ITT: coofs (take two)

ITT: coofs (take two)

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After a wild night of hardcore coofage, out come the coofbabies

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you're fucking disugsting

This here is a newborn-fresh cooflog whatfor you to look at

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Share your coofs brother! This is a safe space
How goes your nightly coofs?

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Any coof tips and tricks are more than welcome for the newbies >.> us vets gotta remind them every now and then what time it is ;;;;;;;)

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Don’t be scared anons it’s just coofs everyone has to get them sometime

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Who’s coofin with me, maaaaaan?
Who’s coofin with me, get it?

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A coof in the hand is worth two up your tush

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Scarfing this down in between coofs sure wasn’t helping none X^DDDDDDDD

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Ain’t no coofbros anymore :(
Aint no coofs when they gone away :(
Ain’t no coofbros anymore :(

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I used to cough up shit like this all the time when I smoked cigarettes.

OP is a fucking degenerate.

Why am I a degenerate?

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Why do you always do this in front of your fridge?

That’s my special coof zone :-x

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what on earth are you coofing user?



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He's coughing a CYTOKINE STORM and he's about to get his lungs FLOODED.

OP you're disgusting and your lungs are fucked.

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Wut? Nah I’m good m8
Have you any coofs from the land down under that you’d care to share mon frere?

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>you're disgusting and your lungs are fucked.
Wut? Nah. Your criticism is not constructive whats your deal bro

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All you faggots bow before my superior coofs

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OP why did u leave me

Post coofs

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No it's not, those are tonsil stones.

you have lung cancer

This fucking thread

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Dude fucking stop please

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Thats fucking disgusting you fat bitch

I am a doctor and that is aged cum you're coughing up. Stop sucking cocks OP, you're a super faggot.

You know what OP, if you aren't a piece of shit shill and instead are just shitposting, you should use your powers for good.
Whenever you see a blatant slide, shill, tranny, ect thread that has no place here, you should spam these pictures.
Given the visceral reaction that these other anons have displayed, you know it'll work.
Keep on coofing, brother.
But use your power for good.

Will do user
Just point the way

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have you never gotten a cold before?