POL used to be about free speech and ideas!

POL used to be about free speech and ideas!
Now the mods ban you for bullshit you didn’t even do!!

So I get banned for posting in a “RAID THREAD” whatever the fuck that is!

Why are the pol mods such nazis now!?

What if I posted in some thread telling them to fuck off!?

This place is insane!

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I got banned for ten days recently for saying "Asian girls are cute". I didn't even post anything lewd.

I suspect that the new jannies are r/aznidentity chinks.

Just become a phonefag and use your data to post. I've been circumventing this stupid ban shit for years and they still keep trying. They've even tried a range ban on me and because my IP isnt even close to my real one all the dipshits did was range ban some random shithole in America.

Was Yas Forums ever about free speech?

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Who knows. but the real question is why are the shills raiding this irrelevant site to death? Probably because Yas Forums has had a lot of cultural influence

>used to be about free speech and ideas
I've been here from the start.

90% of the board is horseshit or trolling.

mods got infiltrated. rumor was 2 of them have 3 brackets on each side. got banned for some bullshit reason too not so long ago

Sounds like reddit and their new "you upvoted bad content" bullshit

based warehouse poster

If you get banned, just say you never visit that board and have a floating IP, you'll be back in about 3 hours lmao

I get banned from Yas Forums all the time for "replying to offtopic garbage" (and they never say which 'garbage' i replied to).

based op not blurring out his ip

>Doxxes himself
Seems legit.

Sometimes they ban you without a reason, which I got recently

I just got off ban for "replying to a garbage thread"...whatever the fuck that means

This. Look at the catalog at any given moment, 90% is garbage.

stay mad fag
mods are gods

Duh lol

404s are common by them too

because oldfags are mostly in the bunkers

Fuck you scum, sage.

Just reset your router lol
Takes me a longer time to take a shit than to change my ip

Checked. Over on Yas Forums we have trap threads and literal fagtalk meanwhile jannies pruning insightful threads. Sup with that?


ur failing hard in here cause you're a JEW PANDERER ON A MISSION TO SHILL.


Exact thing happened to me 3 days ago. Ban literally lifted an hour ago.

Its frustrating, but it only proves that they fear honest discourse. Let this embolden us to push even harder in the fight for truth.

Dont hate the jannie, hate the non paying job

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never give up fren


I thought that was the case but i haven't been here as long as you Old fag

>ID is Skknrwlk
>literally “skinwalker”
Anons I’m scared.

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Come on now, its pretty much common knowledge. You have to be pretty ignorant to not realize this, or a shill.

True, but the 10% that is gold is what most of us stayed for. Now a lot of that is pruned, with literally shills post with impunity. Ignoring it and staying its always been like this is why America is in the state she's in right now.

I got this and the one that op got, since last week. I've posted here for years, this is something new

unironically fuck you for posting this, i forgot about those things for years since i was in that fucking forest

I’m getting disturbed by this thread. The raids lately have been strange, new crews, and the threads being banned are strange too. The timing of people talking about this shit is not off. Wtf is happening?

jannies have been fags a lot lately but fuck the last week or two.


Jannies are literal government employed commie kikes no exaggeration at all. Remember the threads about the chink emperors whore of a daughter? Threads dedicated to her infamous semen obsession were getting massive response on all boards, everyone clearly enjoyed shitting all over that infernal but clan, until there were site-wide bans for anyone replying.

I got a ban for making a bestiality joke.

Clear your cookies, and use a different ip address. Ignore the bans

Quit your bitching newfag!

Attached: !draaaaaaateeeeeeR.jpg (577x433, 28.43K)

your stupid jannies are being controlled by the Jews and letting Jews post threads here in / pol / and they are slowly managing to convert / pol /

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If you've ever been to actual forums, jannies here are pretty good. Everyone is a cuck in forums because all based posts get deleted.

Imagine for a moment that the staff has been infiltrated, and any insightful or gold threads are pruned while the mindless trolling threads stay at the top of the catalogue. This would serve those that hate/pol/ the most, would it not?

Oh hey, me too.

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I got banned for saying "Hi bongs"

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Yea, they definitely ARE infiltrated by kikes. The site needs purged and every admin/mod needs to be thoroughly vetted that they are not kikes or their commie minions.

was that the LSD thread?

I have more but I’m not allowed to post cause of the jannies. Apparently it’s “spam”

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8kun is less cucked desu

Be easier to just move to another site and keep only trusted people in admin/jannie positions.

You mean that warning that it wont let you upload images on an image board? What causes that? Annoying as fuck.

Pretty sure the site owner doesn't give a fuck about the ideology of/pol/ and doesn't appoint mods on that merit, although it would make the board better if he did.

8Kun is a honey pot too. even more glowing then here.

There's an ever ongoing debate between /x/ and Yas Forums moderation about what shit belongs on which board, and in the end all of the borderline content gets you a sitewide vacation no matter where you post it. It's fucking retarded but thats what Yas Forums gets for having shit admins who cant do their job and reel in the retard crew that is modteam.

this can't get more inorganic

I cannot argue with that, but doing so would lose the Brand Power of "Yas Forums"

>Casually shows IP address

How many pepperoni pizzas did you want to order again, OP?

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So u miss moot? Ive been gone since he departed. Whats this jap dude been like? Has he talked about what his family did yet during ww2?

Also check eem

Mods=gods fagget learn the rules

Did they attack Pearl Harbor?

9chan.tw > 8kun
you can't even create boards on 8kun and a lot of good ones got purged
9 is running a superior version of old infinitychan
and made by the guy who runs kiwifarms

No. Even our former tranny overlord m00t said Yas Forums wasn't about free speech

It could hypothetically serve multiple functions. Lowering the level of dialog, steering conversations towards certain talking points, weed out problem posters, misinform new fags. Controlling the means of communication is key to conquering a people. The rest of the internet is already mostly lost to the sea, and Yas Forums is no exception, except in that "controversial" ideas are allowed. Ideas that will almost always be followed by the same buzzwords like "shizo", "MIGA", "tinfoil hat". Some even try to act like right-wingers to further de legitimize those positions.

That or unit 731 i heard

I got banned fro uploading a shooped image of Greta Thunberg on a toilet. It was an adult with only her leg showing. Everything else was covered. But it said 'upload failed' then I got a cheese pizza ban. DAFUQ!

checkin these before I check that out

Brand isn't what made Yas Forums
Yas Forums made the brand. Remember the left can't meme if we all left.. the memes would still flow. we just would be free for a little while until they caught up.

Op here and you’re right POL has huge cultural influence

See a story here hours later it’s on twitter day or days later mainstream news cycle

Without question pol drives the news now

For sure every major journalist lurks