Is there a place for people who hate trannies and trump?

Is there a place for people who hate trannies and trump?

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6 feet under

Why does this board only think about trans people all day. They're like .2% of the population or something stupid. Just leave them alone and let them get their surgery.

a gas chamber

Yeah, it's called the based department

They don't deserve to be so cute

We must stop embracing and enabling mental illness. Open suicide centers and let those people die and all others that will not contribute to human evolution.

Sounds like you hate a lot of people. Maybe it's time for some self reflection. Ask yourself, if you don't like anyone else, why would they choose to like you? Start there and then build from that. You'll stop being an ostracized faggot eventually, but only if you really want to improve.

Your Bullying makes me hard. I also was once a little chad. Hell I was the second tallest kid in my church and had half the priests chasing me. I never once felt the need to tell anyone, even people I like. Kek. I even had a Chad try to touch me once when his girl was being flirty with me in HS and the only thing that went through my mind was not anger or fear but confusion. I do not understand why some people feel they need to put others down to feel good about themselves. I literally have two younger preteens brothers and they constantly bully others. Da duck is wrong with people? Is being a decent person that fucking hard? God damn live shit enough imagine your own existence adding to the negative in the world.

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Stop being a faggot the alternative to Trump is the party pushing the tranny agenda

National Socialist General

The shitposting tonight is intense. You’re not even trying homie.

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can someone post the Trump speech talking about making fags safe around the globe?

TRS forum

here. just shove the migapedes out of the way

>t. migapede

Attached: how magapedes ruin 4chan and pol disgusting kekistani skeptic neckbeard miga zionist republican r donald.png (1186x958, 599.19K)

no but i have this pic of the orange pig worshipping fags.

Attached: lgbt for trump zion don.jpg (1200x800, 109.26K)

Memeflaggot miga poster. Disgusting.

the fuck? i hate trump. i was encouraging OP to just either ignore the migapedes or to fuck with them if they ever become a problem. burger education 101.

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a vocal minority is still a huge problem, because it influences more people into thinking it's okay. my brother in law is transitioning to a girl and he's a legit communist. you'd want to think that this kind of degeneracy is stuff you'd only see on the internet, but seeing it happen irl is completely different

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counter signalling

Just like how Putin got rid of the gays by throwing all of them in the gulag, yea?

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Trump loves trannies.
And what you're looking for is called being a Nazi.

Yeah you are a memeflag faggot afraid to show flag and posting your tired miga memes. Not sure if you're a shill or an attention seeking troll but either way kys

unironically reddit. this site loves trump and trans

>hate trannies
>hate trump

Choose one faggot

Not many of them get surgery

That doesn't sound like discouraging mental illness

Faggotry took my sibling so now I hate all faggots. Trannies are the worst because the condition doesn't just take over and change an individual inside, it completely twists them, kills them both spiritually and physically, and all that's left is a mocking corpse looking for more vulnerable people to spread it's condition to.

this board is national socialist and libertarian, not r/donald. if you love trump and his little orange dick just go back to your containment thread /ptg/

Attached: you cannot own the libs on 4chan because there are no liberals migapede zion don r donald.jpg (562x500, 59.4K)

you can. its called thinking 3 dimensional. you still believe in the right vs left movement.

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You fags all have the same routine with your lame wojack memes talking about miga, thedonald, ptg. Kys memeflag shill.

Camden, NJ?

not a shill. dotards have been raiding this place since 2016

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Fpbp. Trannies ain’t people and they virtue signal against their own race on the off chance that some nigger will opt to fuck their nasty poop hole by manner of association.

>N-not a shill I'm a nazi see guys

*national socialist,

Attached: antifa left and migapede right call each other nazis because their capitalist jew media told them so.jpg (700x682, 89.44K)

help me help me dada make poo poo in diadia