What's your excuse for not having a pagan waifu?
What's your excuse for not having a pagan waifu?
there's not enough of them
cringey bitch no understand science, make me cut open lamb or say dumb gay chant or go to evil antler church or some bullshit
Pagan women are known to be less educated so no thanks.
I don't fuck retards.
I'm scared of getting my heart broken again
I don't want an STD, and hairy bushes are disgusting.
Exodus 22:18
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
paganism is cringe bro
They're degenerate scum. Fuck one sure but who would want to wife one?
im too autistic for women
Made for BBC
Please kill yourself slide threader
Someone who larps as a follower of a dead religion probably has something wrong with them. She would have to stop with this larp stuff and convert to Christianity before I would marry her.
Pagans (if you can call them that) are a bunch of degenerate homos desperate to cling on to some kind of identity in this atomized hellscape, which is why you'll see a lot of spics in "pagan" watering holes. You have the nazi flag on but you should know that Hitler was against paganism and all of the top men in the Reich were pro-Christian. I'd say you'd give us all a bad name, but we're already at rock bottom.
did magick got pagan waifu do wilt be law
Here come the kikes. Kikes absolutely despise native european religions. No other subject pisses off the kikes so much
Stop making this thread every hour.
Fuck pagans and fuck you
explain the pagan shit on the ss rings faggot
because I have a vietnamese waifu who is catholic and she gets naughty with her sister who lives with us too
Kikes also despise Christianity with every fiber of their being. Do you know where the term "kike" came from? It's from Hebrew for "kikel", which is circle in English. The Jews coming to America signed their immigration forms with circles instead of crosses, because it reminded them of Christ.
most pagan women are wiccan and they are more left.
“Pagans are degenerates”
>uneducated women is a bad thing
How leafy of you.
>Some tatted up hippie bitch thinking she can cast spells
>Native European religion
Completely untrue, they discourage Christianity among whites and try to undermine it at any opportunity. A Christ-like person is the most terrifying enemy to the Jew.
>LARPs as follower of both a dead religion no one believes in and a dead 1930s political ideology that destroyed Europe which will make normal people avoid you like the plague.
Super cringe.
Explain what neo-pagan movements have to do with Nazi occultism?
It literally is though. Do you want some dumb bitch raising your kids?
wtf i hate himmler now.
I bet you are a nigger who only looks at ass.
>posts a bunch stuff that happened after Christianity began to decline
>Blame it on Christianity
All of that are the fruits of a secular society, now you fedora tippers are projecting the blame.