@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpTweet: Blue Angels &Thunderbirds NY/NJ/PA Flyover 4/28/20
>Pres Trump on Supporting Sm Biz Through PPP 4/28/20
>Pres Trump meets w/FL Gov DeSantis 4/28/20
>VP Pence Corona-chan Roundtable w/Mayo Clinic Employees 4/28/20
>VP Pence visits Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN 4/28/20
>VP Pence arrives in MN 4/28/20
>Team Trump Online w/Lara Trump &House GOP Ldr Kevin McCarthy! 4/28/20
>Giuliani on OAN 4/28/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 4/28/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 4/28/20
>EnSec Brouillette on HughHewittShow 4/28/20
>VASec Wilkie on FBN 4/28/20
>LabSec Scalia on America 1st w/Gorka 4/28/20
>WHSrAdviser Hassett outside WH 4/28/20
>FDACommr Hahn on FBN 4/28/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on F&F 4/28/20
>TrumpWave: Pandemic 4/25/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:

new baker needed

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Amash is already dead

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new baker when


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Reminder 20% of Bernie bros will vote trump
Add those to trump’s primary total

i got it


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It's Jessie Ventura they need to really worry about.

Trump's coronavirus approval has dropped 10 points and no network except Fox will be airing him anymore. Do you really think he can get reelected now? Give up the ghost. Biden is a dignified and reasonable man, even if he is demented he would never tell people to inject bleach.

>Joe Biden is unironically the Democrat nominee for president

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>It's Jessie Ventura they need to really worry about.
That would actually be a fun debate

With hard hitting journalism like this how can he lose with liberal endorsements?

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>Give up the ghost. Biden is a dignified and reasonable man
This is what delurium from starvation looks like

me on

Make (very) white babies.

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>But Trump is in no danger whatsoever atm.
Trump is the most vulnerable incumbent since fucking Carter. Democrats could nominate a senile old rapist, and Americans would still prefer that over Trump.
This corona virus is Trump’s Iran hostage crisis, his Great Depression. He’s a failure, and Americans are sick of him

Translated from libspeak "I'm here to attack trump and only trump, period." What a fuckhead that xeni is.

Where is the chad self suck in home depot meme, they really are coming alive

Me in the sunglasses.

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Would be even better if he came out rocking his Mongols vest.

this is literally happening. it's a form of psychological abuse that's going on. human beings aren't biologically made to live like this. from day 1 i said that americans aren't going to put up with this shit for very long.

what are we at now, 6-8 weeks? it's going to get uglier too as democrat governors try and milk it as long as they can.

You sure know a lot about America for someone posting from a dank Chinese boiler room.

Trump's worst vs. lets go back to 2014

Might as well kill yourself today shill , november will be a bloodbath

who was your prime minister before truduea?

Ignore the shills, but especially ignore the leaf versions.

Here's a video of some nigger lady in NYC screeching about coronachan, but it's pretty sad desu. She's had a dead body in her residence for days and nobody will pick it up. She calls DeBlasio out for it. "YOU CAN'T BLAME THAT SHIT ON TRUMP! YOU CAN'T BLAME THAT SHIT ON CUOMO! THAT'S ALL YOU, MAYOR DEBLASIO!!"

He was never alive in the first place.

you literally do not live in reality. there are exactly 19 people in the entire country who hate trump enough to elect someone who is guaranteed to die before his term is out, and i know 8 of them. unless the other 11 of you are literal gorillionaires, donald trump is guaranteed election this year. take this knowledge into account when you plan for the future

>media has a liberal bias.
Actually, it’s more of a conservative bias

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>Jews start enacting the Final Solution against themselves without inviting the whites
Can they succeed where Hitler failed?

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use medical doctors to inject disinfectant into your lungs

The MSM still lives in the Vietnam era where they can control the narrative

yeah closing all the public bathrooms was a nice touch. where are people supposed to wash their hands?

Reminder that we worked with Soleimani to defeat Al-Qaeda in Iraq and then decided to betray him and Iran because Israel and Saudi Arabia said so. We literally would not have defeated the Taliban in Afghanistan and captured key Al-Qaeda leaders in Iraq without him and we returned the favor by betraying him.

Imagine Iran bombed your countries defence minister while he or she was invited in Iraq. And then Rohani starts ranting on twitter how he or she was a murderer, a murderer that killed 6 million in weird rollercoaster constructions and ultra high speed ovens.

Then he starts making your whole country the aggressor, telling you - again through twitter - that he will bomb your most historically important sites if you do anything as move a finger.

