The Australian """man"" has been CASTRATED by the handrubbing neoliberal

The Australian """man"" has been CASTRATED by the handrubbing neoliberal.

He GROVELS for scraps and tries to not to think of his past potential.

He LOVES statism and promotes it free of charge.

He THANKS Chang for the chance to rent a small overpriced apartment in a crumbling Chinese Engineering™ building.

He BEGS Rajesh to stop stealing his employment opportunities.

He LOOKS ON SILENTLY as Muhammed outbreeds him.

He VOTES for liberals because if he's loyal to Murdoch and foreign businessmen for long enough may be they'll stop destroying his country. But only if they want to, Wouldn't want to be too demanding, a 'dickhead' move.

He HATES nonwhites online but autistically insists on media-given dogma irl when he's in the presence of them and pretends to be a laidback 'Aussie' lad.

He THANKS an Abo for stealing his phone and using his tax money to get blind drunk 24/7.

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I don't know how you all do it, $25 for a pack of smokes, $20 for a 6 of beer, no guns, need a permit for paintball. How did you let it get this bad? It's happening here too.... Assholes like me are willing to go to protests right now to stop it but even Yas Forums shits on us.

Does beer really cost $20 for a sixer in Aboland? I can get a 24 pack for $10. Is Changistan the new Canada?

Aussies like to talk tough here on Yas Forums but they're even more cucked than Canadians.

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$8 in the US. Those poor bastards. It must be tough to have a money printing government when you don't own the world's reserve currency.

Check out for laughably high prices for groceries. Those Canada is dying threads have nothing on the Australians.

deadset costs me $19.50 for my preferred 6pack
most aussies homebrew now though. costs me just over a dollar a stubbie that way, and about $8/L distilling spirits.

I thought you guys were drunken assholes. How can you be drunken assholes if you can't afford booze or smokes? It's very confusing.

The high prices on drugs and alcohol keep poor addicts poor because they get depressed that they have no money after blowing all of it on brews and smokes

i think we get paid a lot better than you guys for unqualified, part time and trainee work, but i don't know. shits genuinely fucked. used to spend $240 on pot, $98 on beer and $50 on baccy every fortnight while working at a petrol station and still had money for bills & anime figs

>anime figs
Anigay fags get the rope

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When I was in high school it was $18 a carton for cigs and around $14 for 24 beers. That was the '90s, but a case of beer is still $20 and a carton of smokes is around $50.
Minimum wage in HS was $5.15/hr

>posts a picture of some old guy he has a crush on
fuck off faggot

anime sucks

>some old guy
Found the zoomer

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who wouldn't have a crush on Bob?

Fuck off forty year old lockdown Summerfags
Or at least post your favourite Tom and Jerry animated picture cell images

We are absolutely over run with progressive faggots who seek to make everything as "safe" as possible and protect everyone from having to make any kind of potentially dangerous decision. The Australia of popular imagination went terminal in the mid 90s and died forever in the mid 2000s

Ita true, were very cucked here. I'll suck your knob for 1 USD?

Please give your country to us. I promise we will give it back after we fix it up. You can be a state for, let's say, 50 years? And then you can declare independence after we have removed the bug threat.
>fat cunt
>fuck off
>get fucked cunt
>nigger lover
>satanic golem

I'd rather you guys than the fuxkin chinks

Also you might fix our cucked gun laws. That, in itself would be more than payment.

That nose looks awfully (((chosen))).

Yeah the cunt is part lebo apparently, its a funny meme but I wouldn't trust the cunt

Australia is a pretty blue pill nation. We used to be extremely monoculture until the 60s when suddenly blacks were counted as human and then soon afterwards the white Australian policy was abolished. We’ve always been pretty big Govt, used to have free University, still have public healthcare (main reason that smokes and alcohol costs so much), never wanted to leave the empire.

He’s pretty based for blue-pill agri-Union guy. He went to UQ. He defended Anning for not talking all prim and proper which was based.

picture disrespectful

Mi Goreng is a gift from the gods, not the chinks

t. fan of Mi Goreng

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Degenerates get the rope

Australian wages are higher, it's not USD he's talking about. AUD is 65 cents to 1 American dollar, so 20 dollars for a 6 pack is like 13 dollars. Though since 6 packs are like 8.50 or something here I guess that's kind of fucked but whatever.

The real reason Australians are annoying is that the US had laws against racemixing while the Australians encouraged abofucking in an effort to get rid of them, so all white Australians have some abo in them. Yet faggot Australians on here are so retarded they think they're whiter than us. Not that it really matters, but it's annoying being called a mutt by a guy who is probably 5% australoid on average.

>$25 for a pack of smokes
theyre 55 AUD mate.

>he hasn’t left Australia for the states

Really based post, OP.

We are fucked.

yeah but 24 beers is 40-50 bucks

And we make like minimum $25 an hour

Living in this country makes me want to kill myself.

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I want to , but your stupid fucking burger country makes it so hard for us, despite being greatest allies.
Its literally easier for pajeets straight from india, because their "degrees" are easy as fuck to get.
For us to move there you have to have a degree and employment secured.
Its basically impossible to get hired and move there as a white tradie.
t. two trades, 6 years at technical college. yet not allowed to migrate to burger land.
Im playing green card lottery this year.

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Fuck off, Chang

I’m saying we need to play them at their game and import a voter base of conservatives, from Aus, SA and Europe.

Jokes on OP, I'm consuming Nongshim Shin Ramyun.

The only thing worse then fatty mutt is a self hating blue, all u cunts are no better then traitors and can get fucked, the red soil plains im from has its problems but its better then any shit stain country on this planet. Any blue cunts who would trade it for a jew puppet state is no blue in my eyes, the quicker u cunts move the better, more Coopers ale and misses for the true dogs of this land

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