So I found a few subs that might be worth our time. This list has been kicking around a while so it wouldn't surprise me if one or two got banned. Anyways, here's a link to the pastebin:
Subreddits that (possibly) aren't garbage
Go back, nigger. Go back. sage
Go fuck yourself redditor.
When Yas Forums was Yas Forums this kind of post would get you a life ban.
> finally dead
fuck your dead mom in the morning
since this is Yas Forums, how about r/polandball and r/neutralpolitics
>not garbage
I mean.... all fields and all that.
r/ItsaFetish is pretty fucking funny
Sage and go fuck yourself
Let reddit die a dignified death. They're all group-thinking NPC liberals over there at reddit. I quit that shit after the cbts purge then 800 subreddit purge some 22 months ago.
reddit is myspace now. They'll cling to life and keep it going another 5 years, but by the time they're done with it, the content will be the same as's front page with room for a list of time sorted comments at bottom, ruthlessly filtered for good-think.
the best way to find cool subr*ddits is to go to againsthatesubr*ddits and see what subs they're bitching about
also run masstagger so you can spot friends in the wild
It's true, those AHS fags have been caught posting illegal material to get places banned
Be gone redditor
I agree with you to a point, but I think even a small victory in the culture war for that site is a net positive. If nothing else it proves our tenacity.
r/consumeproduct isn't bad
Agreed. You know it's on AHS' hit list too, but that sub makes some good points
What is reddit?
Literally never have heard of it.
Its where the fags suck each other off and drink ipas
>Subreddits that (possibly) aren't garbage
go back faggot
porn repository / soiboi containment site
Go back and stay back.
Pic unrelated?
Uhhhh can I get a Mc'Reddit nigger to go with this fag? Thanks nigger.
Get the fuck out of here you pos. You need to go back.
Either a genius shitposter or a lost cunt who shouldn’t be here.
China owns plebbit
Kys reddit tranny
OP is a fag but That's worng lmao, look at all the caps of the anti china posts
did he like it?