What a pile of shit this is

What a pile of shit this is.
Pure antifa and jewish propaganda, don't even waste your time on this shit.

Attached: the man in.jpg (355x355, 22.32K)

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>Amazon Prime
>Shocked it's jewish propaganda.

I was a fool full of hope. Someone with NatSoc ideology recommended me that, either he was delusional or I wasn't able to see what he has seen.

Ironically, despite very clearly trying to be a giant Nazi-bashing orgy, the main Nazi character, John Smith, manages to be one of the only interesting, compelling, and complex characters in the show (Kido being the other) and if you watch up through the penultimate episode of the series it almost plays like the entire show is John Smith's arc coming to it's inevitable conclusion.

Then it's like the writers realized that, panicked, and made him and every other main character go full pants-on-head-retarded for the final episode to make him lose everything and to desperately try to remind the audience that he's supposed to be the 'bad guy'.

Gotta admit, I watched the first episode and decided it was anti-National socialist garbage.
The book was a bore.
Whole thing was a disappointment.

I know that feel, i've felt the same, but i've decided to continue just to see what would happen, I regret the time wasted.

Look what they did to Edelweiss, the bastards.

>"Oh no we used too much logic guyz!"

You've gotta be lobotomized if you ever watch modern TV on purpose.

it had its moments

The first 2 seasons were absolute pure kino. They built the world so well, something I definitely would enjoy over the shit culture we have now. It really took a turn for the season 3 promo art all around New York that made everyone mad. Then season 3 shat on everything that was established and fucked some characters up then S4 with the Nigger Communist Rebellion undermining the entire Japanese Empire. Made me laugh cause the Japs didn’t exterminate on a grand scale unlike the Nazis, ended up being their downfall

Lol, there is no modern show produced that would portray Nazi germany in an even slightly positive way.

Don’t want to waste my time if it ends up garbage. We only saw up through part of the first episode of the last season. What happens to the Obergruppenfuehrer?

Watch S2 at least

Watch the first 2 seasons at least. Then just imagine John lives happily ever after.

seems prophetic to me, friendo

Attached: cuomo cracks down on NY hasids.jpg (1439x1709, 594.71K)

That's why I am hating and loving it so much.
I hate this series for this shitty propaganda, and I am loving the fact that I am sharp at detecting leftist propaganda.

2 Minutes of good content after 20 hours of antifa propaganda.
This scene is based.

Yeah, but sometimes they slip, as it happened on "look who's back".

My personal favorite

We watched all of the seasons but the last one, just part of the first episode of the last. It already seemed like was heading in a bad way. Does he at least off his wife?

first season was good though. Part of second season two. American Reich aesthetics are kino.

Wtf I’ve never seen that, did they show it in theatres, if so where?

>People think the show is bad
>They haven’t read the “oh we won in another dimension so that means we won” scenario the book shits out
I can’t believe fags watched this shit thinking it was going to be based or some shit lol

They accidentally did in the first two seasons. The nazi controlled America was a like a futuristic 1950s white utopia. Everything was neat, clean, orderly, no crime, people didn't even lock their fucking doors. When they did try to remind the viewers nazis were evil it was always cartoonishly over the top to the point of likely redpilling some people.
>what's with all the ash?
>oh we burn all the sick and elderly on Tuesdays now
Worth watching if you're bored, tons of screenshot material for nazi memes and watching John Smith slaughter gangs of commie faggots with a luger was pretty kino.

[spoiler]John decides that he will bring his son from the reality where the Allies won WWII to their world to be a happy family again. Finds out son wants to join the Corps and go to Nam. Some shit happens, John and another Nazi from Berlin make a plan to kill all the Nazi higher ups and return America back to the Americans. John takes his wife on a train to the portal but the good guise know about his train trip and blow it up killing his wife. He survives the crash only to shoot himself in the head. Nothing gets answered and there is no closure at all.[spoiler/]

It's kinda funny though how nice the nazi society is compared to the rest.

> The nazi controlled America was a like a futuristic 1950s white utopia. Everything was neat, clean, orderly, no crime, people didn't even lock their fucking doors. When they did try to remind the viewers nazis were evil it was always cartoonishly over the top to the point of likely redpilling some people.
And wyattbois on Yas Forums always make fun of niggers for reveling in the idea of wakanda when they unironically do the same with this Jewish propaganda kek

haven't watched this but seems to be some lel america if nazis when the matter of fact is that your cia is run by nazi minded people and their core of creators where nazis.the folks back in the day really liked what nazis did but you guys focus on jew shows and stop looking for the real truth.you are good goyims after all.

I've download it on piratebay, it's a German movie with English subtitles.
Here another based scene.

Yeah, they can't hide nazi superiority even in their propagandas

I don’t have amazon prime unfortunately

Thanks, I won't waste any more time watching that shit.

First two season were actually decent. It was because around the Trump era and the memes that I think they went totally shitlib in Season 3/4. It's a shame it would have been interesting to see how it played out normally if it didn't raise a stink because it was sympathetic to the winning sides.

Honestly this tv series didn’t paint the nazis in a very negative way, they maybe did so unintentionally , and it shows how wonderful the world would have looked like if the good guys had actually won.

Neither do I.
I get all my series of PIrate-bay.net
No way I am going to give money to kikes.

Except whites, unlike niggers, have actually achieved similar standards repeatedly throughout history, usually lasting until ruined by kikes or their golem.

I see, but after what wrote, it does t seem even worth doing that.

I was excited for it when came out because I was hoping it would be redpilled, albeit slightly and unintentionally. Got a hold of a "review copy" of the first season, fuck and no. Not even in the slightest, the "bad guys" are walking caricatures, but then again the supposed "heroes" were a woke joke. I didn't watch past part of the way through episode 2 and part of the way through the "finale" to just see how'd they'd wrap it up and it was all cringe. Don't waste your time and don't be a cuck and give any stream service your money. Pro tip, don't watch anything you wouldn't watch with your kids, that's what we do in my house. We only watch DVDs of old shit that's non degenerate and almost completely white (a couple of dopey niggers here and there sprinkled in is fine because then you can point out to your family how useless niggers are)

Everybody knows the good guys lost.

I honestly can't recommend wasting your time since I am also not going to watch it to the end.

The first two seasons are pretty good and accidentally portray the Nazi's better than the resistance

Yep. the final season is a piece of garbage. Too much negro commie "heroes". jesus.

That “guess who’s back” movie seems way off to what movies usually allow, where was that movie shown?

I totally agree.
I don't ever pay for series/movie, I always pirate them to make sure I don't give money to the people who wants me and my people dead.

>Pro tip, don't watch anything you wouldn't watch with your kids
Agreed. If you don't let a nigger into your house, why would you let them into your head?

Indeed, but it's gonna change soon

Hopefully someone uses the clips like how “the greatest story never told” did with “Hitler: the rise of evil” to make a pro nazi movie.

A fascist US like in High Castle is actually more plausible than Wakanda because in the 1950s most of Africa was still an un-industrialized shithole.

I will say though that Ethiopia was somewhat respectable and I regret how Italy shit on them.