The monopoly known as Google removed a video providing statistical evidence that the Covid-19 lock down of our entire economy was an overreaction. Big Tech is now complicit in destroying our economy. We grow poorer. They grow wealthier and more powerful.

The state and federal attorney general(s) are dragging their feet. It's time to pressure our governors to hasten the break-up of Big Tech. If our governors do not direct their state attorney generals to immediately break-up Big Tech, then we recall the state governor. It's very simple. No more waiting. Recalls are a straight forward and repeatable action.

• If you are 18 - 29, copy-paste this message and keep spreading this video. Assist the age group above you to organize.

• If you are 30 - 49, put together a website, spreadsheet, phone number list, and raise funds. Organize governor recalls.

• If you are 50 - 70, donate your experience and wealth to the organizers.

Be persistent. Maintain endurance. Get angry.


Tucker Carlson's segment:


State attorney generals:

Federal attorney general:

Attached: Big Tech Censorship.png (1358x723, 1.49M)

people are too lazy dude.

Tucker Carlson is the heir of a billion dollar empire and will always defend the interest of his billionaire class. He's shilling for the reopening because that's what the billionaires like him want, so that we die for his pocket.

you're a peasant defending his master

Before or after they lose their job? Before or after the taxes they have to pay in order to receive their "stimulus" check?

And you're defending Google's ability to keep the economy shut down. That stimulus check you received? Those are your future tax dollars.

In the end you pay.

Godspeed burgerbro

Show flag faggot

cry moar commie tard


>Tucker Carlson is the heir of a billion dollar empire
You mean CNN and Ted Turner, right fag?
Or Bill Gates?

no one is going to die for the elites, nigger.

and it's OUR tax money to begin with.

Probably an angst ridden teenager. He has no idea what's at stake.

The more important topic is this story. It has the potential to explode overnight. The internet was designed to circumvent blockages—regardless if they come from war or monopolies.

We don't tolerate tyranny in America. Monopoly is the enemy of the common man's wealth. They are the enemy.

Get angry.

>one of these things lacks empathy
>one of these is different than the others
>one of these doesn't belong here.

>and it's OUR tax money to begin with.

I know. That's my point.

Hold on a second. When dealing with a Tucker Carlson piece we need to consider possible special interest agendas at play.

How would anons supporting this idea lead to Tucker getting even more JewJew cum?

you have to be 18 to post here.

no one cares about you, TyphoidMaryNigger.

go lick a handrail while we safely draw unemployment benefits for 6 more months and this virus dies out.

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so we will be sitting back collecting it while this virus fizzles out, and we agree.

meanwhile the elites will have to come off some green for the poor, and deal with bad 2nd 3rd and 4th quarter earnings to keep grammy and grampa live. boo fucking hoo for them.

this is proletariat v. bougeoirse v.2.0, and God and nature has sided with the proles.

Campaigning, shouting slogans and wave banners? Lol.
Violence is the only option left.

try it. the guard needs some target practice, and it will give America a great excuse to rid itself of the deplorable filth once and for all.

That’s why i’m fucking angry

Let's think for a minute.
What the FUCK is wrong with faggots like this?
We hit a global recession in 2008 with a economy functioning with everything open.
Why on earth do people think shutting the world down for months and years with much less wealth being produced will not cause economic disaster 100000X worse than the virus?
I mean we can only do this for so long, if not already too late. Millions all over the world are already beginning to starve.

>stay in lockdown 6 months
>finally go back to work
>virus kills a fraction of a percent of the people anyways
Do you think it will just get bored and leave or something. What are we gonna quarantine for the rest of our lives?
Regardless of the economic factors (which are important), staying in lockdown makes zero sense outside of major cities.

google is part of international jewish cartel after all

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no, being angry is why you're a deplorable piece of shit. you need to lighten up, Francis. you lost, you're irrelevant. did you honestly think people would get infected to support PumpkinFuhrer? they'll all be sick or dead in two weeks, while everyone else watches.

no. one. cares.

