Why are leftists panicking about a third party? These fuckers never win so why even sweat about it

Why are leftists panicking about a third party? These fuckers never win so why even sweat about it

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because alot of democrats hate Biden because he's senile. So they wont vote for him. But they hate trump as well. Amash gives them some one to vote for. Which will be enough votes to give Trump a win.

Because third parties unironically exist to rob Democrats of votes.

The Greens, Libertarians, socialists, etc. get Moscow money and appear on Russia Today constantly.

They are fucking cocksuckers, literal satellites designed to help elect shitty Republican Presidents who Putin can walk on.

If Amash the cocksucker stayed out, all NeverTrumpers and disgruntled white Boomers would suck it and vote for Joe instead of being tempted by a "conservative alternative."

Fuck Amash!

Attached: Bye bye sean.jpg (350x263, 50.57K)

Because they're concern trolls
Just like that failing hawaiin bitch who tried claming she was a communist infiltrator

Democrats definitely do not vote Libertarian or Constitution

Voting should be who you believe in and not to screw the guy you don’t like. I don’t know why every leftist gets mad when I say this.

>Republican Presidents who Putin can walk on.
You are such a fucking schizo.

There is 0 chance biden will win because he's going to get ousted by his own party.


How did you get here boomer

because degenerates only stick together when they have to

jesus fucking christ who let you in

What happens if no candidates get 238 delegates or whatever it is needed to win?

>muh russia
why even bother posting?

Because leftists have no principles and no concept of honor.

>I don’t know why every leftist gets mad when I say this.
They don't have anything to believe in.

If you evil swine could come up with a candidate that wasn't a henchman of the devil, you wouldn't have to worry about this sort of thing.

Get out of here, pedobear.

Attached: b2d.png (680x1265, 197.23K)

Imagine knowing who literally anybody mentioned in this picture is, including the tweeter

Because third political parties are trying to bring back Lindbergh-style isolationism.
Bonus if they revive the Federalist party.

Is a propaganda term used to smear people who didn't want to fight in jewish wars.

They have to have a duel. Survivor wins.

They’re afraid of the 5%. If a third party hits 5% they can participate in the debates and receive public funding for their campaign.

Imagine if the left had to compete with libertarians or Green Party. They’d be fucked because the few stances that the people really care about from them are obtainable from other groups.

reading this was really nostalgic, damn

I’m honestly shocked at how shitty Dems treat Green parties compared to Republicans and Libertarians. Seems like they’re forever butthurt about 2000

At least he's against the PATRIOT Act and wants to legalize marijuana. That makes him as good as Sanders.

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You mean electoral votes?

House decides.

Vote splitting. Granted this is not the fault of would be third parties. Out voting system is just shitty.

>Because third parties unironically exist to rob Democrats of votes.

Such a candidate would naturally not support their desired policies. It's a catch-22 because what they want is evil and destructive. Only the type of politician willing to lie about their agenda for votes will apparently support them.
No one with the sticktoitiveness and intellect necessary ascend to such political heights is a true believer.

In a first past the post system the more a 3rd party gets support and the more it represents your viewpoints the more it guarantees that the opponent wins. It's called the spoiler effect or vote splitting. No party wants 3rd parties that are close to them and want 3rd parties that are close to the opponents lines. That basically means that democrat groups fund and support tea partiers, independce parties and secessionists and other hard line spliter groups of republicans while republican interest groups fund and support greens, hippies, commies and other such democrat splinter groups. Because every vote for one of these is away from the "real" candidate of that side and as such helps the other team.

And here is a cartoony funny man to explain it to you in 3 minutes suitable for all Yas Forumssters and similar tards

>Out voting system is just shitty.
It's not shitty on accident.

First past the post garuntees two party rule

Good for who?