Only Islam can save the west

Allahu Akbar

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Allah willing, the infidels in America will know the blessing of Mohammed and Shariah law

Allah is a pedo, and Mohammed sucked his own grandson's cock

You can't speak of sharia law unless you follow all of it all the time. You sandy camel fucking apes don't even try to follow it, you just want every non muslim to follow it so you can act like king of the castle. Newsflash buster, I won't follow that malarkey. Period.

all abrahamic religions are jewish PSYOPs

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Reminder prophet Muhammad was a crossdressing pedo and Iran is the world leader when it comes to male-to-female transition surgery as it has the highest amount of trannies per capita of any country.

God will destroy false religion and that includes Islam

it'll be "churches" until they're the majority, then it becomes "mosques" and any mention of "churches" will be removed

Unironically speaking as an muslim who converted to buddhism, America should go full christian. Muslims don't hate you guys for being christian, in fact they want you to be one. They hate the freemason shit that america is and legitimately grieves over the destruction of European christian culture.

Go full fundamentalist christian. We will handle the eastern part of the world from degeneracy, you save your western half.

Better than gays. They do it to stop the gays from.


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the towelhead has a point tho

To be honest it would be a step in the right direction compared to what we have now. Would be nice if Christ fags got their shit together first, but it's a naive wish at this point.

deport all muslims

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>Enage in homosexuality and pedophilia
>Lack any kind of intelligence
>Rule the West
>Enage in homosexuality and pedophilia
>Lack any kind of intelligence
>Want to rule the West
I really fail to see the difference.

muslims throw them from the roof you faggot.

>Muslims engage in homosexuality


Fuck off goat fucking faggot

Only after they get caught butt fucking a comfort boy

In islam it is kosher to rape children.

converting to islam was the best decision i ever made

Because more people than two are in a church or mosque.

Replace one degenerate set of ideals with another, brilliant

No thanks, I like pork and dogs.

This. Pretty much every wealthy Muslim is bisexual and a pedo. Degeneracy for the rich, beheadings for the poor that do the same.

Reminder that all Abrahamists must be eradicated from planet earth

Allah and your Jewish God are the same shit you dumb retard. You are basically cursing at your own good just to trigger some shitskins.

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I don't worship any god whatsoever, Achmed. Grownups don't need fairy tales to live their lives.

nope you know who can save the west? I know it's kinda abnormal and different
fucking people
if people won't wake up, it's lost, muslims can have fertility rates and traditional household and values but only for a while
It will be as easy as with white christians, introduce your social programming, demasculinization, equality between sexes do it slowly while older generations die off new are being raised on 24/7 propaganda in tv, social media faggotry, being manly bad all that sort of stuff
if you think muslims are fucking immune to the master level manipulation then Im a fucking 7 ft tall blonde nord

>halal for homosexuals to engage in sodomy
islamic culture, willed on by allah, apparently!

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The only based Muslims are the ones in the Middle East. The ones who come to white countries are the subhuman trash who can't even be bothered to fight the jew in their own homes.

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>faggots throwing faggots from roof tops
only when they get caught user, only when they get caught

Islam will save nothing. It's a religion of seething losers and untermenschen.

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Seethe and cope more kikes

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How far the mighty "aryan" has fallen

what does a muslim have that white man doesn't that scares of kikes so fucking much
strong goat aroma? could only think of that

Not being cucks

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I don't get it. A few years ago we were blasting and shooting and killing Muslims and their shithole countries and now they get to have an opinion on how to run the USA?
How did that happen?

If I submit, it will be okay for me to rape the women infidels, right?

Holy kek, search for the word "beurette" in any porn site and tell me that again. Muslims are impotent faggots.

They think they have power. They're as deluded as niggers.