Trump going into full COPE mode
Trump has been right about everything
fake, this sound too retarded
now fuck off shill
trump is a fucking idiot. Did you inject your disinfectant yet?
OP is seething.
Get fucked
>current year
>still blumph posting
LMFAO at your life faggot
Trump goes into full cope, and his supporters follow, typical
He keeps digging that hole deeper and deeper.
I wish he would stop talking and tweeting. It's the only time he's not lying.
He has been all along.
>Trump has been right about everything
>We're going very substantially down not up
LMAO pls tell me that's fake, that's too retarded even for BLORMPF to say
Sadly no.
Clown world remember?
Trump actually makes sense...good find user.
>UV light
>noble prize
The absolute state of M*GApedes's real.
Look at this MIGAtard, look at him and laugh
He's right though.
>We want more testing!
>Nooo numbers are so high now too much testing!
the numbers are high because anyone who died in the past 3 months of literally anything, if their corpse had coronavirus, the cause of death is changed to coronavirus
What is his point? People are still dying
The media makes a big deal about confirmed cases. Confirmed cases mean almost nothing except that more people are being tested.
you really think, Fucking US is better than Scandinavia, Germany, South Korea??? Hahahaha. Moron!!!
Or it could be because we have a higher population than practically any country in the world and have the highest amount of tourism in the world. The only countires comparable are India which don't have the capacity for testing or China who are so very clearly lying about their numbers that even CCPaboos in the west can't deny it.
He's not right. Per capita the United States is not doing more tests than other countries.
He's just blatantly misleading the American people. No one is against testing, we're just tired of him being months behind and then proclaiming in broken English that he's doing the best job at it over and over again.
hahaha, yeah right!!! Keep your Trumpard science to yourself. Corona doesn't care, fucking US people are dying in big numbers. Hahaha.
He said it will be gone and everything will be open by Easter... Morty.
>dude cope lmao
fucking kys nigger.
>Looks at chart
>See USA
>Looks at total tests compared to others
Yup we don't test more your right
shills will never post per capita case numbers
This tweet is so fucking hilarious I thought I was reading a parody act
wtf I love parades in chinatown now.
>hides flag
>US has 04% of world population
>US has 33% of world infections
>US has 25% of world fatalities
Really heebies my jeebies
1 in 331 tested positive, someone do the math...
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
Trump is retarded and so are you