it’s time to FUCK OFF. we dont need you disgusting mutts being a pest upon our continent. go bomb some arabs or whatever it is you spend billions of dollars on instead
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Ohh, yeah ,sorry no. But you might rebuild your churches while you can.
shut up mongol
Then make them go, pathetic cuck lmao
We were until you invited them all in, dumbfuck.
wtf is that real????
WTF? Is that real?
what you gonna do about it beta nigger?
fuck off retard, the mutts are here to protect us. why don't you join the army? oh, right, it's shit. just shut up and enjoy life under US hegemony. it's better than what we had before
>south balkans
Based; also, redpilled
whoa, how the hell?
Fuck off fake flag faggot !
you have corrupted our socities for far too long. the european people will soon realise how much of a tumoue your army is and forcefully remove you from your bases in our countries. make your next move very carefully
I agree. Nothing would make me happier than seeing Russian troops rolling through Berlin again. Maybe we'll even get to see Russian troops in Stockholm, oh how I'd love to see that bloodbath.
the soft power of americans knows no bounds. they export their degeneracy via music, movies and fast food. there are major american fast food chains in every countrt now, making our people fatter and less healthy. their music is nigger garbage drum music and makes our yourh dumber. their movies portray americans as heroes and demonize anyone else. it has to stop
bahahahaha how many bases you cucks got here?
Lol wut r u going to do bout it
But we dont need e*ropean lands
Say to you that you are a useless golem.
hey I hope there does come a time soon you don't need us there.
I bet that German guy is offering his daughter to that manlet nigger so he doesn’t look racist. Germans are the biggest cucks.
Hey kike, how’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
Fuck off mate, don't inject Jews into Morrowind. That shit is pure.
As an American veteran and career Soldier, I would like nothing more than for my nation to close every base and not spend another dime on the defense of Europe. WW 2 is long over, so is the cold war, and you are all adults. You are certainly capable of defending yourselves from Russian and any future Islamic Empire.
>future Islamic Empire
>defend europe from itself
Point taken
You are no match to the United States of USA, deal with it
Deal with it.