/sspg/v0.7 - Do the Reptoid Slide Edition

>roflcopter its fukkin ayys m8
Are you faggots so retarded you dont know what blackbudget military tech is?
You niggers are beyond helping
These redpills are the hardest to swallow, everything you know about this world is a lie
For faggot janny mods were discussing the political implications of black budget military tech

Quick rundown of redpills
>One world government has had UFO tech since 1909 (date of first patents)
>Bases on moon and mars since the 1960s
>UFO tech is capable of solving every infrastructural issue on earth, solve world hunger, travel crisis, etc (you work and pay taxes while they travel the cosmos doing whatever they please)
>Ayys not allowed on planet earth but humans still willingly traded as slaves off planet, by other humans (large percentage of missing person become off-world slaves, SSP connections to pizzagate and niggers like Tom DeLonge who shill fake disclosure)
>Elon cuck and NASA fake news to keep retarded normies like you complacent with a snails pace of progress
>Trump is probably part of a breakaway society because his uncle bought nikolas undisclosed tech
>Occult belief that telling the truth absolves the people at the top of karma, thousands of UFO craft can be found in the patent office, they hide nothing for those who seek
patents.google.com/?assignee=john quincy st clair&oq=john quincy st clair
>We actively work with the fucked up ayys off-world and trade slaves for trust and more tech
>Secret Space Program JOB LISTINGS archive this shit before they take it down

Pic related is the real one its 4x less the reso from the original besides the eye part, this way it can be passed off as shoop. Beware this pic summons the glownigger. Old pic was undebunkable

Thread theme

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Interesting. I can't archive this.

Fucking weird
You really have to know some shit to go searching that keyword though

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watch this thread get deleted because it's the truth. I hope they won't get you, user. stay safe

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is this thread autosaging?

Last 3 threads may have been shadowbannd

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Aliens come from underground. Search Etidorhpa the unknown country

Do you think any of the job listings mentioning magnetohydrodynamics have anything to do with tech like the inertia dampening/propulsion/toroidal em field generating devices supposedly used in craft like the TR-3B?

Reminds me of how the my went on and on in ancient aliens about how the Vedas describe how Gods made their vimanas fly using some kind of rotating liquid mercury engine. Supposedly when you rotate liquid metals rapidly in a gyroscope like fashion and push enough power through them funny shit starts happening to gravity. If this is true, I'm sure the jews know about it and militaries have reverse engineered something similar by now. Also reminds me of the Law of One material. I've poured through it trying to find obvious fuck ups I could use to debunk it and I can't, and they mention a lot of shit you did, like about governments having had advanced tech for a long time. Also described the shape of inner chambers of the great pyramid which we only just recently discovered in like 2017, and these channeling sessions were in the 80s. When the hippies asked about some of the most evil people in history, Hitler was not on the list. Also interesting, Ra answers to their questions about Christianity seem to support the Christogenea/Christian Identity we wuz aryans an shiet angle. Kind of sounded like Yaweh was a group of aliens that genetically modified humans to create the first white man in Adam, and Jews are some of the descendants of these early whites who let this go to their heads and became supremacist psychopaths, because they were "chosen".

Anyway, interesting shit. Not saying I fully buy all of it, but I like to entertain all possibilities.


Very interesting stuff. I didn't realize that there was just patents of UFO shit.

Isn't one of the requirements for a patent having the thing function, or could any retard just draw up a schematic for something and get it patented?

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Thanks for the effortposting. Made the connection better than I did.

Yeah before 2001 you had to have a patent officer come check every component to have it be legit.
The patents go back to 1909 meaning original mechanisms came about in the late 1800s
And theres thousands from every region in the world

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>could any retard just draw up a schematic for something and get it patented?
Bingo. I don't doubt some of them are real though. Talent that could understand the work would be rare (it's not as if they teach this shit in schools) and the cost of research would be so high that it would be easy to keep it suppressed while continuing development in secret. Scout the talent with extremely esoteric language and key words, recruit them, or make them disappear if they refuse. Have you ever noticed how many people have disappeared immediately after claiming to have made incredible scientific breakthroughs, shit like free energy, gravity manipulation, cars that run on water? Odds are they were probably were offered deals. Refuse, you disappear. Accept, you disappear from the public and work in the dark.


You also gotta explain it somehow, which is impossible because there is physics and there is reality, which is not described by wacky theories that (((scientists))) have come up with.

Go read:

Children of the Matrix
Ultimate Alien Agenda
Flying Serpents and Dragons

Further reading

Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation
The Genesis 6 Conspiracy
Passport to the Cosmos.

the truth IS out there

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You know electrical engineers and scientists of the time could rarely ever explain how Tesla's shit worked? They were always confident his ideas wouldn't work as well, yet they always did. Just goes to show experience(and experiment) always trumps theory.

I unironically believe everything you posted is true, at least most of the time.

can you info dump?

Save this image now.

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gake and fay

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Why don’t you niggers take a little peep on this badboy. Around 1:42 it goes underwater and then it comes back out. No real loss in speed.


why would an ayyy pose for a pic in the middle of the desert

You're absolutely right. There are thousands of classified patents, and thousands of people who have publicly announced discovering new principles of propulsion, energy generation, material synthesis etc. It's the same story every time. They either disappear or get labeled "pseudoscientists".

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Bump. First disclosure on Fox now we aren’t able to archive aerospace job listings jobs?

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i asked the other day when OPs pic was posted
but what did google mean by this reverse search?

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Thats just Bob he's friendly mostly

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Is that a bird?

swamp gas