So many newfags and garbage threads, why bother lurking here anymore. After 8 years, im out. Enjoy the ride cunts
Anyone else feel like they've surpassed Yas Forums in knowledge
Yeah you're super special. See you tomorrow faggot
you'll be back brother, I took a year-long hiatus and came back when corona first started. We always end up coming back one way or another.
You will be trapped in this existential crisis nightmare hell dimension for the rest of your life, destined to overdose on red pills day after day after day
Good, no one cares
I miss 8*chan
See you tomorrow, faggot. I tried leaving Yas Forums as well but after 6 months I came back, you know, you are here forever.
Yeah we've hit a ceiling and are 99% subverted. Deep Bitchute is the new pol.
Stay for a while and help out the reddit refugees. They're fucking helpless.
See you tommorow faggot.
It's not just Yas Forums it's Yas Forums in general. It's a social black hole.. you can try and leave but it sucks you back in because not even light can escape. I've been on the Site for years but i mostly stayed in Yas Forums and avoided Yas Forums like the plague for years. Finally broke down in 2011 and came over i still live on Yas Forums mostly but i come over here to see what kind of horseshits were being sold by the shills and degenerates this week. It's entertaining if not Nuclear level Toxic level corrupting.
>Anyone else feel like they've surpassed Yas Forums in knowledge
of course, its kind of expected given longevity and the constant influx of new people who come here, this is one of the biggest news aggregator sites on the internet.
i am finding newfags a hell of a lot more insufferable of late however, i know why and it pisses me off just thinking about putting it into text now, its always been the case that they have no idea how bad things really are but now given what has been forced on the west, they really really have no fucking idea how bad things really are.
its because the stakes have been raised so high, in the past the NWO asset/power grabs, police states, fake emergency leading to the economy and society being shut down or whatever were all just in the realm of far off doomer conspiracy, you could tolerate people here asking benign questions about politics, women or whatever. now all the shit we used to talk about back in the mid 2000s on obscure conspiracy forums, are actually happening and real, we're within weeks/months of microchips, vaccines and being forced fed bugs, i have zero tolerance of tit for tat bullshit thats pols bread and butter.
I would breed and eat gerbils before i would eat crickets. I too have been seeing the signs. Lowering white birth rates. raising latino birth rates. The aging white population and the massive over representation of POC Students in our education systems. Not to mention this whole "Shut down" isn't saving anyone. The damage was done the moment they came here.. either you adapt or you die. Hiding them away from this isn't going to save anyone. This shit is literal airborne aids for christs sake.. even if you never got it.. the first time you slept with someone who did you would get it. It gets into your body and into the fluids and can even hide in the brain membrane from your immune system. It doesn't leave so it's ultimately going to be like herpes simplex 1 aka HSV-1 almost everyone in the world will have it. if you don't know what that is HSV is cold sores. it flares up in the winter and disappears in summer. This is literally with us now. Pandora's box was opened Also people always whine about how they need to clean corruption out of the government.. then vote in people who are bought and paid for by billionaires and help up by jewish media.. I think it's pretty obvious what's going on. This is psychological warfare combined with Replacement immigration. Combined with a Virus that came from a country that has taken the role of USSR as a "villain" and people eat it up sorry dude people are just too fucking dumb now to recognize the threat. I know i am not that fucking smart. But when i a fucking custodial employee can see what's going on.. it's pretty fucking obvious.
I was a Yas Forumstard from its inception for several years. Took a break for a few years and now I'm back again albeit on Yas Forums
You never really leave
You are supposed to then enlighten newfags in turn you fucking nigger. Literal nigger shit.
>duhhhh i learned a bunch but fuck taking any responsibility to perpetuate the cycle
Goddamn nigger cock sucking degenerate piece of human trash.
You were once a newfag too.
I've not quite reached that point yet, but it's true, it's 80% a roundel of bait. But it is a low-effort way to learn about natsoc Germany and a few other parts of history, and, redpill the few normies who come by.
I have been for years, you know nothing
>Anyone else
I don't understand how everybody makes a single roll of toilet paper last so long. I poop at least four times a day, and I need a roll of toilet paper every time. First, I take a bunch of TP to layer the toilet seat so my butt doesn't get cold. Secondly, I place a wad of TP into the toilet bowl so that the water doesn't splash up. Thirdly, I can't poop all at once, so I go through multiple stages of pooping out a little nugget, and wiping everytime I do so. Once I'm empty, I take the rest of the TP left on the roll and cover up my poop, so that I can ensure that everything flushes properly. I can't be the only one who does this, right?
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont actually have enough toilet paper yourselves in a definitely big way. The basically average person basically uses 1 roll per day, which basically is quite significant. If you mostly have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week, so if you for the most part have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. Over 100 a month in a basically big way. TP rolls will for all intents and purposes be sort of worth their weight in gold in a really few months, because everyone for all intents and purposes needs it, showing how honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont specifically have enough toilet paper yourselves in a subtle way.
