If your country is not painted on this map, you are basically living in a worthless third world shithole

If your country is not painted on this map, you are basically living in a worthless third world shithole.

Attached: 0506-sci-GLOBAL600.jpg (600x305, 30.58K)

>first world

> Saudis
> Kiwis
> "First World"

Problem is a lot of 3 world niggers/indians/asians are moving to 1st world countries. eg NZ ffs

>High income

Why is it that in general, the farther south you go, the shittier the countries get?

Get fucked Hong Kong


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Your map is wrong the u.s shouldnt be highlighted its a shithole country

Greece and Portugal are hardcore shitholes though

>high income

>anywhere in Europe

Haha lmao

I'd take a poor-ish country in Europe like Poland, Hungary or Croatia over an Arab shopping mall in the desert like Saudi or the UAE any day.

>canacuckle land
>fucking greenland AND tourist trap Iceland
Only first world countries I see here that I’ve personally been too are Italy, France, Portugal, and Spain

This honestly, they aren't even white anymore

High income doesn't mean shit. In Scandinavia they will take 50% of it to buy some Muslim a Ferrari. In the US you will pay 50% of it if you scratch your knee and need Band-Aids.

Attached: 1585599272231m.jpg (427x1024, 44.59K)

>Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Finland
>Not worthless shitholes

>Muh Sheikh oil n shit

Lmao who the fuck cares about New Zealand

>Portugal the multiculti low income shithole
>Spain and France the migrant shitholes

Italy *was* good but it'll take time to bounce back from Corona

Jordan isn't highlighted

Probably the last white anglosphere country left

True. It's just KSA

canada is being a first world country yet, all of rich ones in canada are worthless subhumans such as chinks and pajeets. kek

At least we have some engineering skills. If you wouldn't have minerals and fossil fuels, you would be absolute shithole. Try to cope now with low oil prices.

Nigger, we have a higher average salary than Estonia. Only thing Estonia beats us is on minimum salary. Minimum salaries are a joke by definition causing inflation and pulling everyone down.

Yeah Canada's a shithole too mate dont worry xD

Ironically, South Korea and Japan are the only real first worlds. They have not yet passed on to kike's multiculti fraud.

>First world
Sure thing, mutt

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>finally after years of hard work I bought a house
>Move out of house immediately and dont live in it
>expect to find some chump to pay for the house at extraordinary prices per month

If you don't live in the house you should not be renting it out. If you don't like that than just dont be a landlord if you are such a hard worker I know you can find something else to do than rip people off on a basic necessity.

wrong map.

this is the first world

$20.000 above is first world nigs

Attached: 1280px-Countries_by_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita_in_2019.png (1280x586, 211.55K)

I also remember being 5

you sure about that?

Attached: now-lets-see-who-you-really-are-71436380.png (500x739, 157.14K)