The reality is we’re doomed. When the economy opens in May deaths will resume previous exponential trends because the proles will completely abandon all non-mandatory distancing, then when bodies stack the economy will close again. Going back to normal is necessary to save our economy from Depression. Going back to normal isn’t an option, if we try we’ll see that swiftly.

I keep saying this, but it's not violence against people that's needed. That just draws heat too fast.
Infrastructure is weak. Millions of miles of unguarded electrical, gas, rail, and seaways exist. Google for example. Google needs a shitfuckton of electrical power and fuel to maintain their networks along with functional fiber.
Blowing the fiber alone would ruin their day because fiber optic lines are a bitch to repair and readily desroyed.

I'm of course not saying to actually blow the network of a Twatter datacenter using some readily available hardware store stuff. I'm just saying it's easily done with a small team. If I was extroverted enough to have friends, I'd have done it myself for lulz. Who doesn't like fireworks?

>economic disaster 100000X worse than the virus?
an uncontrolled pandemic is worse than asking the elites to learn about Nash Equilibrium and give up half of their ill gotten gains to prop up the economy for six or 12 months, so they don't LOSE IT ALL.


people aren't going to kill themselves or their elders to save the wealth of the elites. fuck y'all. THIS is the Great Awakening.

and God and Nature are on our side.

What nigger are you talking to yourself? Kek

Shills seethe at tucker and how based he is.

Attached: image%3A395_eightbit.jpg (1312x1600, 436.03K)

To everyone joining the thread, please stay focused on the bullet points. Ignore the knuckleheads.

Pressure the governors to break-up Big Tech now. Refuse to wait. If our governors do not direct their state attorney generals to act immediately, then we recall the state governor.

• If you are 18 - 29, copy-paste the message in the original post and keep spreading the video. Assist the age group above you to organize.

• If you are 30 - 49, put together a website, spreadsheet, phone number list, and raise funds. Organize governor recalls.

• If you are 50 - 70, donate your experience and wealth to the organizers.

You don’t have any plan beyond copy pasta ing a Tucker Carlson

>Do you think it will just get bored and leave or something.
America CAN NOT open up until we have six consecutive weeks of decreased new cases, and massive testing and trace monitoring. Trump should have enabled the Defense Production Act to get that shit done ALREADY. But he is incompetent.

>What are we gonna quarantine for the rest of our lives?
Spanish Flu took 1 year, Black Plague took 3. You're an ignorant nigger to think this will go away in 3 months, you should be planning for 1 year, minimum, until we have a working vaccine.

Even if you can convince 20% of Trump's 40% of brain dead American followers to go back to work, the other 20% of Trump followers (all boomers) and 60% of Democrats WILL NOT GO OUT AND BUY, so they will be beating their meat and risking their lives for nothing.

Smart businesses will be rapidly changing to work from home, and delivery business models. Or they will go under.

those guys are controlled opposition and are pushing testing and vaccines!

It can’t be done, because the American economy is a Ponzi scheme where unprofitable businesses stay afloat through the constant accumulation of new investor capital, not upon production of goods or services. The Federal Reserve foots the bill for this continuous influx of new money and calls that economic growth. The system is a constantly growing bubble that was doomed to pop even before we shut down. Taking the wealthy’s money won’t fix the problem, which is that their money is worthless and based on nothing but the Fed summoning it into being to lend to banks to lend to investors to poor into the stock market and feed imaginary busy-work and unsustainable business models.

max cope.

>the organizers.
not a scientist, are you? don't know what an R0 of 5.0 means, do you? they will all get sick and die within 2 weeks, dumbass. please do this, it will help the left and caise Trump to be forced out by his own, lol.

you will be extraordinarily rendered as a terrorist. they've already served a warrant to the American VPN you're using, and turned you over to CIA.

I hope everyone in this thread is watching the entire Tucker Carlson video. Watch what Zuckerberg says near the 6:00 minute mark. This is monopoly. This is tyranny. This is Big Tech authoritarianism.

Get angry.