>why bother
Everyone take note. OP is a result of our shitty security here. Anyone just waltzes right in. That includes pedophiles and plebbitors (as if theres a difference)
OP falls into BOTH groups. And its clearly obvious. He doesnt belong here, and none of us want him here. So why IS he here? Well simply hes being paid. Probably not that much since /gif/ has no politics on it at all. Probably (I'd assume) around 20 bucks or so just to sit around here, spamming different threads with the same nonsense. It's really quite interesting seeing inside the mind of an incel. And sad really. This human had a chance at life and fucking blew it. And we're seeing the end game of that life. Shilling on Yas Forums. "How did it go wrong?" Is what hes too stupid to ask himself. Pathetic really. We should all put him out of his misery. Or just make him stop coming here
OP if you're reading this, seek help. Take some form of advanced medication. Get these psychological cracks patched up. Stop raping children in the name of Allah. And above all else, do NOT ever come here again
>im out.
He was such an hero, to take it all away. We miss him so, That you should know, And we honor him this day. He was an hero, to take that shot, to leave us all behind. God do we wish we could take it back, And now he's on our minds. Alec was an hero, to leave us feeling like this, Our minds are rubber, our joints don't work, Our tears fall into abyss. He was an hero, to take that shot, In life it wasn't his task, He shouldn't have had to go that way, before a decade'd past. Now he sits there in my heart, this hero of mine, Always there to make me smile, Make me feel just fine. He had courage,that boy did, courage in his heart. To take that shot, To end his pain, To tear us all apart. But in the end, he died in courage. Lacking, nevermore, He died an hero, Alec did, And we'll love him forevermore. We love you like a brother. We miss you so much. We will always love you, kid. Rest In Peace Alec Holowka.
Goybye oldfag!
>Yas Forums in knowledge
the problem they're having here is the kids are trapped deep inside the cave, and they're having trouble getting to the outside of the cave where they need to go. if they can find a way to get from the inside of the cave to the outside of the cave then boom - now they're in a much better position to turn this thing around. as long as they don't die I think they've still got a shot at coming out of this alive
>After 8 years, im out
And that's exactly why they're doing it and you're giving them what they want
You see, the problem is that the reality of the situation is much more complicated. It is true that the kids must first begin from where they are, that is, deep in the cave. However being that they are deep in the cave they must overcome this issue, that they are deep in the cave. If the Thai bois are to overcome this problem they will need to move from the area deep within the cave to an area a bit closer to the place they need to be, which is outside the cave.
This is complicated because there is a WHOLE area within the cave that is further from the entrance than where the boys are now. You might ask yoursef 'why is this a problem?'. Well, the reason that this is a problem is mostly that there is also an area very different to the area that is further from the entrance of the cave. This area is known as 'the area nearer to the entrance within the cave'.
See you tomorrow
It's really tough but I think we can all agree the jews are responsible for the most part.
Thank you for your service, user. We'll hold the fort. Via con Dios.
Ah but the real problem, aside from going to the area that is nearer the entrance of the cave and not going to the area that is not nearer the entrance of the cave, is that the area that is nearer the entrance of the cave is flooded with water. Exacerbating this problem is that the area that is not nearer the entrance of the cave is also flooded with water. This is a predicament.
Assuming they can overcome this confusion and indeed choose the path to the area that is nearer the entrance of the cave, the problem is only compounded by the fact that the boys need air to breathe. The problem stemming from the fact that the area that is nearer the entrance of the cave is flooded by water and that this water (by virtue of being water) is in fact not air and is therefore not breathable, thus impeding their traversal to the area that is nearer the entrance of the cave.
so from what I can glean from what OP has communicated here as well as from the thoughtful replies, the fundamental problem which is currently being faced by the thai children is that they, that is, the thai children, are specifically trapped deep inside the cave. not simply in the cave, and not simply anywhere in the cave, but specifically trapped, deep within the cave (the thai children are).
what appears to be making this a more fascinating scenario is that they are not just 'trapped' in the cave, but from what I can tell, it seems to be that everyone in this situation would prefer to specifically be outside of the cave, which is coincidentally where they need to go. so the big question mark regarding these thai children, who are trapped deep within the cave, is how to get them outside from deep within the cave, where they are currently trapped and have a stated preference to not be.
Its all good bro, take a break and come back later tonight or tomorrow
the saving grace here is that, it's really a very simple problem, which i did not understand at first, but i've managed to piece it together from everyone in this thread
wise decision
be careful on Twitter. don't share Any Personal Information AT ALL
enjoy your time off
Wtf is that pic?
>Wtf is that pic?
Fresh off the boat, from boot camp, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this opperator sanctuary: never make pot shots like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long in the field by using shit equipment that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is /k/. We have REAL operator discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you FPSrussia watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
Yeah redpills don't get posted here anymore, nothing to gain from coming here, it's just become a place to vent about how shit everything is.