As a Cuban-American, I was wondering what you guys think about us.
As a Cuban-American, I was wondering what you guys think about us
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Your a sub human mutt
I don’t think about Cuba
Second generation?
Contrary to most latin immigrants to america, you guys usually tend to vote conservative.
I thought about you two decades ago when I watched Red Dawn
I want to go to your country and hide in a shack in the jungle. Would the locals be cool with that? I can climb coconut trees and break them open on rock and spearfish. Would they be cool with me just chilling there for a while?
How did you move to America?
I heard your young women are hot, but they will steal all the toilet paper from your bathroom.
I won a lottery for a U.S. green card. A now abadoned way of granting someone citizenship.
Complete utter subhuman scum, all of you are the reason that my country is like this, and believe me, when we fucking kill your cuban puppet maduro we will fucking make all of you pay for what you have done to us with your blood you filthy sub humam communist pice of shit.
Cuba has always come off as a boring, small place to me. Not somewhere I'd like to go.
You are rightful property of Cuba. But since you are traitors to Cuba, its people and its government you should all be shipped into re-education camps for 5 year period after you get deported back there.
Or, in the case of total USA collapse Florida becomes rightful property of Cuba and you get the same treatment.
I don't. To be honest your post reminded me that Cuba exists. All spanish-speaking people are Mexicans if they're brown, or Spanish if they're light brown. Sorry nothing personal it's just you're all the same.
respect is earned not demanded. plus learn how to drive. and there is no need to get angry
I know JACK SHIT about you guys
I think we would all be better off if you were back in Cuba. The more Iberian mix of Cubans are ok but there is a true to life meme of Cuban men being machismo hot heads.
I would love to try your ice cream and cheese.
Nice try, Juan Faildo. Maduro is not going anywhere. Unlike you, failed asset of Langley that you are.
Are you like other Cubans residing in Florida?
Lol @ all the mutts ranting about cubans. Blame your ancestors for always meddling in their affairs, even when they were part of Spain
I think y'all are ok. I lived in Savannah for a while and worked with a Cuban-American pilot instructor who was cool. Also you guys make good sandwiches and usually hate commies.
Thoughts on Batista?
we don’t, just stay out of out country and we’lll stay out of yours
We should've granted you independence without trying to pull the strings afterward. Our foreign policy has always been short sighted and reckless
I think you should take the american out of your title and go back.
1. How bad was Fidel really? Seemed like a redpilled guy even if the country was shit.
2. If so, why was Fidel so bad?
3. If he's bad, how soon can we get the communists out of power so we can send you back on the banana boat you came from.
Cope harder faggot, nobody believes in waido,he is just another communist pice of shit.
Think about Cuba often. I Understand that Cubans who move to America are pretty anti-communism. When I saw Cuban Americans cry as a symbol of liberation upon The Beards death I thought that was pretty based.
Evil. The downfall to a high society with a booming tourist business. Introducing sharecropping inevitably paving the way for some stuck up psycho like Fidel.
all i know is cubans drive ancient cars and play baseball and dance salsa all day every day
and lechon asado
rich white Spaniards who left that shitty island to not be classicided
Libertad! Libertad! Libertad!
don't worry friend, what the jews are setting up in north america will be even worse and in some places already is.
What they accomplished in Cuba and Venezuela they will achieve in North America within our lifetime. The mulatto proletariat ruled by a Jew-run police state gets closer by the day.
Generally you hate commies but you gotta go farther
there aren't that many whites that were left at the time of the communist revolution. It was already mostly mulatto. You can see the same game in america where they turn everyone into low IQ mutts so that they can bring in the police state without anyone understanding what is happening.
>I was wondering what you guys think about us.
We don't.
Cuban girls are hot af tho.
Castro was a faggot like his son Justin.
Cubans hate communism, good enough for me
Vibrant culture, great music, excellent food, attractive women, strong sense of family... most Cubans / Cuban-Americans I have met are friendly & outgoing.
Apparently the dems can’t stand you guys because you are pro-freedom and pro-capitalism.
I hate you spic
Cuba is a bottleneck to US access into international markets through the Gulf of Mexico. US definitely thinks about you.