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Biden was DOA before he was confirmed to be a rapist.

Democrats' only hope for defeating Trump now is a candidate swap, which they seem to be resisting.

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it's also his katrina, and his iraq war, and his great chicago fire

>But he was a TURRURIST!
He was a military officer of a sovereign nation. What right does the US government have to declare him a "terrorist"?
Good. Whoever the Americans he killed were, they can all be included somewhere among the following categories: a) Government or State Department, etc; b) Military; c) Big Business or Filthy Rich, etc. Whichever, they are part of the Pig System and, therefore, no damned good. Certainly not "Americans" in the same sense you and I might use the term. Second, what the hell are they doing over there? Whatever it is, it's in support of the Jews.
Every time I ask someone about which Americans he specifically ordered killed they mumble something about him showing Iraqi militias to make roadside bombs and kill American soldiers. Not really any different to the manuals the CIA distributes to "moderate" cannibals when they want a "regime change" or a "color revolution".
tl;dr who cares
Oh, and the US Government is some kind of shining beacon of Christianity and pro-whiteness? The Iranian government isn't going to force me to bake a gay cake, at least. And remember, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution condemning "white supremacy" 424 to 1, while Congress unanimously condemned "anti-semitism".
>But the liberals are mourning him too, and I don't want to be like them!
Well they're right, if for the wrong reasons. But they're hypocrites for acting like if Hillary was in power, she wouldn't have also killed him and made some corny quote like "we came, we saw, he died". It's the same thing they did with Kerry during the Bush years.

Rush limbaugh is based

the voters chose him as their nominee. they won't be happy with an arbitrary change.

Weekly World News wish they could have got away with this when it was still in print.
The same thing happened after Trump was elected. All those scare tactics used by useless BBC commentators and NBC talkshow heads about Trump being a Nazi, KKK member, or something ridiculous most certainly caused an excess of anxiety attacks and kept psychiatrists never concerned about job security. What a shitshow.

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>3 different propaganda bots
hahahahaa biden is so fucked with a capital f. this man is going to be more sore than a 2 dollar crackwhore around a bunch of niggers who've only got 1

Why is Hillary not in jail pedes?

>was that funny for you to type because it was damn funny to read.

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>xeni jardin

another authoritarian piece of trash, who pretends to be a do-gooder. they love this kind of shit in the pic

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If you want to understand UFOs my friends, you must understand 3 things.

>Operation Highjump
>Mount Yamantau
>Viktor Schauberger

Who cares, he is dead

lol no

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I'm pretty sure everyone dropped before even half the states voted in primaries so I don't think it is even factual to say the voters chose him

Trump is, and always has been, a Clintonite piece of shit who got the genius idea to run as an "anti-establishment" "Republican" "nationalist" to exploit popular feeling on the right and implement everything his buddy Hildawg wanted while giving the illusion of "winning" for his supporters.
Remember, he was a staunch supporter of Rapist Bill in the 90s all through when he was implementing federal assault weapons bans, committing war crimes in Serbia, and sending FBI niggers and Delta Force to shoot, gas and burn innocent American citizens in Texas, including women and children. I condemn him for killing Soleimani, and you should too. I condemn every US president who has unjustly killed people, even the MOVE niggers.

The current year US government is the most evil system that has ever existed. You should oppose it at every turn. Read Siege by James Mason.

You don't need to tell me that, I agree with you. Biden has no chance of winning. But it wouldn't change things even if he did.

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I honestly cannot fathom how anyone can be this delusional.
How can you say Biden is senile when Trump is president?

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oh look eva's back with his saudi bitch routine

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inject uv light into your eyes to disinfect your retinas

Best version of photoshop?

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I bet he regrets giving Trump tips on running in politics back in the day


I would like to see pro-trump nigger riots in nyc

best thing out of China are her dissidents

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Why isn’t this girl smiling more?

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>the voters chose him as their nominee

And they are retards for choosing Creepy Joe Biden as their avatar against Donald Trump. The only way they could have fucked up worse is if they had picked Marianne "Crystal Magic Is Real" Williamson.
I'm not complaining though, since a second term of MAGA is exactly what I want.

