CNN exaggerating the death count
What did they mean by this?
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>muh 6 million
Why are you watching fake news?
CNN being CNN as usual
3 million died since february so its safe to assume theyre all this mystery virus that nobody shows symptoms for unless you already have a different deadly illness and in the case it kills you it was the virus, not hte illness
Are they actually claiming this? I hope they are. Can lefties win with only the most retarded of ‘comrades?’ Lol
Fake News is Fake News
why would they lie like this
isn't it obvious to everyone?
seems weird
I usually watch Fox News, that's ok right?
I think it was a "mistake" but you know they'd never make the opposite mistake.
I have a friend who used to work for him, had to leave too many jews jewing up CNN.
old news
Deaths is only 217,000 though.
Wolf is so dim, ever see him on Celebrity Jeopardy? My god...
They're literally not lying. They're just using tricks to beguile and confuse people. See
Tr*ps and wolf blitzer dies from chink flu the day after trump wins later this year.
doesn't matter. tens, if not hundreds of millions of people trust CNN as a reliable new source. it's a problem whether or not anyone on this site watches CNN when a majority of the US trusts it
Deaths are 217000
They’re lying
I know youre meming but some tard is bound to take you seriously. I am inclined to correct the record.
Yet more proof that Cuck News Network is fake media
They're not lying. They're presenting the information in bad faith, knowing people will assume they're talking about confirmed COVID-19 deaths, but they're merely talking about *ALL* global deaths--COVID + non-COVID.
dat ID
Sure, I’ll give it a roll
A lot of headlines have being doing that recently "X dies during COVID-19 epidemic"
Which is true but makes someone think they died because of it
I just did, was pretty bad. The only one I didn't know was the pasta one. Apparently it's mostaccioli.
Wow what a coincidence that's also my penis's name.
You can inflate the numbers all you want goyim, but it can't be more than 6 million
How someone like Wolf Blitzer and CNN can call information false and misleading and call people dangerous when they were guilty in selling the Iraq war is beyond me. In a decent country this AIPAC kike would have zero credibility.