/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3515

► Detected: 3,138,190 (+1,682) ► Died: 217,974 (+161) ► Day: 111 (-23:00:39)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,655 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

New reports suggest virus might not be harmless in kids

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Hispanics and blacks account for most deaths in California

116 cases in South Korea test positive after "recovery"

For coronaviruses, antibodies don't guarantee immunity

There is now evidence for symptomatic recurrence

Novel coronavirus can survive high temperatures

Iran builds burial pits the size of football fields

Jews are the hardest hit by coronavirus in New York

Italy doesn't report deaths at home and nursing homes

China changes definitions 3 times in 8 days

▶ 39 new cases and 2 new deaths in Bolivia
▶ 36 new cases and 2 new deaths in Honduras
▶ 9 new cases and 2 new deaths in South Korea
▶ 9 new cases in Paraguay
▶ 336 new cases and 20 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 2 new cases in New Zealand
▶ 5 new cases in Uruguay
▶ 1223 new cases and 135 new deaths in Mexico
▶ 22 new cases in China


Attached: CVG.webm (352x640, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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>Dead: 217,394
lol, still only 217,394.
How many days has it been stuck at 217,394? Four days? Five days?

Attached: still.png (727x2126, 171.05K)

>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (915x1152, 289.63K)

Not seeing any virus outbreaks in florida


I'm trying to confirm something, which if true, would be fucking major. This is something I discovered from within the national emergency services of Sweden, that is being investigated, but they will never go out with any information if it's true, because it's pretty much unthinkable.

However, I could use some help if anyone is willing, especially if you're living in a medium/small city that still has some importance for the region/country.
I need you guys to check if you've got any openings within management positions in elderlycare, or home care.
If you've got access, or can check somehow, please check if they've recently changed the top management and such.

And for major cities, if you work in elderly care recently, or have insight into it, any top management changes in the last month?

Either post here, just write my name and I'll find it through the archive, or mail it to me at [email protected].

>Video has been removed

Attached: 1587845447891.png (680x548, 353.74K)

just emailed you some dolphin porn

>Dr. Pavel I'm Corona chan

Attached: corona dr pavel.jpg (1600x1200, 103.56K)

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Rate my PrEP boysssssssssss

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>tfw I have a mommywife

Attached: tenor54.gif (220x213, 93.19K)

Not even one

Good to see your still here and lamenting over a mommywife user


You guys are sick and fucking evil

That's a big pilot

Attached: Screenshot_20200428-202211_Clover.jpg (1440x1673, 746.63K)

Death rate of less than 1%, it's over boys

#1 United States 1,035,765 (59,266) #2 Spain 232,128 (23,822) #3 Italy 201,505 (27,359) #4 France 165,911 (23,660) #5 United Kingdom 161,145 (21,678) #6 Germany 159,912 (6,314) #7 Turkey 114,653 (2,992) #8 Russia 93,558 (867) #9 Iran 92,584 (5,877) #10 China 82,858 (4,633) #11 Brazil 73,235 (5,083) #12 Canada 50,026 (2,859) #13 Belgium 47,334 (7,331) #14 Netherlands 38,416 (4,566) #15 India 31,324 (1,008) #16 Peru 31,190 (854) #17 Switzerland 29,264 (1,699) #18 Portugal 24,322 (948) #19 Ecuador 24,258 (871) #20 Saudi Arabia 20,077 (152) #21 Ireland 19,877 (1,159) #22 Sweden 19,621 (2,355) #23 Mexico 16,752 (1,569) #24 Israel 15,728 (210) #25 Austria 15,357 (569) #26 Singapore 14,951 (14) #27 Pakistan 14,612 (312) #28 Chile 14,365 (207) #29 Japan 13,736 (394) #30 Poland 12,218 (596) #31 Belarus 12,208 (79) #32 Qatar 11,921 (10) #33 Romania 11,616 (663) #34 United Arab Emirates 11,380 (89) #35 South Korea 10,761 (246)…

#1 Mexico +1,223 (+135) #2 Brazil +336 (+20) #3 Bolivia +39 (+2) #4 Honduras +36 (+2) #5 South Korea +9 (+2) #6 China +22 #7 Paraguay +9 #8 Uruguay +5 #9 New Zealand +2 #10 Grenada +1…

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Rate my quarantine fuck toy

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It's an episode of chink shills getting BTFO by jew owned platforms

>2 new cases in New Zealand
Good, fuck that cunt and pvp all muslims soon kiwis...
good afternoon, yes it's still not fair...lol
Otherwise keep up the good work corona-chan, nations more worried about us testing more...if you only knew how infected thins really were.

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It's black and has to go back.


Attached: 1587738728423.webm (636x360, 2.44M)

Korea rules out both reinfection and reactivation in their cases.

Attached: Screenshot_20200428-195219_Chrome.jpg (1080x1032, 319.12K)

We're all going to die!!!

Attached: chika_spin.gif (280x275, 877.17K)

Digits and the Jews were the greatest mistake in the history of humanity.

I'm pretty sure these were made just so pol could be convinced that it's a hoax nothing burger like 7D chess played bc NO ONE ELSE hardly knows about these videos or has seen them. Nothing. I ask people and they have no clue about them. Think about it.

> still 24% deaths against 76% recoveries outside of Red China
> 1 out of 4 covid19 patients will die
> recovered patients are more often disabled persons than not
> of course excluding the faggot numbers from confirmed & infected since billions will have the virus eventually

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Open up, make it rain baby

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I guess it wasn't the Jews then.

>dark skin - deficiency in vitamin D
it has the corona, bro

Attached: 1588014640651.jpg (1024x576, 39.96K)

Nah it was muslims

>black and no ass?
>i seiroulsy doubt that ass can clap
why are you so proud of having such a bad card dealt to you?



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That one estonian faggot, with the der coomer post. Full keks

I’ll die happily if the Jewish elite die with me

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On a scale of nothingburger to Europe crica the mid 1300s do you rate Corona-chan's party?

▶ 27 new cases and 1 new death in Guatemala
▶ 179 new cases and 9 new deaths in Panama

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normie detected. go back to your loving family and large social circle and functioning mental health

>Corona Chan is activating a dormant virus called Epstein in peoples bodies

Now tell me that our meme’s aren’t transcending reality


> EBV acute infection was found in COVID-19 patients. EBV seropositivity was associated with fever and increased inflammation. EBV reactivation may affected the treatment of COVID-19.

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I hope it's gigabytes of it.