What Happened to Video Games


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have sex incel

More like what happend to western video games?
Japanese vidya still good

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The same thing that happened to literally every other institution in western civilization: women and minorities.

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women got jealous

The one on the right actually looks like she might be able to use a gun.


Females happened

the right one looks like a man with a woman's face lmao

how do you think?

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thanks Satan. /thread

Pretty much this

>Super broad shoulders
>Hardly any chest
She's a he, man.

west can't into art, left is comically sexy, the kind of sexy you make when your horny but not actually a good artist

Same thing that happens with anything. Trailblazing white men create something great and fill it with big boobs. Then other races see that the whites have succeeded at something so they start copying it. Whites get bored, move on, other races take over old, boring shit while whities search for the next big thing.

That nose on the character has to be a shoop kek

Nerds started calling themselves cringy terms like "GAMER" and pushed for videogames to become mainstream and be considered art by the dumb masses. Instead of appreciating this art form as this obscure nerdy thing with a niche audience of moderately intelligent people, they tried to make it more popular. This is when normies and women got into it, became outraged by shit and fucked it up like everything else.

Also, the advancement of technology is a problem. Creating modern AAA games is expensive as fuck, so they are forced to seek a wide audience to pay the costs. This means censoring controversial shit, appealing to the lowest common denominator, making them piss easy, etc. And since modern AAA games are so fucking expensive to make, they can't take any risks. If one or two games bomb, the company goes to shit.

It's ironic because nothing is preventing these big companies from making amazing games EXACTLY like they were in the PS1 era. Nothing. It wouldn't even be that expensive without all the fucking voice acting and photorealistic graphics, so it doesn't matter if there is only a niche audience. It's cheap to make. And they can take risks and keep their artistic integrity without fear of ruining the company if it doesn't sell. They can do great things without appealing to normies.

But no, companies these days refuse to make great games that could run on a PS1. They prefer to risk it all on a massive AAA project and gain millions if it's a success. They are too greedy to settle for cheap masterpieces that will only make double of what they cost to make. They want to risk big and gain 10 times as much.

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This is why I only play Japanese games.
Western games are all made by mentally ill tranny loving kikes.

Kys tranny

That’s why I support my favorite vidya developers on patreon, because my money should fund shit I like

Just nuke us back please

Sjws infesting all forms of entertainment. They slowly creep in and all the original staff that made the original creation badass either moves on to new projects, or ends up getting fired. It would seem the only shit they have ruined so far is what used to be considered "nerdy". Vidya, comics, movies, TV shows. The only way to avoid it is to find joy in hobbies they cant fuck up. Fishing, hunting, bushcraft, gardening.

Too many jews and women in the gaming industry


they're not even hiding these days, huh

Had sex, now explain what happened to video games.

Even actresses aren’t that attractive anymore

It’s like the only ones left in Hollywood are the trashier bimbos who don’t mind that we all know they got their by sucking off jews like Weinstein

God the west peaked and fell harder than any other civilization in written history and we probably still have a lot farther to fall

>What Happened to Video Games


Jep! Das Juden!

Also, modern games require way too much processing power. They are temporary and are tied to their console. A PS1 game will ALWAYS exist as a piece of art. Even if every Playstation in the world is destroyed, even if Sony goes to shit, even if all shit shit becomes unavailable forever and the entire industry disappears. You can always download an emulator and play the game.

This isn't the case with games post-PS2. That was the last console that could be comfortably emulated. PS3 is fucking impossible to emulate for many reason, let alone without bugs and crashes. PS4 and PS5. Fucking impossible, for all eternity. Once those consoles stop being produced and the last one breaks, every game on them is gone forever. You can't make the console by yourself at home.

Games that can't be emulated are the equivalent of MMOs. They are temporary services, not pieces of art. They will become unavailable at some point. And even if, in the future, all existing PS4 games were downloadable on the PSN equivalent of PS9, it would still be a service that can end at any time.

Your precious modern game, which you consider a work of art, is just a cheap piece of enternainment that can't be preserved forever. You have the disc? It will rot away at some point. You dumped it as an iso file? The console will break down at some point, no matter how well you take care of it. That's the nature of physical media. Oh, you can download the game again in the future? It still depends on the company offering it, which may not happen, or may be a censored/fucked up port that doesn't hold a candle to the original version.

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I saw the pic posted on Yas Forums today and you should have seen the tranny meltdown that ensued. Tranny mods deleted it and probably banned OP.

Big if true

someone redpill me on this, I dont have a ps4. whos this tranny and why is she posted all over Yas Forums

Trannies happened

Holy shit I think I know the guy on the left. His name is Martin. Gay AF. He was tending bar the night Trump for elected. Super awkward.

A hat in time with the nude mod.

Fucking weebs

to be fair the one on the right is much more realistic for someone in such a situation

it is true, that character is made by a kike

The character ellie is litterally dating a jewish woman, i laughed hard they really pushing this arent they?

The sequel to a game that was a realistic post apocalyptic game with no agenda is an unrealistic post apocalyptic game about trannies and dykes murdering the straights

Those hands look bigger than mine and I'm 6'2

With that??

a kike you say? there may be something to this.

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It starts slow. Ignorant plebs like you dont see it at first. Laughing, disbelief, and disgust is as common as thinking China being a super power to rival America in the early 90s. But soft power based on market giving people what they want, is still real power.

Suddenly more and more sites and media you see have more and more weebs and weeb culture. It's still something hilarious but in the back of your subconscious an ominous feel is starting to form as more and more or your conversations and discussions are being directed by the weeb in the forefront of the new replacement culture. And his thoughts and ideas formed from the kawaii anime girls and dreams inspired by having a harem of lolis, while your culture is old, stifling, puritanical, moral pearl clutching and boring.

Suddenly you have to go to the weeb online image board neighborhoods to get good content. They media outlets dont even give you western shit anymore, and if they do, it really is unwatchable shit anyway. Your high school nigger ball friends arent into the good shit anymore either because of their jobs making them culturally irrelevant and they have nothing new to talk about. You realize they are the followers behind the weeb. They respond to something new, but in a sluggish manner. The weeb has already pumped out a years worth of content while your bros are barely learning about it on 9gag.

Its unstoppable, as your western nation has spent itself into bankruptcy and becoming more irrelevant and dystopian. Soon the new generation has become indistinguishable from Japanese culture. They find you baka, less than even your former status as a normie, and old. An angry old foggy who would have been listened to somewhat if you were actually a weeb.

You have become the kosher approved yid. The roastie leftover woman. The dirty old hippy.

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Found the tranny.

Whats wrong with this? I think I makes more sense doesn't it? Isn't the girl on the right supposed to be in the apocalypse? Besides if I wanted to only play games for big titty hentai hoes I will play a game about big titty hentai hoes.

Have sex, Schmuel.

Unironically this.

why did they make lara croft "british" if she clearly has mediterranean features

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weak men


what’s wrong? the woman on the left couldn’t do those things, the woman in the right can

So do you think women in the apocalypse are just gonna have make up and shit on hand?

brhuh... itd nvvr haqq3n tho.

consol3s cant go 3xtinct lol

yur t3lling m3 a qs3 will go 3xtinct lol

biukkklllshit my man, yur fucking wrong.

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