My ultimate question for Yas Forums is

My ultimate question for Yas Forums is...

Does empathy come from the brain, or the soul?

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deez nuts

brain duh oo wo

mayb3 both, lol.

youo must dirr3ct yuor att3ntion to f33l da f33l dood

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Das rite

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Third eye

kill yursfl fggt o wo

The brain is linked to the whole body. So your question should be
>Material or immaterial
Now, let's assume both exist. There's no reason, except narcissism, to think we're anything more than material beings. Yet, we can feel empathy. Now, let's say you disagree. How can animals feel empathy? Maybe you think animals have souls too. Where's the limit then? Does that mean every single material thing as a immaterial correspondent?

Well, there is no soul, so empathy comes from a brain that is sufficiently evolved to realize that other people are equal to the self, and must be treated as one would wish to be treated by others.

The question is meaningless. The intellect and the soul are all part of God. We are every bit as spiritual as the Godhead himself, and God is every bit as debased and dirty as we are. As above, so below. Empathy is a part of us, as is cruelty. At all levels of creation.

Very homo post, but cool pic.

>as one would wish to be treated by others.
Except for atheists, you can treat them like garbage because they are garbage.

It comes from understanding.

Your soul is in your brain nigger

Why not both? The soul can be innately capable of empathy and the mind can rationalize it's existence. Or one can be born with a soul without the innate capacity for empathy but your mind can be there as a backup on why it's necessary.
Or your soul can have innate empathy and your brain can rationalize why it's a hindrance. In that case write a Greek tragedy or something.




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This comment is ironic, because I was just called a trumptard in another thread about COVID-19.

comes from pain

all perception is from the brain

"spirit" or "soul" is entering into some metaphysical science shit that modern science has yet to unearth

It comes from the spirit, or what I think you are referring to here as "soul". There is the body, the soul, and the spirit. The soul is the animating/consumptive force within the body, represented by the classical element of fire. The spirit is the moral, immortal, non-material aspect bound within the body, represented by the classical "5th element", with the body composed of the other 3 classical elements: earth (solid, flesh), air (gas, breath), and water (liquid, blood).

Only non-nigger male humans have spirits. Animals, women, and niggers have bodies and souls but not spirits, and thus can experience material attachment and affection but not empathy and love or any higher moral functions that are restricted to those with spirits.

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It can be acted upon from the brain, but only felt from the soul

It comes from the heart.

The soul. But you must beware the anti-soul it is the source of evil and some people possess only the anti-soul.

here is your redpill. empathy comes from your brain and it gets projected by humans stronger which rate their own strength lower thus they need others to survive. females are more empathic because they need to be. men are less usually because they have stronger bodies what also induces them a stronger will. faggots and femmine men are empathic like women are. nethertheless i am not advocating to be an asshole if you want to be a real man. you can also do good things while not being empathic just because you know it is not right to make lesser people suffer. you just don't feel anything if they suffer nonetheless. you can also see empathy in politics. empathic faggots or weak minded humans vote left. stronger humans with selfconsciousness or woman with a strong man in their life vote right.

consciousness is non-local

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My white genes.

The price of altruism read it.



Ah, here we go again with this egyptian faggotry
you maple syrup sipping mother fuckers got djeds up there too?

Berta Premium

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Where is the soul located if not the brain?

OP I am an intuitive empath. I have always had the ability to feel what others are feeling without even communicating with them directly. Empathy is not a conscious cognitive function. You can feel what others are feeling, and understand their situation from their perspective. You can use it to help a lot of people.

>other people are equal to the self, and must be treated as one would wish to be treated by others.
Objective truth claim.
Got any evidence for that spook?

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Nice digits ya got there

>something something 21 grams something

empathy comes from women.