "jewish norms and values"?

Its all so tiresome

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And wtf

The Atlantic is peak globalism.

source faggot

Yeah, that's exactly what the underlying message is. They dont want free speech because Jews are being called out, among other things like anti-globalism, whatever. The whole essay must be a grueling exercise in rhetoric

The media hates the internet. They hate it because it has killed their business. They obviously want regulation. No blogs to steal away their traffic.

Fuck em

>mature and flourishing internet
you know there are plenty of idiots out there who were swayed just on that little buzzphrase

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Where the hell my sauce OP?

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>The Atlantic
The author of this article is (((Jack Goldsmith))) and (((Andrew Kaene Woods)))

And they don't mean banning porn obviously

The editor of the Atlantic is a devout homosexual liberal.

Wonder what Atlantic would say if government decided they're the ones who need to be controlled.

The only reason China has to censor at all is because if they don't the CIA will engineer color revolutions within a year.

>the atlantic

Don't be swayed by their communist bullshit, OP. They have the mental aptitude of 4 year olds.

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>all of these people have names and addresses

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What they're really saying is that they're starting to become terrified of all the noticing jew bullshit, so they want more jew bullshit to keep control.

what magazines are these articles from?

>monitoring and speech control
I agree. Let's start with the fucking media.

The Atlantic is owned and operated by neoconservative war mongers. Their goal is to extend the American military empire to the four corners of the earth.

No one gives a fuck about the atlantic. Printed news died 25 years ago.
In fact burn any copies of this commie faggot paper. Let it be erased from history

Nah, not even the media should be censored. Everything that isn't a direct threat of violence should be allowed.

that's funny because such an article would be illegal if we had ch*nese tier press restrictions.

"The Atlantic internet censorship" typed in google helps.
But here you go:

>Their goal is to extend the Israel military empire

Print media is dead. I read that on the Internet.


>Implying the US doesn't control speech, jail dissidents, and employ social credit
The Chinese social credit is more refined, the American one is a back of twitter niggers ruining a life on an offhand joke

They're not wrong. They just aren't on "our" side either. You can't blame the gun. You have to turn it on your enemy. People should be put in prison for being anti-white.

*pack of

I am probably 5% responsible for this happening. I blast jews on facebook to all my conservative friends who have thousands of followers. About a year ago i was having issues with adrenal fatigue and leaky gut (all better now) and didnt give a fuck and just started going full Yas Forums on Facebook.

I have no doubt that I am #1 in America on facebook as far as blasting jews goes. I mean I dont use objectives like greedy, shifty jewss or anything like that. I just spam zionist jews control our country, steal all our wealth through inflation, and get our kids killed fighting for israel in the middle east.

Some conservative will say something like min wage wasnt meant to be a living wage...and ill be like true, but min wage earners had more purchasing power decades ago because the jews hadnt destroyed the dollar completely yet back then. some boomer will say im an anti semite, and ill say well look at the list of fed reserve chairmen going back decades, they are all jews, and you wonder why we are 24 trillion in debt?