>Crashed the stock market
>Cratered oil
>Put 26 million on unemployment and wrecked the economy.
>Starved millions of Yemenis
>Tried to start a war with Iran by killing their general
>Bombed Syria
>Trying to start a war with China
>Coronavirus outbreak
>Inject Bleach
Crashed the stock market
If Trump would come out as Putins lover, it would make this much easier on all of us!
tfw you believe this garbage
>Crashed the stock market
>Cratered oil
>Put 26 million on unemployment and wrecked the economy.
>Coronavirus outbreak
The Coronavirus seems the main responsible of that though
Still voting for trump
>Crashed the stock market
>Cratered oil
Cheap gas
>Put 26 million on unemployment and wrecked the economy.
Essential worker
>Starved millions of Yemenis
Fuck sandniggers
>Tried to start a war with Iran by killing their general
Fuck sandniggers
>Bombed Syria
Fuck sandniggers
>Trying to start a war with China
Fuck chinks
>Coronavirus outbreak
Fuck boomers
>Inject Bleach
Never happened
And he’s going to win by a landslide in November you pathetic cunt! Might as well k y s now.
I’m mildly aroused by this picture. I don’t know what to do.
KYS Rothschild filth
Thicc trump
what a waste, what a faggot
Based and redpilled
>Crashed the stock market
That's the effect the government has on the economy when it thinks they should step in and save the day
>Cratered oil
Oil prices are cyclical
>Put 26 million on unemployment and wrecked the economy.
True. That's government as a whole, not just trump.
>Starved millions of Yemenis
Fuck those sand niggers.
>Tried to start a war with Iran by killing their general
True. War over seas isn't justified at all. The whole thing gives politicians a strategic advantage to spread more of their bad ideas.
>Bombed Syria
Syria is a clusterfuck but it's no wonder uncle sam is involved somehow.
>Trying to start a war with China
Both nations hate each other respecively.
>Coronavirus outbreak
>Inject Bleach
Out of context.
Your complaints of government being the useless irresponsible program it is, is the fault of the entire system. It isn't just trump, you stupid nigger. Try harder next time.
>oil is killing the planet
>Noooooo! Trumpfffft is destroying the oil industry
The mental state of liberals
Damn, Kylie Jenner is fat!
eat shit
no thanks is necessary
all in a years work
God damn
Are people still on about the Russia thing? The investigation’s been over for about a year now.
And yes, Trump’s a bumbling idiot. But he doesn’t rule your country, the Jews controlling him do.
he do be thicc tho
>Condemned millions of Kurds to die
>Betrayed our allies
Guys immune to covid shit.
Yeah he’s a fucking retard alright
A Herbert Hoover analogue
Stupid drumpf, bringing the corona virus single handedly into the US
Wait didn’t he say it was “just The flu” and that he “had it under control”?
Trillions being printed, endless unemployment, massive deficits