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the 20+ second extended rambling sessions where he says literal nonsense. joe biden is not well and his campaign staffers are abusing him daily to keep him propped up in front of a camera. donald trump has already won the presidential election, it's just a formality at this point, the same as bernie having lost the primary

that's the way our crooked system works. if you don't like it you can leave or get shot trying to change it.

ah, yes, the eric andre approach to politics

Because Trump and Hillary are buddies. See Look at them. Trump and Bill probably swapped wives at some point. I think Bill got the better part of that deal.

you need some economic intercourse

inject propaganda into your lungs to feel better about trump killing more americans with covid than vietnam did during the vietnam war. he's worse than ho chi minh

I didn't think authoritarian death machines were supposed to be this adorable.

>run 20+ candidates
>still end up with Biden
>he might not even make it

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and they refuse to face the fact that 2016 was their death year. they're in for another soul crushing wake up call in november.
ikr. closing public restrooms is exactly the opposite of what normal rational people would do during this.
i remember in the months after the election, the articles about people going on psychiatric drugs because trump was the fucking president. clown world

>I bet he regrets giving Trump tips on running in politics back in the day
Trump's been fighting entrenched govt since 1970

Her father is Yas Forums.

Takes a low IQ to make statues of shit out of people you hate

i liked williamson. i bet she's fun to smoke pot with.

Pretty much this.
Reminder that Trump winning the rust belt was a total FLUKE. Those states have always been Democrat strongholds, and will come back in November.

Did they handle horse crap to make that?

The DNC and RNC are private companies

thought it was an amlobux check


every. fucking. time.

Some dummy actually took the time to make a mold of Trump's head out of horse shit with their hands?

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Bruh x 100000

Biden can’t make it

>maybe if i post this all day, people will read it

lmao still havent read a fucking word of this.

>dumb nigger can't read a transcript for himself


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I don’t visit Yas Forums I’ve heard they are completely insufferable. Is this true

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I just wish I was a fly in the room for the deals they made for the other candidates to drop out

paintball gun.....

>Trump and Bill probably swapped wives at some point.

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inject coca cola

tfw me, at least I still have 18cm dick & 6´1 sanson body which gets me white pucci breddy easily ;-;

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lmfao TDS is fucking real

it just screams mental stability, right?

"I love kids in my butt"

Woah, slow down biden.

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>I just handled horse shit for hours. Take that Drumpf!

my state is facing a 10-15% cut to state agency budgets because of coronafest.


the article said no salary freezes or furloughed workers but i don't buy it

>minor damage to sand dunes outside military base
it was reported a couple of soldiers got a headache from all the racket

Correct. I don’t like Pelosi, but I’m not going to make statues of shit with her face


i was being sarcastic to see what would happen
you cant hold me accountable for retroactive sarcasm

defend me trumpniggers

Fuck you take that back Crystal Mommy would have been a much better candidate since she would at least have been entertaining while with Joementia its just elder abuse, and that is never entertaining.

>repeating le vietnam body count meme

holy shit this came straight from an msm reporter question to trump ROFL

All the Yas Forums board-tans must have a recessive red hair gene or something.

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The DNC has to legitimately worry about this

Have you seen modern gaming? Plus the place is filled with redditers and awful canadians.

Explain to me what your state agencies do for you

Kinda funny, at least as long as it was someone who already had to work with manure. If it was a urbanite shitlib who got the manure just to do this than it is just sad.


are all the same people.

It is.

Reminder and very relevant right now:

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>Africa: nothing
>white man: beautiful bust of God Emporor made out of horse dung
its like they dont even try to make things

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pic is australia

My concern isn't the election, I have foreseen that trump wins in most timelines. My concern is what the libs and dems will do after he wins, and how insane outrageous and violent they will get.

I found an awoo I thought I lost!
This guy got his hands filthy, incredibly filthy, to make something the president will never see. Thanks for confirming that Reddit politics is filled with literal shit.
Unfortunately, they still haven't stopped all the psychotic screeching on Twitter.

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nah, this is amlobux

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I don't disagree with any of that.

But she was a terrible presidential candidate, the only one in the entire 20 person field worse than the one they ended up actually choosing.

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I thought all the male-tans had dark hair.

it was a sarcastic joke

They have a few billion NPCs, those poor souls


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if that were true they'd be bankrupt by now

>at least I still have 18cm dick & 6´1 sanson body which gets me white pucci breddy easily ;-;
at least you are not the maricon poster

If you want me to stop, maybe Trump should stop being a Saudi (and Israeli) bitch, then. Imagine being proud of being Israel's private hit squad.

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By what logic?



still one of the best sketches ever made

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/vr/-tan is blonde.

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why stop? your tears and bitching are free entertainment. i command you to continue for my amusement.

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i don't know but they need a lot of cars and buildings to do it.

>once again, admits to being Eva

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