Write what’s on your mind

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americans are stupid as fuck and deserve bill gates genocide

I want Asuka to suffocate me with her thighs

no u

you have chosen correctly

This, but it also applies to the rest of the world as well. The world is pretty much fucked, all our heroes are either dead, or imprisoned for trying to save us by killing those who are killing us. To add salt to the wound all the normalfags both irl and on here celebrate it while advocating peace with the enemy that won long ago and is starting the final parts of their plans that will whip us out. Try to stop them in any meaningful way that will actually have an impact and even our "allies" in the dissident right will celebrate your death/imprisonment and their continued slavery.

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asuka is best girl

asuka has a benis


Asuka is barely even a whole person, let alone best girl.

It's Misato > Maya > Rey >>> Asuka > Ritsuko >>>>>>> Mari

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im a reifag but i want to fuck asuka
i fear that if i was married to rei i would probably betray her if asuka teased me enough

Why'd i have to be a monarchist in a with literally no candidates to be the king?

I need to pee out the last drops of cum, but don't want my brother to notice the short intervals between my bathroom visits.

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I'll take Ray any day
if you'll take kaworu you are gay
Ray is the best girl of them all
Asuka can suck my right ball
Misato on the other hand
has the coolest wip in all the land
that blue shitbox Is fucking cool
if you think not you're a retarded tool
Gendo is a shitty dad
get in the robot stupid lad
but seriously Asuka is a bitch
my nigga Shinji should have snitched
tell them all about her bullshit
they will see she's a hypocrite
I hate Asuka that's no lie
I want that bitch to fucking die
poetry is an outlet that calms me down
but damn she is a fucking clown
the moral of the story is
the world is full of pain and suffering, but as long as you're still alive there's still a chance to find happiness, and that its important to accept the life you live in even if it's not perfect and also to accept yourself, despite your flaws.

obviously, rei is number 1

Blacks and shitskins need to be sent back to Africa otherwise our IQ pool will simply go back Millions of years, It will be easy to China or any other country to bypass us.

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Bezmenov was right. Ideological subversion is irreversible and quite possibly the greatest weapon ever invented. You can show a college educated person a pile of meticulously researched evidence of something that leaves absolutely no room for doubt, and they'll still call it "misinformation" because it doesn't fit the specific worldview ground into them by years of television viewing.

It's really sad. I almost wish they'd go mask off and start lining people like me up against walls. Having to live in a defeated and occupied country full of quasi-religious fanatics is fucking tiresome.

laughs in red hair

Asuka is worst girl. That's why she and Shinji make best couple. A couple of turds swimming in the toilet bowl. That's the metaphor that this show was trying to make. Pooping can be hard sometimes. Especially if all you eat is processed cheese.

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>college educated
Means nothing.


what continuity is this? she was never flat but...


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I know that now, but it's still really disappointing. I went to a good school and made friends with a lot of otherwise very intelligent people.

Mai shiranui

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I joined a cult to get a lot of hot pussy. I got a lot of hot pussy. But now I’m in a cult.

Then you should be intelligent enough to see college for what it is. A ticket into the middle class.

I think threads lie this shouldn’t be on Yas Forums least of all because they re literally off topic.

That said, you are 10/10 shilling right now. Most of you fags just make things worse,

beating the ever living shit out of every single jew on this planet one by one with my bare hands until they die a slow and painful death.

God, Yumo, I wish the party leader gives a response.

i need to fart really bad, I feel it running around my stomach but ass is not working with me

fuck you

I want to do what is good and lead a good life. Now, how do I do this?

Worse for who exactly?

w h o l e s o m e
it's spelled Rei though.
thx brev

Murdoch Murdoch is the best show on tv

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its on fucking tv? how?

Burgers are fat and stinky