More Americans have died from the Coronavirus than the Vietnam War

How did America fuck this up so badly?

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Every two years cars kill more people than Vietnam. What's your point?

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you're more likely to die in a car accident than you are to die of rona.

Drumpff listened to the experts.
Fucking retard!

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Not America. Just Trump.
"Just a flu bro" killing more Americans in a couple months than cars do in a couple years is pretty terrifying man.

Cause of muuh freedom

Pic related

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>end of the lockdown
read as
>we want to die slowly

Fine categorize it has heart disease or some shit medical.

From what it looks like COVID mostly kills old people who are already in poor health. This lines up pretty closely with monthly heart disease deaths.

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Why is the media pushing this comparison? The regular flu kills more people than died during Vietnam every year. Anyone who isn't a boomer isn't going to care about this statistic, and even boomers probably won't fall for it.


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and if you do die because of a car accident but tested positive, you died from rona. never-mind that severed spine


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>How did America fuck this up so badly?
by not securing borders and immigration in early 2017 and not declaring war on china in early 2019


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>killing more Americans

Only fat or weak people. Batflu is doing us a favor really.

I see this talking point everywhere. Why is the Vietnam death count considered a benchmark for American death?


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>count everything as corona death

thats a lie little fag, do you enjoy being a jew?

Huh... maybe wars are not so bad after all.


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>flu kills more than nam
No, it doesn’t.

hospitals get paid more for corona deaths, even without a positive test

do you think the jews aren't claiming every single one they can?


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remember when the CIA staged a false flag to get us into Vietnam so the MIC could get rich and fat off the bullshit war?

depends on the year coronafag

>jewish thinking
>everybody must be doing what i would do
chambers that way, belongings the other, bye

kek wars are a nothingburger, flu kills more than wars


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The vietnam war were young healty man. These are unhealthy fat muts. You can't compare that

I think it gives the boomers a reference point since that was something that actually happened in their lifetime.

Every fucking time the US fucks up you see this shit
>It isn't as bad as XY reasons ! Lol stay brainded npc AMURICA

Every.Single.Time. Fuck the US, these burgers got lucky because the Axis threw a perfectly winnable game and now we've got these dumb motherfuckers at the center stage of economic and cultural power by sheer LUCK fuck this I'm so MAD.

>Only fat or weak people.
So Americans.

not every country breeds jews like soros

truly a shame you weren't nuked before he was born

How many have died from being fat?

Infectious diseases in third world shitholes have always killed more people than wars. This is very well known in developed nations.

Confused liberals. They think the US was actually beaten and had massive casualties.

based virus killing impures 56


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By attributing anyone who died WITH the virus to people who died FROM the virus.
>get into a card accident
>brought to the hospital
>while there get infected
>die from injuries
>get labeled as a corona death so the hospital gets paid $39k

>This is very well known in developed nations.
So how would you know?

It's a fucking flu. More people die from flu and eating themselves to death every year than Vietnam over the course of 30 years

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>Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States.1

>About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.2,3

Covid is killing a lot of people that were not too far from dying from heart disease (obese old fucks)

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No world where Axis wins WW2. Even if the Germs reach the AA-Line and Italians drove the British from Africa, we’d have just glassed Europe in 46 or 47 with a hundred atom bombs. They should be thankful the war was over by the time the bomb was available, because you know the kikes would have demanded the first go on Berlin.

That's what people should be focusing on, that's just sad beyond words.


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The Great American Delusion in action. Your opinion is completely invalid.