Are burgers aware of how completely fucked they are at this point? We're nearing one 9/11 a day.

As of Saturday morning, 53,396 Americans have died due to COVID-19, and around 2,000 deaths are currently occurring each day. The bar graph does not show a consistent decline in the daily death rate, which suggests that the US may still not have passed the point of its coronavirus peak


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We're better off than Europe.

cancer kills 700k per year. we will be just fine

Yawn, saged

Get back to me when we're about to hit 2.2 million.

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Yeah, all those 80 year-olds in goddamn hospice care and the wheezing fat fucks that died on 9/11

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Death and infection rate is much higher in Europe but America is some special case huh? Millions of dead would do this country a lot of good but its not happening. Not in America or anywhere else.

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>fat fucks
That's 75% of America in itself.

you have been up to now
now the us has more offical deaths per day than europe combined


>Herp derp be afraid

Jews lie, show me evidence instead of cheap words.

99%of the people who died in the WTC demolition were yuppie pricks or piglice. God riddance I say.

they are all fake news.
these Jews are paying doctors to write covid as the cause of death on everything.


Headline: Reported U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Reach Record 4,591 in 24 Hours

Why is your graph lying?

>Gets shown evidence
>Calls it fake

Maximum cope...

Dead New Yorkers only matter when it's a sudden and explosive demise, not of their own doing.
These people flocked to chinatown when the Wuhan flu started going global and now we have the current situation.

b-but its only 60k deaths. faucini said so.

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>Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators
> "Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for – if they're Medicare – typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."
Fake numbers.

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Even if it's 250k, that's equivalent to 4ish flu seasons. The instant the estimates stopped being millions, lockdown should have ended. It should have ended within 48 hrs of that revision.

There will be hell to pay for this hoax.

I don't care. It's all hype and disease ridden cities anyway. Open shit back up.

so like a typical flu season. wear your mask faggot

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>142k recovered
>60k dead
Now that's a shitty ratio, good job POOSA

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There are 8 billion people crawling on this earth.

Call me when this 'pandemic' as you like to call it, has more than a few hundred million dead from it.

A few million people will not be missed on this overcrowded rock.

There is no getting out of this without the military and national guard getting deployed. I can't wait!

>get ran over
>end up in corona column because surveillance video has you sneezing at a store 15min prior

But are they all died of Covid-19?

Fucking chink shill. Fuck off globalist cunt.



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the conditions of deaths are shady and thats what they will try to keep.not enough death from this seasonal influence that they are using so they sre just labeling anybody whos died with being tested covid 19 as a covid death.in short the numbers are vastly inflated.

Fat asses, negros and old coofers. Go coronavirus go...

show me the statistics that are official death because of covid 19 and not deaths that are labelled as that.wake up from the hoax.

UK is no better off per capita

show flag meme boi.are you a stinky nigger or a stinky jew?endless possibilities for you to be a brainwashed degenerate either way?

Why is that bad?

I think that's what's going on. They are now saying that they have 7 different tests for their meme virus. Most likely none of them even works.