Coronavirus has 0.1% death rate or even less.

Previous threads:

--- RESEARCH ---

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

--- VIDEOS ---
>Doctor destroys Coronavirus narrative [REMOVED BY YOUTUBE]


>Corona BTFO by USC

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death

--- REMINDER ---

Sweden: No lockdown, No collapse!

>208K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day
• 50,900,000 people die every year
• 360,000 people born every day
• 130,000,000 people born every year

>but muhh exponential broooo
Been growing linearly for what, 22 days now?

>noooooo but that's only because we locked ourselves inside!!!
We did nothing for months to stop the virus which spreads faster than the Flu, can spread undetected in its incubation and has a multitude of transmission vectors, yet it was only the recent lockdowns which saved us from those millions dead that was raved about? I highly doubt it.

Pastebin: pastebin.com/WDyxECJi

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Other urls found in this thread:


I knocked up a ingress during covid how fucked am i

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If anyone in Missouri got snitched on you can find out who did it


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Lockdown measures have produced no meaningful difference.

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We are now monitoring this thread. Please limit all nonessential posting and thread creation. Unless you have papers from an employer showing you are performing essential shitposting services please remain inside and refrain from any posting activities. We are logging all IP addresses so any breach of these guidelines may result in a $11,000 fine and a possible six months in prison. If you believe that a poster is breaching one of the guidelines, and thereby creating a risk to board safety you can contact the Police Assistance Line on 131 444, or the dedicated coronavirus disease (COVID-19) reporting hotline on 1800 675 398. With your compliance we can beat this virus. Thank you.

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Overblown numbers.
Good thread.


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..wait for it..

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I think it’s simpler than anything theorised, in reality it was models from bad data that said we would see millions of dead, this sparked outrage in the general populace and MSM which lead to #stayhome. Now that more info is coming out showing the virus isn’t as deadly as previously thought you would expect people to move foward with that idea.
Wrong, #stayhome made every fucking normie think they’re a hero for staying home so they don’t want to give up the feeling of being a hero, so they will keep parroting these lockdowns forever because it flips on the serotonin switch in their small brains and makes them feel better than other because muh saving lives by staying home rhetoric

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Is there a similar comparison with belarus? they also did no lockdown.

>cope general

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Why do you care whether or not the virus is as bad as we say or not? If the economy keeps closed and the virus is a nothingburger we can celebrate a happening cause of the economic crash. If the virus is a nothingburger and we open up the economy we won't have a happening. You people are the biggest faggots on Yas Forums trying to destroy a happening for nothing

>Wrong, #stayhome made every fucking normie think they’re a hero for staying home so they don’t want to give up the feeling of being a hero, so they will keep parroting these lockdowns forever
This is true, but also the whole lockdown slots nicely into the authoritarian-left push that's been going on in the West for some time now. Whether people are using it as an opportunity to expand control/regulation of citizen's behaviors, or whether they're using it as a way to flex existing prescribe (but previously unused) "lawful" control is up for debate. The other hangers on (big biz, tech, media) that gain the power and money from political favoritism are right along for the ride. There is no dissent.

One thing is for sure though: just about everyone is visibly and overtly less free now. I think a lot of places will never regain freedoms back, either, including parts (and maybe all) of the US.

Shit is fucked.

Well good for us, new fags such as yourself don’t do the big boy thinking.
>event 201
>models are from the same organization
>just a fucking co-ink-I-dink
>event 201 models say lockdown 18 months
>line parroted by various media/cronies ‘lockdown 18 months even as recent as 10 days ago

>Other states have open records laws and snitch forms

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this is the best they have on wikipedia, and it's kinda hard to work off 1 pixel in the "deaths" bar while also taking a derivative of it.

Japan might have some data too, but it's the same deal on wikipedia and I don't know any japanese to navigate their data. I would bet money it shows the same.

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It’s not gud out there. People keep acting like they have rights during this “””pandemic”””. When will they learn!?

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Who was he close to out in the ocean?

This economic crash is resulting in billionaires hoarding even more wealth. Is that supposed to be a good thing?

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>t. shillboy


Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator) admits that anyone who dies of say a heart condition is marked as a Covid-19 death,

They are recording all deaths as COVID deaths. The numbers are obviously being fucked with to justify the lockdown and ushering in of the NWO. Also 5g is being rolled out in a hurry while everyone is inside. No ability to gather, protest or even be around other people. Divide and conquer. Gain more control by using fear and misinformation.

Doctors are speaking out, People are catching on. Hospitals are still empty. #filmyourhospital did a pretty good number on exposing the CoronaHOAX but many NPC’s will say you’re schizo for implying that the billionaire elites just may not have the public’s best interest at heart.

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Exactly, the saddest thing is that everyone gave up these freedoms wilfully and now they think they can just pick and choose what measures stay implemented. Dummies don’t understand that once you give the government a bit of authoritarian power than they will take it all

What kind of outdated bullshit is this? Go look at most recent Swedish data

The weird thing is most NPCs don't even see anything wrong with this. They honestly think staying crammed inside with other people is safer than one person being out in the open.

They do it because some hashtags told them to, not because they actually put thought into it

Explain? MSM dumb i know that but what’s the rest

It is if you support civil liberties against taxation of the obscenely wealthy, as this boards vehemently seems to.

If you have a somewhat high enough IQ, you realize this is a horrible thing and the future of humanity is doomed with or without a virus accelerating it.



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It's like 9/11. We were told these measures we necessary and temporary and normies just applauded it because they were scared pussies

Such strong Chads here. I can only imagine how strong your chins are.

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The cops arresting him, clearly.

It's hard to say why certain european countries don't seem to be hit at all, while others are hit at varying degrees. One explanation is they kept out the virus entirely. Another explanation is their population has a more advanced immune system. A third explanation is they have different latency of reporting death. I don't know the answer.


Yes it is, no bread and circus for whites and maybe they will start removing welfare niggers from society again.

>staying holed up in your house fearing everyday life is Chad.

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The data is all from today lol.

I give up, try to teach everyone I could about that this is all a hoax, but nobody wants to believe it, they think I'm stupid and they believe the media and what their friends on social media say, I give up sorry i have fail you

Honest question, who stands to gain here?



Chads like us with 100% Germanic phenotypes are burdened with leading the lesser races. We must show them not to be afraid of this virus.

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Up on /adv/ right now

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Isn't alienating your customers a bad business model?

Well i certainly don’t want to be associated with your pic related, I guess I’m converted!

>Dr. Jensen speaks out:

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