You have been challenged against the king of debates, Destiny. You only have 24 hours to prepare for your debate

You have been challenged against the king of debates, Destiny. You only have 24 hours to prepare for your debate.

How do you prepare against the debate thats to be broadcast to thousands of people live?

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I don't and I shitpost the whole time

>King of Debates
Mike Enoch mopped the floor with him.

Debates are useless and a waste of time.

You efaggots need to be put into camps.

Why would you ever not debate on paper?

>debating anyone dumb enough to have ever been a lolbertarian

big yikes there buddy


I dont think any person has ever has their mind changed by a debate. Its just a dickwaving contest and a chance to virtue signal to your side

jesus, this place has been completely fucked by twitter communists. how pathetic.

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Discuss a topic his autism does not cover. Like monarchs, or the efficiency of trains. He will be bored and I will be able to talk all day long as he get bored like he always does and stops talking

Destiny isnt even a commies, he hates tankies

Ask him simple Yes/No questions, and respond to any gish-galloping from Reddit sourced comments with a point blank

I also make sure to ask about his Discord server grooming underage teenagers into sending nudes

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Destiny is a POS who derails debates. There is a reason he avoids properly moderated debate and favors mediums where he fuck around and be a tard. As someone who does competitive debate for a University team, hes a fucktard with no clout.

Refuse to debate him over the internet until he agrees to debate in person, instead of debating him I rape him without mercy.

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Debate him then

I've got better things to do with my life than have a political dick waving match we a retard. Like finishing my masters.

Somebody should debate him while they bang his whore girlfriend. Let's see just how good he really is.

you know destiny is a literal cuck right?
like not a meme cuck, and actual cuckold who is ok with other guys fucking his gf

I've yet to find a single person that can beat me in debate. Simply because everything I say is backed up by research, evidence, logic, and facts.

The moment someone opposes my ideas they are automatically wrong, since they are opposing facts, not opinions. There is not a single person on Yas Forums that can beat me in debate.

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>It's okay if other dudes fuck my girl in her ass and nut on her face as long as she comes home to me every night
>t. Destiny

I don't, go on air with him and call him a cunt. Then proceed to say "i have better things to do with my life like i dont know, actually practicing my political theories".

I agree, debating in person becomes a fight because people get triggered. Better to choose your words carefully and without pressure to respond right away.

But it would be so entertaining to see him talk to people who actually know how to debate


whip this out and leave him absolutely floored

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>debates Destiny has lost
Debate with Martin Shkreli

Debate with Ryan Dawson

Debate with Mister Metokur

Debate with Sargon of Akkad

Debate with Naked Ape

Debate with Jean-François Gariépy

Debate with Alt Hype

Debate with Vegan Gains

Debate with Nick Fuentes

Debate with Sean Last

Debate with Vincent James

Destiny vs JLP:
Destiny vs himself:
Destiny vs school children:
Destiny vs da j00s:
Destiny vs a bottle of s*ylent:
Destiny's gf:

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posted by Destiny or followers..
sage in options

Hunter Avellone

debates are useless, these are for "bloodsports" retards, most of them boil down to arguing about definitions and the one debater who is more knowledgeable knows how to shift the frame game in his advantage.

Actual people who know how to debate are either one of two.

Have better things to do.

Don't want to fuck around in an unmoderated debate with a retard whose main goal is to derail debates, try to argue random shit in sources, commit fallacy after fallacy and be a general annoying piece of shit.

The style of debate I focus on is Canadian Parliamentary Debate. Time is very limited in these debates and are judged. Essential you have two sides, the government and the opposition. Government starts and creates a model laying down the framework for their argument, e.g. We want more tax: that being an increase in taxation based on a bracket system where higher income levels have an increased taxation rage. Then they would give reasons and ect. Then the opposition will make points against it, then the next speaker can add more points or rebuttal. However the last segments you cannot add new information, as such its usually in your best interest to push rebuttals to the end of the debate where you cannot add new information. Furthermore you have allotted speaking times and you cannot interrupt unless the speaker allows, which is only done so that questions can be done to clarify information. If done to try to argue its out of order. There is no real uses of sources or bibliography as its about ideological debate and not trying to write an thesis paper with words.

Destiny wouldn't even accept those terms, as it requires him to shut the fuck up for most of the match, something he cannot do. Furthermore its not about sources, its about high level abstracts which his puny mind cannot handle.

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>he fell for the graduate school meme
at this rate you might get your first job by 35

Enoch crushed him. Striker got BTFO though
