Will you buy one, Yas Forums?
Chinese cars are coming to America
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Is China now basically South Korea in the 2000's?
I mean sure if it's cheap enough.
Xpengs look pretty decent actually.
but will it fall apart after 10k miles?
Looks like any other sedan you'd find on the road. As expected from a Chinese knock-off. Ever notice that almost their entire industry is based off of copying the innovations of others?
Right. I'll bet you drive some shitty nip car.
All you fucking milk drinkers will rush right out and buy these.
>Is China now basically South Korea in the 2000's?
Koreans are like the Japanese in their pursuit of perfection. Constantly, incrementally improving things. The Chinese on the other hand are always looking for a way to squeeze another penny out of a product to make more profit aka make it worse. I'm an Engineer and have worked in both Korea and China. An engineer from Hong Kong described the Chinese mentality like this "if one year a factory makes a desk fan that is held together with four screws the next year they will find a way to only use three screws and the plastic will be ever so thinner, outwardly it will still look like a fan but will be a little bit crappier every year". The Chinese are the jews of the orient. Constantly, incrementally making things shittier.
Show a crash test. Anyone have the Chinese truck crash test gif?
Just like the japs.
Asians have no creativity. None.
those things will get vandalized like hell
I wouldn't say the Japs lack creativity. Say what you will about anime, but at least it's their style. Also look at the innovations they've made in video games.
China on the other hand just leeches off the accomplishments of every other nation. There's no independent thought allowed in their country, so go figure that they have no ability to invent and create new things, only copy what they've seen from others.
Japs make pretty durable cars these days.
All cars look the same nowadays due to market regulations
I’ve seen to many webms on here and /gif/ of Chinese cars just shitting the bed and running over people due to faulty design and brakes (and possibly being shitty drivers in general).
No way would I trust my life in a CCP deathbox
Another example
Why are American politicians cucked enough to allow Chinese companies access to our markets, and why isn't it punishable by death to do so already?
Literally every modern day Chinese novel I have read has the MC buying a foreign car as soon as they have the money to do so because Chinese quality is shit.
Shut up chink monkey.
Why do we allow chinks to come here and use our country for their own benefit
It's fucking outrageous
That shit will blow up day 1
So I can see cars blowing up but in america instead?
Shameless bugs
1. Nissan Altima
2. Toyota Camry
3. Ford Fusion
5. Honda Accord
6. Chevrolet Cruze
7. Audi who cares because only retards buy german cars
8. Some kind of Acura?
These are cherry picked across several vehicle generations though.
For example the Altima is early 2000s.
The Chevy Cruze is Circa 2010-2015 (and has been inflated in size to be the exact same size as the other cars here)
And of course the Acura and the Honda look the same. They are fucking sister cars from sister companies. The Acura is just the luxury version.
Mazda sedans look way sharper than all of those tho
I will only ever buy a lada if ill decide to own a car at all
Now that's comedy!
Are the chinese retarded? Good luck selling after this fiasco
We've had chinese cars here for ages and hardly anyone buys them other than some tradies who want something to drive the shit out of on rural properties.
Why are gooks incapable of coming up with good names for their products?
Don't have that one but here's a comparison of a chink car to a kraut one.
probably torch the lot at night using a drone to protect America
>china keeps bringing their shit to the USA
>the americans literally set it all on fire
It would be a real shame if somebody were to key and vandalize every one they see.
Lol no
Just jeeps thanks
what do you think retard
Ching chong shit: not even once.
Should buy them cheap and sell them as the models they copy to stupid materialistic migrants for a mark up, get them to take loans out for the fake cars and destroy their migrant lives.
I'd normally say you'd need the accelerometer data to say for sure which car was safer but with that much intrusion into the passenger compartment I think it's pretty safe to say that the driver of the chinkmobile has had all their organs perforated by shrapnel.
>has the MC buying a foreign car as soon as they have the money to do so because Chinese quality is shit.
I lived there for several years and every Chinese I knew in china said the same thing. Not just cars either. They preferred all sorts of European products over domestic and they admitted openly that china made crap products.
This thread and
This post are IDENTICAL to posts in /o/. We are being marketed to by chinks.
screencaps from /o/
That's literally what all emerging economies do, retards. They'll copy now, but eventually they'll surpass the west.
if you think this has anything to do with selling cars, you're missing the real picture.
it's about chinese companies moving into the us market, hiring US engineers, sending back IT to china.
It's what they've been doing all over the USA for who knows how long and nobody is doing anything about it. They are not the dumb ones here.
When they try to westernize their names it's even worse. They would use something like "snow", "thunder" or "lightning".
It is a topic of political interest worth discussing though.
>economy going to shit
>China breaking into market with garbage vehicles.
>probably going to undercut all the legitimate automakers by a huge margin and fuck up economy further.
China makes everything mongo. That American product you're buying is made in China.
Exactly what I saw too.
*explodes on impact*
Before WW2, made in Japan products were considered cheap and uncreative, similar to people's perception of stuff made in China today. Anyone with a brain can see that China is the future. Why else do you think billionaires are sucking up to china?
It's almost like posts spread between boards retard. I've often made identical threads on two different boards, if the topic is related.
these companies are just a front to steal IT for china.
silicon valley is full of these chinese startups.
They're still made to American specifications though. China made on behalf of China is a whole different ball game. One is shit. The other is not worthy of even that level of praise.