You realize that a Trump reelection is pure leftist acceleration right?
You are literally antagonizing communist revolution.
You realize that a Trump reelection is pure leftist acceleration right?
You are literally antagonizing communist revolution.
Other urls found in this thread:
Says a commie flag
Pleas yes
accelerate the collapse
Leftists can't even organize unions anymore.
I'll believe the transgender and crying snowflake revolution when I see it.
yes, i know
you realize we want you to try, right?
communist revolution
I wish those niggers would.
The day the left gets violent will mark the beginning of their deaths. I can imagine soldiers dragging these fucks out in the street to be hung. God yes.
Left and right are illusions. Race is all that matters.
you realize that sucking cocks won't make you happy
you can stop anytime op
Oh no, I'll get to slot floppies, woe is me!
I mean, that's the hope.
Please yes
Your image and your thread are terrible and very low effort.
You should kill yourself asap.
>if we lose, we actually win
yeah ok
I wish you really meant it.
Why are leftists so obsessed with depicting Trump naked and/or shitting? Sage and kys
>You realize that a Trump reelection is pure leftist acceleration right?
>You are literally antagonizing communist revolution.
We know.
Democrats don't want Communism, it's a fact. You're a fringe minority of extremists just like natsocs.
enjoy your utopia of niggers raping your asshole
>You are literally antagonizing communist revolution.
Why would you revolt against your neoliberal backers?
nothing kills communists faster than communism so go ahead
>You are literally antagonizing communist revolution.
Oooooooooohhh scary, all 10,000 of you? Whats taking so long faggot, just cant seem to muster that army?
Chinks and the left can’t meme
There is not going to be any communist revolution because working class people equate you with limp wristed control freaks that look upon them with disdain. Why would hard working men and women want to follow a bunch of 15-25 year old college educated faggots that never worked a day in their life and constantly disparage the very people they claim to champion? It doesn't make any fucking sense. These communist "leaders" are people who constantly belittle working class people as being uneducated trash, but at the same time claim they are fighting for them.
Fuck you, you just want to use the plebs to overthrow the system so you can place yourself as the new elites. That's all this is. You got your degree and are angry that you aren't in charge so you pretend to champion worker's, minority, gay or whatever else rights just so you can build an army to do your dirty work. You'll use whatever and whoever you can to become an elite.
Memeflag shills definitely should be exterminated yesiree you are right there buddy
Please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do, please do
>Democrats don't want Communism
Neo-Liberalism is just a different branch of Marxism.
>You realize that a Trump reelection is pure leftist acceleration right?
Yep. I didn't vote for him. Commimists always install socialism, but the countries never go communist. They always become national socialists under a communist party banner.
your life is that shitty isnt it
I demand to know who made this.
Don't care, just crash it.
Drumpf is literally a far-left extremist.
Ever since he was a young boy he dreamed of suing country clubs to allow Jews in.
He would grow up to realize those dreams and do much more.
No, it's just boring, I want to see commie skulls crushed
Are you insane?
neoliberals=very capitalist. communist, not so much.
That's fuckin gross
Based. The more commies, the more reactionaries. Lets go.
You people don't make any sense, you know that dont you, Op.
You have destroyed the left.
You destroy everything, including yourselves.
Keep pushing, because you will be destroyed by a rage you cannot fathom from all Americans.
>neoliberals=very capitalist
Oh I think capitalism should be destroyed as well. You fail to see that this horrible machine we are trapped inside of is economically capitalist and culturally marxist. Capitalism and Marxism are both jewish to the core.
I'd like to see them try, dead commies everywhere.
>Neo-Liberalism is just a different branch of Marxism.
It is not, you stupid cunt. Neoliberalism is hyper capitalism
Yas Forums's initial support of Trump was strategic and accelerationist but Redditors can only deny this or lie about it. "Nuh uh man, I'm an oldfag hurr durr!" He ended up being a lukewarm appeaser and has failed to destabilize the country in any meaningful way, so an accelerationist vote for his reelection would be fuckin stupid. This place has become a den for Republicans that hate Democrats. What a joke you all are. I realize that I'm talking to animals and that this will all be incomprehensible to you, and so I won't bother to respond to any of you. Fuck you, you filthy mongrel animals, fuck Jews, and fuck communism.
Who's the real accelerationist then? 82d chess senpai
Your less likely to do shit than the boogaloo reatrds. There are already 10 year olds castrating themselves and essentially free money being given to the masses by the state, what do you actually have to complain about? Everything outside of political theater is in your favor.
>You are literally antagonizing communist revolution.
>implying he isn't the Communist revolution
Good. It’s about time we had a reason to kill you fucks ISIS style.
>culturally marxist
>Capitalism and Marxism are both jewish to the core.
Capitalisms quite jewy. Interesting how fascist often align with it. But Marxism has never had any earnest alignment with Jooz. In fact its explicitly against organized religion.
So all of this leftist hate for Trump and his supporters is a conspiracy to get Trump elected again? Why don't leftists simply vote for a communist candidate if that's the end goal?
Dude, it's all worth it for the lefty meltdowns. Trumps job is to rattle their cage and knock them of their perch. Hes not here to save western man, hes not that guy, hes just shifting the cultural zeitgeist and giving regular conservatives something to cheer on. Hes finna get that second term
Go back retard, using 'redditors' its plebbitors faggot and also 5d chess. We were being accelarationalist with Bernie too, muffin-head bitch.
Okay yeah oookay hoards of transgender matcha latte sipping fags are going to create quite the uprising to my lifestyle im sure ill need tons of military equipment to put this nothingburger back in place... seriously you fellas are getting sloppy with the larps just go to sleep tonight and hope an asteroid blows us up and dont post dumb shit unless you hear the bull pierced nose ring girls making tons of racket and when they start to get real stirred up typically you just got to change out their feed and put them on a highly fattening and churned milk and butter dietary supplement and it makes them docile and relaxed in which event we can move the cattle and sheep back into areas where they cannot hurt humans.
>culturally marxist
Synagogue of satan cannibal niggers
So, by that logic, shouldn't you vote for Trump?
can't wait to purge your middle class posh asses
dibs on spooning owen jones
>culturally marxist
I don't know how anyone can say that at this point.
>religion destroyed
>old culture destroyed
>literal marxist fucks teaching your children to be feminists and trannies
>But Marxism has never had any earnest alignment with Jooz. In fact its explicitly against organized religion
All communist founders were jewish men. 95% of the soviet unions leadership were jewish freemasons.