Brit/pol/ - Ah Scotland Edition

>Royal Navy submarine lockdown party captain sacked
>Coronavirus: Testing opens for millions more people in England
>Virus crisis could lead to 18,000 more cancer deaths, experts warn
>Coronavirus has killed more Americans than Vietnam War
>New Gun Infographic was made and a UK /k/ Thread was made and expectedly died soon after, though the NHS are attempting to resuscitate
>Tripfags are (thankfully) Dying from Corona
>Eddie and ManHands the Newest Brit/pol/ Couple?

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For me? It's a full English?

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Fucking hell is there really no one else up?
>Boris Johnson’s most powerful political aide pressed the U.K.’s independent scientific advisers to recommend lockdown measures in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus, according to people familiar with the matter.

Well this fucks the FBPE narrative pretty hard

wagie wagie

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Good morning

will we ever go back to the way things were?

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Guess I should mention the k thread is here
A /k/ colony would be nice but honestly doubt it'll live too much longer.

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Might do some beans on toast with a few sausages thrown in, in fact gonna preheat the oven ready

I thought you were making something for /bant/ not /k/

I like those Walls sausages that cop-op has in their heated brekkie section.

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think I had a heart attack 3 weeks ago

been feeling weird ever since and it feels like someone has kicked me in the ribs on the left side

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Can't say I've ever tried them lad, asda does a mean sausage sandwich/roll/bapp type of thing in theirs though

Pic related, lad. Doesn't look amazing, but it's decent for a quick cheap bite.

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Posted webm is not from Scotland, it's from Portland Oregon USA

Oh that's nice it's a proper baguette, got my mouth watering

Yeah it's quite nice. Dunno if other co-ops have them, maybe check into your local one and see. I have them almost every morning now lel.

Applicants begin by applying to join the new Land Army on a Government website, and are asked questions such as whether they have a driving licence.

They must also say how far away they are willing to travel to work and if they will need accommodation.

Applicants are then emailed and asked to download a phone app in which they input their details again.

They are then required to film themselves answering seven interview questions such as 'what motivates you?', 'what experience do you have of team working?’ and another on targets and deadlines.

All of these answers have to uploaded as separate videos, before applicants are told whether they have successfully completed the process.

They are then offered a number of possible jobs.

Lol the convolutions for picking berries if you're a brit

you lot are so fucking boring

Going out tomorrow as it's payday so i'll have a gander. Nothing wrong with treating yourself haha

Fuck off to bed you cunt

Based Dom, we should have locked down on 1st Feb. Airports/borders included. That would have saved are NHS and a whole lot of white. We did too little too late and we will pay for it for a long time to come.

come with me x

Ain't that the truth. Have a good one lad.

Only if we make it happen

That looks so fucking good man

I'm a British citizen stuck in India was visiting my extended family. When will international flights start operation?

We should have sealed off China on January 25th. No flights in or out.

You wanna be the little spoon or big spoon? No i promised myself i would be a sexpest towards you cause it's just creepy and weird

What a boring day

>You wanna be the little spoon or big spoon?
idk t b h you creepy weird sexpest

Walk home
How long would it take to walk back to England? Six months, a year.?

Morning lads, let the stress begin.

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>seven interview questions
>All of these answers have to uploaded as separate videos

what a fucking joke. actively discouraging people so they can come out with their "ughhh but no brits want to do it!" narrative.

what's hilarious is that a lot of people would do it solely for virtue signalling points, let alone money.

flights to UK were open, its other countries that shut airports
check on your side
missus flew back from poland with embassy arranged flight a month ago or so

My boy Dom with the big data brain

>Onions humour

Gaugh, I haven't had one of these for 3 months, would love to splosh some mushroom ketchup over that and devour. Fucking get me home

>Lincolnshire sausage

Sounds like you are where you belong, lad

You can be the little spoon, think you could do with a cuddle, mind you i'm only 5'2 so it will feel like you have something on your back annnnd i'm gone to play minecraft

How did she do that? I contacted the British Embassy in Helsinki to get home and they just sent me some robotic auto-message

All of those hoops to jump through just to pick some fruit. What cunts.

The policy went from "flatten the curve" to "suffocate the economy until a vaccine is ready."
The people were never consulted about this policy. It's a power grab by the elites.

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wait are you lulu

I was born in Britain. Birmingham to be precise

Quite easily

Great advice if you want someone to do user like Pippa Bacca.

there were some flights when lockdowns began and countries were shutting down international flights
embassy in poland arrange their state owned airline to fly people vetted by them and they did for a while but eventually they stopped
might be too late, you might have to drive or wait

The utter state of 'farming'

On phone so your lucky to get this (you) as I can't see memeflags on PC but our infection came from Singapore via Italy or some shitty skiing town in Europe.

I was born in Tokyo, am I Japanese?
t. John Smith

Yeah, no shit. And where did they get it from?

so why come back?
can you even tell difference

Came here to say this but I think it's a joke my dude

Quick lads get your "off topic" posts in before that autistic loser gets in the thread and starts reporting everything again

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Makes a change to the usual riots of colour

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This it's a fucking zog scam as we all knew anyway.

Romanians have to jump through these hoops too?
Somehow I doubt it.


Ffs mate, they're cobs

Why do people spend their time being sad when they could be happy?

Stay out of the Highlands m80
Keep your Sassenach virus South of Stirling

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A dog born in a stable is not a horse.

Sir Cliff Richard here,
I was born in India
Am I Indian?

Well you both are why bother
I have citizenship

That's not part of Britain anymore, similar story to India/Pakistain. Oh was it your brother who was stabbed in the heart.

I don’t understand how people can be bored my biggest problem right now is that I’m too entertained not a moment goes by where I’m not consuming some form of entertainment

Joanna Lumley here, Bud bud bud about as Indian as me.

Just get antidepressants, simple as

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Always wondered, in the parts of the country where a cob/batch/barn is called a roll, how does one distinguish between a sausage roll and a sausage roll?

I'm at work but have barely any work to do unfortunately