Why yes I do refer to woman as "females" how could you tell?

>Why yes I do refer to woman as "females" how could you tell?

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or he just lives in a country with the feminine penis

>why I actually pre far Asian females

I wonder how many mgtow and women hate threads that guy has made on Yas Forums in the last year

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Kill yourself tranny

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Probably zero. High chance he's the one white knighting for just a crumb.

ok whine aunt

Even saying women is cringy to these people

Why do females get so assblasted when you call them that?

Patrick Crusius is based

Maybe because you sound like a goddamn fucking robot or an alien. Greetings human female.

Randomly killing people is "based"? How? Would it be based if you were one of the random people killed

greeting human cuck

Is he your buddy? Since you're white knighting for him?

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It wouldn’t bother me

I do that a lot and I'm not a jew like that guy.

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That's stupid. Female is a valid word. You seethe about it because you're a big fatty. Hot girls don't get mad about things like this.

It's a military thing, that has spread outside the military.

Lol you don’t even understand what white knighting is

Isn't referring to women as "females" a nigger thing?

>I refer to non-minority XY's as "WHITE MALES"
>but don't dare refer to me as a female

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I’m a Jewish racist misogynist and I’m not an ugly low test incel like those goys

>white knightning
>for a fucking cringe looking nigger
>not knowing the meaning of the term
>defending and justifying whores
ok nigger.

Why do left wingers look like this?

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If a normie heard you using a clinical word like female to refer to woman in anyway you would be laughed out of the room. Fucking retard

It just sounds autistic.

Leftwingers deserve the rope.

I look a lot like this. Funny world.

>giving a fuck about what whores and betas think
ok cuck

Imagine white knighting for an incel this hard. Are you gay for him bro?

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Do you know where referring to women as "females" first became popular???
It was first started among black males and then the practice was spread to the rest of the country in the 90s through rap music. A lot of shitty ghetto black culture has been spread to white people through rap music.

But you cowards won't criticize your pet negroes. So you pick on white guys who use that language even though they didn't make it popular.

Lol women say I look like paulo dybala but whiter.
Stay mad long nose

I have literally never heard niggers call women females. Shut your psyops shit up your ass.

Would be Uber based

Hold on, they might enjoy that because they're a suicide cult.

Nobody is going to laugh at me. I'm laughing at you right now though, fatty.

Maybe it actually is incel niggers saying it? And I am not one of them

My boomer father in law, ex UK police detective, refers to women as females. What’s your point?

They all do it.
I grew up around a lot of blacks.

A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.

No it doesn't. That's also stupid.


lol almost all the tweets with 'female' (from regular people not corporations/ads) are from non whites

its a street black thing to call women females

I also should add that the word "simp" is also a nigger word.
The incel community borrows a lot of nigger language. Just one of the reasons I consider them trash.

>imagine simping for whores this hard
ok nigger.

Who are these people? Why am I seeing them everywhere?
They are how I look in my head when I feel self conscious. Why are they literally manifestations of insecurity?

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>defending niggers
>defending whores
post correctly not taken into account.