Aus/pol/ - Cronulla edition

There's like 1.6 fuckin billion chinks and only fuckin 6 million able bodied white lads to fight em.
Back the under dog, our great grandparents would back us. Why are we flooding the place with these fuckin cunts? Fuck

Aus/pol/ intro:

Attached: SutherAnon.png (1016x748, 674.9K)

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Praise Him

Attached: Praise Him .jpg (1488x1488, 522.6K)


Who saw Greg CUNT's ccp press conference today?

Fuck super - it's theft.
The only reason to invest in your future is because you want your family to thrive and grow. Super makes it less likely to have a big family that thrives and grows.
Have a family cunts, it's the only way you get to "retire".

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Well, there’s 17 million Italian Americans... We’ll whack em fuckers, they think they know how to cook? Fucking bullshit

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blatant CCP Propaganga now coming at you during live government press conferences
have these cunts no shame?

I really hope there’s no war just a nice orderly depression

boys are a genetic dead end in 2020 unless theyre incredibly good looking, even then


The one bad thing about being Australian is that our accent doesn't allow us to say "nigger" with a hard r. It sounds like "nigga" when we try to say it. I've been in mutiple social situations where I wished that I had an accent that could distinguish between these two words.

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I'm completely DONE with the government now.
(but I'll keep receiving their gibs)

No, what happened? Nothing but propaganda I guess?

What happens when your wife has a big loose moot does she suck you off?

>only fuckin 6 million able bodied white lads

Has to be more than that...I'd still give us the advantage considering past performance

they let a chink hijack the government press conference live on tv to say praise china and the CCP for being so helpful

you can do it, user. i believe in you

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Some guys know their place in the pecking order and get a fat bitch

soooo abos it is.

They allowed some chink ambassador to join them on the government podium and spout all the CCP talking points about how we should be thankful for the hard work they did containing the virus.

Praise be.

Attached: praise him.png (452x518, 407.34K)

link to presser?

I sound like a retard when I try to pronounce an American r. Even if I succeeded, it would be strange to hear because all my other words are in an Australian accent then suddenly, I talk like an American for one of them.

I hope there is a war, wonder who is best to invest in prep.
China need their shit kicked in and any Chinese that dont denounce China need to fuck off.

They still want our beef and iron ore, and probably shit loads of ag shit, or else they’d starve and start murdering each other

I've been married for 13 years, have three kids, and my wife is a tight today as she was when we wed.
It's an absolute myth that having babies makes women loose.

What state?

It is always wise to back the underdog. For who is to say that you won't be next? Even as a pacifist, for otherwise the "top dog" will take advantange.

>They still want our beef and iron ore

60% of China's iron ore comes from your mines...shut that off and watch their economy fail.

Thank you, based Italian. You're the only white ethnicity in the US that actually has an in-group preference.
We'll be counting on you.

The podium?
I think it was a solid.

is the corona tracker app acting as a listening device? i installed it and ever since i have been seeing things pop up on Yas Forums that i have been talking about with my fuck piggy

Well fuck me its officially all over for 'Australia'

Better throw your phone away just to be safe

Wow...unbelievable. I stand with Australia against these chink motherfuckers.

what the fuck is the chink saying?
is there like a translation?

>mfw I was in Cronulla that day
Unironically one of the best days in my life lads.

has been for years and sadly the fact that you, someone that is apparently redpilled and on Yas Forums (how this is a thing i still dont know because this is a website for weebs and how the fuck are weebs redpilled but nevertheless i will give you the benefit of the doubt because i consider myself redpilled and not a weeb and here i am) are only figuring that out now shows that the majority of australians have no fucking clue what has been going on and thus now we know how fucked we truly are.

whats wrong with this? this seems all orderly and well I though you said he hijacked the stage

as an officer of the "law" obviously

based glownigger

Exactly! The cunt couldn't even speak English.
Most of it is transcribed in the article btw.

you have been given a great power.
use it wisely.

what you gonna do? kill the makers of your phone and tv? think again.

Brilliant image user, top kek. How can I give you gold?