Did De Blasio just end his career?

He's issuing an order to arrest and round up Jews, who make up almost 1/4 of NYC's population; He's done.

Attached: Screenshot_20200428-204600_Chrome.jpg (1080x456, 211.36K)

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Forgot to title image "AnuddaShoah.jpg"

Fuck Deblasio, New York belongs to us Jews, and his real name is Warren Wilhelm. We made the city in the 30s and rebuilt it in the 2000s along with the Italians

Attached: 1DC818F6-00FC-4022-A6C7-64727F3DA519.png (2048x1365, 2.41M)

Reminder that the Jews spread the black plague through Europe by "poisoning the well:" dropping plague infected bodies in town water wells.

Holy fuck, based

No one cares about the Hasidic Jews, especially not Reform or atheist Jews.

Just tell the niggers living there that the reason they're getting the covid is because the jews are spreading it to them.

Race war baby

sounds familiar...

Attached: deblasio.jpg (1388x1171, 185.58K)

Those tensions are already high.

>saving them from themselves destroying himself in the process

Waiting for his “car accident” tomorrow morning

De Blasio will replace Biden and win the presidency in a landslide by running on his new platform of jailing joos. He will indeed save lives.

The arrest order is directly related to that huge protest in Brooklyn


its anoddah shoah!

What a kike-tier meme. Everybody knows it was Rudy to cleaned up the city you hebe.

Are there any written eyewitness accounts of this?

I like Jews now.

It’s happening right now

bill de blasio is a known faggot

>stopping this disease
the jewish disease

Wait, how could the mayor if NY not be on the side of the jews? Why would they allow him to speak put against them?

i killed anne frank!!
anne frank is a whore!!

As a Jew, I must say, what a silly little faggot he is. You can see the stupidity plastered across his face. Amazing that the goyim will vote a legitimate retard into office simply because he is tall and their wives want to use him for their bull. Goyim are such silly little creatures.

If he doesn't renege than I'll actually be impressed that a politician showed some balls for once


Your heart grew proud of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor; so I cast you to the earth; I made you a spectacle before kings. By the multitude of your iniquities and the dishonesty of your trading you have profaned your sanctuaries. So I made fire come from within you, and it consumed you. I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the eyes of all who saw you. All the nations who know you are appalled over you. You have come to a horrible end and will be no more.’”

Bill DeBASEDio


Kek. We need to make this viral and compare the Governor to a power hungry Nazi. Then we can watch the left eat each other up.

>as a jew
yeah and I'm a nigger

Attached: 1584555047632.jpg (500x400, 37.23K)

>Jew York City

Let's be real. Yes he's a retard but who actually voted for him?

Rudy Giuliani did all those things. Bloomberg shill. Bloomberg even tried to take credit at a debate for being mayor during 9/11 despite Rudy being mayor.

They're doing that anyway. Didn't CO and NV join the NeverReopen west coast crew? Lmao. Surely they won't regret pissing off billions and billions and billions of dollars worth of casino magnate money.

He could have saved himself by specifying a particular group of jews. Instead he's saying in a blanket statement "ALL jews"

Oy vey he's naming the Jew? Cause of death COVID 19.

Fucking. Jews. It's always the same. The only people who vote for Jews is Jews.

No. Its not the Chinese, its the fact that his wife and son are niggers, and he is siding with nigger community against the attacks on Jews that have been plaguing NYC for the past two years. Chinks and Jews, especially in New York City, are best friends and conjoined at the hip.

Yeah, everyone knew it was true and it was widely discussed. The Pope at the time (a heretic, Clement VI, who authorized indulgences) write a papal bull condemning the idea because everyone wanted to kill and/or expel the jews and there were massacres of them taking place, but Clement VI wanted to keep getting that sweet, sweet indulgence money from the kikes.

Quiz me faggot.

>/thread thanks /news/ never change...never change

Nope, saving them from goys, maybe they have a special holiday or something like that, maybe is related to the talmudist shitposting in the last days, maybe they are just crafting another ghetto.

this is what's being slid? i've been here for 4 hours and i just found this.

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>Goyim are such silly little creatures.
so are shills trying to derail threads, go dilate faggot. Thanks for the bump though and spending more time here than whatever echo chamber you crawled out of.


these crackers jealous because bigger brains

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The further back in history you go, the more evil the deeds of you khazar are uncovered. You arent even jews you are the synagogue of satan, but this time, instead of only one nation evicting you at a time, the whole world is aware of your evil. The wholesome people of the past have been eradicated by your own hands, now you have an eager world of angry savages.


>it’s real

Attached: 1446E3B4-CC72-403E-95B2-A7BB5F808ECB.png (633x629, 444.08K)

>along with Italians
>pic contrasts Italians and Jews
um, okay.