So here is Hillary Clinton, endorsing Biden at "The Impact of Covid-19 on Women Town Hall" which is pretty precious since Joe Biden is being accused to sexual assault (Hillary knows how to wrangle rapey old men and their accusers).
Look at her. Her recent plastic surgery has settled, she has new head shots released to the media and the timing is incredible.
Are the planning on making Hillary, Biden's VP pick? This shitass "town hall" looks like a ploy to boost Biden's profile with women (the DNC obviously forgot that women hate Hillary).
She will be nominee. Endorsing so she looks good when they nominate her.
Caleb Rivera
Queen of England has died.
So the lizard lady took over Hillary now.
Kevin Lewis
Biden spent the "Town Hall" basically endorsing HER, so either she actually will be VP or part of his cabinet again, or something. The whole thing made me cringe
Logan Sullivan
Why though She already lost once
Wyatt Cooper
But how are they going to thread that needle? First they have to oust Biden. How? This endorsement of Biden is pretty fucking surreal with this #metoo shit going on. Clinton is a rape enabler, that was her official White House title.
Lucas Butler
This bitch is running from federal court because she doesn't want to testify about her email scandal.
Brody Morris
I couldn't stop snickering at that split-screen interview the entire time she was praising Biden. I especially loved how the freudian words she used could slip back to haunt her: >'when I was Secretary of State, Joe and I would get together regularly for bunch to talk about world affairs...' etc, etc. The only reason I'm paraphrasing her was due to my mind hearing this instead: >'when I was Secretary of State, Joe and I would get together regularly to plan how best to to get our hands on the Ukraine government and its gas..." My brain has a habit of hearing what's not really spoken. Haha.
Maybe. I could see it. They pretty much hate democracy at this point and Joe is basically dead, so why the fuck not.
Adrian Ross
Twice. She ran and lost in 08.
Nolan Morris
This is surgically timed. Biden is getting shit about his credible rape allegation then they do this fucking "Impact on Women" townhall. This is a PR event, covering Biden's ass about rape and to promote something- but is that something Clinton? Why?
Ayden Rivera
remember when madame president said trump was gonna neck em all
Dominic James
jeb!!! I miss jebster
Leo Jones
This is the current DNC chair, Tom Perez. He's a huge Clinton drone, more so than Wasserman-schults.
If I had to say his motivation for making sure Bernie didn't win the nomination this time- it's only because he made Clinton lose the last election. It was revenge. That's how he operates. He cares more about Clinton than anyone else in the party.
Biden is going to get a JFK ride (I mean a stroke at night...) and Hillary will step in and try to unit the nation. The media blitz will be amazing. 24/7 coverage of “a nation coming together” meanwhile Hillary will do her thing (corruption, criminal acts, favors, state secrets sold... cuck to China for $$). I’m other words back to normal operations with someone more capable than Joe “dementia” Biden.
Blake King
She's been sneaking in back doors all her life, so yeah. This could happen. Of course, it would result in a 49 state sweep for orange Cheeto Ape. They really don't understand the visceral hatred for Hilldawg.
Tyler Collins
It might be that she is psychopathic enough, narcissistic enough, and power-hungry enough to use the considerable pull she has in the party to finagle her way into the nomination, even though such a blatant power move would tank the party's reputation irreparably, destroy whatever trust Americans had left in the political establishment, and hand Trump the win. She just might be that delusional
Brandon Clark
Nathaniel Lee
She looks reptilian
Ayden Martinez
Joe is too old, too careless, and has too many cranial deadspots to be useful to anyone. His services are no longer needed. Even as president he’s not even useful to a government criminal. Joe will probably get bumped off in a setup. It’s quite obvious and his age/health will be the cover.
Cameron Gomez
This, she is radioactive. Trump will make it all about her while the internet destroys biden for being a creepy Alzheimer pedo. Moderates can't stand Hillary, hell even most central democrats can't stand her.
Jacob Sanchez
Biden would have to have a literal death wish if he nominated her as VP. There's no way he wouldn't accidentally stab himself in the back seven times and then fall off the roof of the White House.
Brandon Jones
Nobody likes her. Democrats even hate her. Its only fat blue haired cunts and childless 40 somethings
Hunter Hill
The #MeToo allegation + obvious dementia will be enough to pull him off from the ticket. With the virus, Biden won't clinch the nomination until June 2nd. Will he last another month?
Aiden Peterson
255492022 4/28/20(Tue)22:28 Reade was paid 2.7 million by a close associate of Hillary Clinton. This is only a small part of something a lot bigger. The same person who well it does not matter. Just think Seth Rich. Biden is guilty as sin but this is just part of something a lot bigger. This story will continue to grow because Hillary Clinton planted the seed. Stay drunk my friend it is the only way to keep your sanity. Here comes Barr.
Mason Perry
hillary is an incredible woman. all the crap you guys say about her is pure conspiracy. check out the howard stern interview on youtube
Alexander Carter
>She just might be that delusional You know she is. Look at her 2016 campaign
warren will be the vp btw. it definitely won't be hillary, she adds nothing to the ticket that biden needs
David Stewart Did Tom Skerrit rape Heather O'Rourke? He's pretty creepy. In Poltergeist 3 he kisses his teenage daughter on the lips repeatedly, then immediately after tries to suck on his wife's neck. It struck me as so fucking off and inappropriate. It made me wonder if he killed Heather O'Rourke who died of ruptured intestines. Likely from being anally raped.
Aaron Garcia
>The #MeToo allegation + obvious dementia will be enough to pull him off from the ticket I agree which is creepy that Hillary is suddenly on the scene. Reminds me of this picture.
>warren will be the vp btw. it definitely won't be hillary, she adds nothing to the ticket that biden needs That's not how the DNC operates. They bend to their masters first, THEN they try to win elections. If Hillary said "I want to be VP" they would make her VP then figure out how to make it work after the fact.