Why do New World countries do this?

Why do New World countries do this?

Why not create something beautiful and long lasting instead?

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”Personal freedom”
More like slave golems living like insects

Isn't this usually low income housing? Housing for poor people who would otherwise be homeless? There's nothing bad about this, IMO

Enjoy your community

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Yeah a homeless person is a "slave" because they're given a roof over their head, rather than forced into homelessness and prison, the way conservatives want. There's that good old conservative metaphysical inversion.

Would you rather live in massive apartments?

The US forces their brand of democracy ie corporate oligarchy totalitarianism into these countries to exploit their resources and create an expendable and impoverished cheap labour force that did not have the opportunity to develop true sovereign independence and have been forced to rely heavily on US military and corporate welfare and can only provide subsistence levels of service to their own people to serve the corporate ruling elite.

>I live in a big city filled with niggers our community is TIGHT

Nobody’s forcing you to shop at Walmart, Jamal

I’ll enjoy mine

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because we have achieved a modicum of success to where we don't all have to be packed like sardines in a high density housing hellscape where you have to share walls with all of your neighbors as if we were some 3rd world shithole country

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Because that's what the market demands. Feelings and ideologies only produce unecessary costs.

>not living in a streetcar era suburb

Are you even white?

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Because it's cheaper and faster to produce than something more beautiful and long lasting. Would you rather buy a home you can afford now, or keep living in a shittier apartment in the hopes that you can get something better later?

Between this or high rise apartments I'd take this.

Attached: subprime mortgages.png (1917x1079, 3.22M)

and once a country attempts to exercise the slightest degree of independence and move away from their impoverished conditions, you can be rest assured the US and CIA are there ready to install a puppet regime to do their bidding, destroying any opportunity they may have had to emerge as a post industrial developed nation.

>Why is Mexico so shitty
Gee idk. What could it be?

US jingoism and exploitation.

This is more likely "middle class" middle class in mexico and central america is around 1000-1500 a month.

Those are vacation properties, the equivalent of a mountain cabin, but located near a beach.
People rarely live there full time.

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Do they still have 20 people under the same roof like they do in the US?

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Maybe they should stop breaking the law and get a fucking job.

Who’s to say that isn’t beautiful? I understand why you might find other things beautiful, but there is absolutely a sort of beauty to this kind of sterile uniformity as well.

With that said, I wouldn’t want to live there.

Occam's razor dictates that the most concise explanation is the one most likely to be true. Thus, we can conclude that the reason for ugly Western architecture is due to Jews, who have a pervasive history of iconoclasm.

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Isn't this a picture of that one ancap shithole in china?

Suburbs are kinda comfy, white people can live together in peace and harmony.

People dont know how to build anymore. The great master builders created their masterpieces by implementing nature into their architecture. These were great stone mason. Now they are just homosexual freemasons

If you're surrounded by beauty you won't be miserable. If you're not miserable, you can't easily be controlled. You'll value your life and the lives of others, and fight for the sake of beautiful things. But gradually turn the world into grey, samey, uninteresting blocs inhabited by brown, samey, uninteresting people, and nobody will have anything to fight for. They'll just vegetate in front of the entertainment box and work for you earning the same pittance until they die. A cursed like, a half-life.

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How about some context for this image. Oh wait
>1 post

it is kowloon in hong kong which was demolished 30 years ago, he's just retarded.

nice bro, spouting off some 15 year old worldview and end it with a harry potter reference. brain universe user.

If you think that people need to work or do some job into order to earn the right to exist then you're basically just taking the position that humanity deserves to be enslaved, and that the enslavement of humanity is somehow fundamentally good

No thats not it.

Where's your counter argument you kike commie nigger? Oh right you know I'm correct because you're the one trying to orchestrate this shit you memeflag fucking cunt.

Because it is cost effective, efficient, and in the grand scheme it reduces impact on environment.
Think about it.
Most people think that this destroys environments but the opposite is actually true. This reduces the impact the human race has on environments because it means people are not building homes using 5-10X the area in other places with traditional homes.

These appear to be single person homes as well, would be a good way to build for university campus housing, homeless reduction initiatives, and reducing the cost of housing for single young people.